Thursday 15 January 2009

līdz šim + sviests

Ja nu Tev paliek garlaicīgi vari palasīt.
Bet es neiesaku, jo vēl nav pabeigts. Heh. man vienkārši gribās palielīties ar padarīto darbu. Kad pabaigšu, tad iekopēšu, tad gan varēš lasīt. Domāju, ka galā darbs sanāks visai saturīgs. (nosaukums ar vēl nav izdomāts!) Tas par skolu.

Bet skatos, ka jums tur Rīga TĀDS SVIESTS notiek. ārprāts! Lasu ko jūs te labu sarakstījuši. Katram savs viedoklis. Un man ar. Jā, domāju, ka vajadzētu atlaist saimu. A ko pēc tam? Ko vietā liks. Tādus pašus tipiņus, tikai tādus, kas vairāk dzers? Nezinu. Te ir jādomā nedaudz plašāk par savu redzes loku. Vajag domāt kopā un nonākt pie risinājuma, bet tādā garā kādā pagaidām jums tur iet sāku domāt, ka mammas darba termiņa pagarinājums ir ĻOTI LABA LIETA. šādos apstākļos vispār grūti domāt. ..

Eh. Nu labi.
Turās. Visi. Kopā!
Turās visi kopā!
atā!, pagaidām..

Literary terms in Macbeth.

“Murders have been perform’d too terrible for the ear.” (3,4,77-78) Many things in the play Macbeth fulfill the play and make it more interesting and appealing. A significant matter is the amount of literary techniques that Shakespeare has used in the play. The ones that stand out the most are imagery, irony and symbolism. These techniques don’t only make the written work more captivating but also develop the theme. Imagery is often used to let the reader understand the setting and the illustration of the set. The reader seems to stay on focus because they feel irony that is present through out the play. This connects to symbolism. The third technique is harder to notice, but it can bee seen very well when the play is viewed closer. Shakespeare uses literary techniques to advance the plot and let the audience understand the significant details in the play.

In Macbeth there is much imagery used to advance the plot and let the audience to visualize a specific scene or part in the play. Imagery is used to describe something in detail using words to depict and create an image that appears in the minds of the audience. The play opens with a scene with witches. The imagery that is used during the first scene of the play makes it a very powerful opening. “When shall we three meet again? In thunder, lightning or rain?” (1,1,1-2; First witch) This tells us that as the play will go on every time the witches are to be on stage the weather is going to bad. It also paints a picture of the supernatural that it is evil in this play. “I’ll give thee a wind.” (1,3,10; Second witch) Shakespeare has added this because it was believed that the witches had control over winds. The audience is introduced to Macbeth as a good character, but soon after we discover that he has bad thoughts of him own. Macbeth: “Let not light see my black and deep desires.” (1,5,51) This is a very good example of black and white imagery. It visualizes the fact that Macbeth is a character that has his very good side of him and the black side has invaded his mind and actions he dose. The night when the first murder is committed it is dark, “The moon is down.” (2,1,2; Fleance) As the night goes on Macbeth sees his first hallucination before killing the king: “Is this a dagger which I see before me (..)?” (2,1,33) Act three begins. As it was during the first murder that Macbeth did, so it is during this one – it is dark and Banquo says: “It will be rain tonight.” (3,3,18) It can be suspected that the next murder too will be during a dim setting. Banque is killed and Macbeth feel guilty for what he has done, so he sees an other hallucination: “Thy bones are marrowless, thy blood is cold; Thou hast no speculation in those eyes which thou dost glare with.” (3,4,94-96) This gives the audience a very nasty, but good description of what the main character is seeing. Later in the play in another scene the witches are present and the main witch, Hecate, is present too. “My little spirit, see, sits in a foggy cloud, and stays for me.” (3,6,36-35) This illustrates that the weather is bad again. Act four begins with the supernatural. The description of the setting says: “An isolated place. Thunder.” The one that is reading the play automatically pictures the witches in rain. The very next event that accurse is that the family of Macduff is slathered though Macduff himself has left right before. The dark atmosphere is created as the son speaks to his mother. Soon the messenger comes to inform: “I doubt some danger close approach you nearly.” (4,2,64) As this is heard we know that the family is going to die. Imagery continues to charge the play. During the last act of the play it is dark again as the lead-in to the death of Lady Macbeth begins. “I have two nights watched with you.” (5,1,1; Doctor to Gentle woman) This again proves that the deaths occur during the night time. This makes the visual performance gloomier. There is a lot of evidence that Shakespeare has used imagery throughout the play to let others understand the real image that he has tried to create.

Not only Shakespeare has used strong imageries, he also has included a lot of necessary irony to establish the charm of the play. There are three types of irony. The first one is when there is a contradiction between the actual result of an event and the expected result. This is called situational irony. The second one is verbal irony – when the meaning of a speech is the opposite of what it is really expressing. The last one, and the one that Shakespeare uses the most striking is dramatic irony. It is when the audience or the reader is aware of something that a character or characters don’t know. At the very beginning of the play we see a very clear foreshadow that eventually becomes a very ironic touch to the plot. Ross: “Assisted by that most disloyal traitor, the thane of Cawdor, began a dismal conflict.” (1,2,52-53) Ross tells that the one who was thane of Cawdor before Macbeth was a traitor, and by the time when Macbeth kills Duncan we know that Macbeth too is a abject traitor. By the end of act one, the audience is aware of Macbeth plan to kill the king. A dramatic irony is present when Duncan enters Dunsanine: “The castle has a pleasant seat.” (1,6,1) Macbeth is not there at the time. “Conduct me to mine host: we love him highly and shall continue our graces towards him.” (1,6,1; Duncan) This is made even more ironic by the fact that at the very same time Macbeth is struggling about the idea of killing Duncan. The same irony is used during cat three, when Banquo is murdered. At the start of the scene Banquo meets Macbeth for the last time and is expressing high honor to the king: “Let your highness command upon me, to the which my duties Are with a most indissoluble tie forever knit.” (3,1,15-18). At the end of the very same scene Macbeth orders Banquo’s death: “Our fear is Banquo.” (3,1,50) Hamartia of Macbeth leads to death of Lady Macbeth. When Macbeth finds out that his wife has died he says: “Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player (..) It is a trail Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing.” (5, 5, 23 and 26-28) here Macbeth tells that there is no point to live, while the message of the play is exactly the opposite. This is a very clear example of situational irony. By the end of Shakespeare’s play it is quite obvious that Macbeth is the villain and that he is going to fall. Even with all the evidence, Macbeth still thinks that he has a chance to succeed this fight even though there are a thousand troops approaching. The other evidence was that someone who is not born of a woman will kill Macbeth. “Macduff was from his mother’s womb ultimately rippe’d.” (5,8,15-16; Macduff) Macbeth, the king, is still not giving up his hopes: “Yet I will try the last.” (5,8,32) Shortly after this Macbeth dose fall by the hand of Macduff. These were the brightest of the ironies that were in the play Macbeth that kept audience’s attention.

In Macbeth symbolism helps to maintain the tact of the play. Symbolism is when a specific object or image represents abstract ideas.

Ja izlasīji - paldies. Ja ir kādi ierosinājumi, vai ieteikumi labojumiem, tad saki! ;)

Bučas! :*

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