Wednesday, 29 September 2010


I had an hour long call on skype in the middle of the night with one of the best people in the whole world. I miss him much. Since it is night time here, and my family is sleeping there was more talking on his side, and more laughing and listening at mine. But he did have more to say seeing he did move to his residence not more than a moth ago. He says that everyone there is smart. He isn't really happy with all the crazy parties, and insane course load, but I'm sure he will manage it. He is the most awesome guy in the world. He is the first guy to whom I said "I love you" and actually said the truth.

I love my friend, and I miss him even more ♥

P.S. My flight is this Friday, in two days, no wait, I skipped the night, so my flight is tomorrow. Finally leaving for university! I'm scared and excited at the same time.

Wednesday, 15 September 2010


It's autumn here, so please down't fall in the pattern of the season.

That's what SHE said.

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

September already!

This happened yesterday (no, Monday). I knew I would feel depressed seeing my brothers leave in the morning to go to university. But never did I know that it would bring me down THIS much. Nothing can be told about my future. We stand still. I stand still. I can wait. I can prepare for what might come. I can remain calm, and I can also panic. I can sit home and get well. I could run around like a mad person and get even more sick.

But really, there is only one thing that I SHOULD do, and that is that I need to get real.

Sunday, 5 September 2010

Lasāmās domas.

Šodien ir starptautiskā domu lasīšanas diena. Mēs drīkstam kaimiņiem zagt kleitas, un atpakaļ ar nav jāatdod. Toties drīkst pārdod, pat par zemāku cenu. Ja aptrūkstas naudas, tad tas pat ir ieteicams. Muzejā ieeja bez maksas. Tas tāpēc, ka visi melo. Melo ari ekspozīcijas suņi un garmatainie metālisti. Mājās pārnāk agros rītos. Līdz pusdienlaikam varētu būt iespēja tos satikt, un aprunāties, bet viņi slēpjas pagultēs un arā lien tikai tad, kad vakars ir klāt. Gluži kā vampīru jaunā paaudze, kas ap kaklu sudraba rotas nēsā. Tā leģendas gremdēt nemāk vēl neviens. Man pēc diviem simt gadiem beigsies derīguma termiņš, tas kāpēc pasaulei nepienāks gals divi tūkstoš divpadsmitajā. Pie iestāžu jumtiem pienaglota mīļāko apakšveļa. Naglas izkausējušas caurumus, lai nekad vairs neviens neiedomātos neko atpakaļ grābt. Jāstaigā kailiem. Ziemu nomaina vasara, un vasaru nomaina tavas iemarinētās zeķes. Pēkšņi pienāk laiks vārīt gudrības zobus. Vai zināji, ka dūmu desas nesamazina krunku skaitu?

Nu viss, tagad gan būs gana daudz domas izlasītas.