Ja klusums, tad klusums. Cienījamie viesi, šodien it visiem un it visam ir jāklusē, jāmīt nāves klusumā. Es pavēlu jums klausīt un darīt kā lieku, citādi no kalniem velsies melu plūdi. Skalos balstus, un visi aizmirsītim kā pareizi elpot.
Saldu dusu rausīši.
Es tas pats.
"Dod man ar!"
Rīt, starpcitu, dodos atpakaļ uz Skotiju.
Monday, 11 April 2011
Thursday, 7 April 2011
The Truth
- I'm just joking.
- Well, not funny.
Have i lost the last of my sense of humour, or was i reasonabale? That shall remain as a question.
- Well, not funny.
Have i lost the last of my sense of humour, or was i reasonabale? That shall remain as a question.
new phone post,
Galvenais, kas cilvēkam ir nepieciešams ir laimes sajūta.
Meklē to kur un kā vien vēlies, bet būt laimīgam tomēr ir jebkura cilvēka mērķis. Tomēr, man šķiet, ka laime jau nav mērķis. Un to tā riktīgi es sapratu tikai vakar. Gluži kā saka, ka panākumi, nav mērķis, bet gan ceļš, tā pat ir arī ar laimes meklējumiem. (Sprīdītis bļauj!) Kā gan es to līdz šim nebiju apjēgusi? Es tik domāju vot paies šis laiks, tad būs labi. Bet tādas domas man bija jau vidusskolā.
Es apņemšos mainīties, pamazām. Šobrīd nav īsti gribēšana priecāties, jo sajūta, ka neesmu to pelnījusi. Ar laiku gan es centīšos būt laimīgāka ikdienas gaitās.
Meklē to kur un kā vien vēlies, bet būt laimīgam tomēr ir jebkura cilvēka mērķis. Tomēr, man šķiet, ka laime jau nav mērķis. Un to tā riktīgi es sapratu tikai vakar. Gluži kā saka, ka panākumi, nav mērķis, bet gan ceļš, tā pat ir arī ar laimes meklējumiem. (Sprīdītis bļauj!) Kā gan es to līdz šim nebiju apjēgusi? Es tik domāju vot paies šis laiks, tad būs labi. Bet tādas domas man bija jau vidusskolā.
Es apņemšos mainīties, pamazām. Šobrīd nav īsti gribēšana priecāties, jo sajūta, ka neesmu to pelnījusi. Ar laiku gan es centīšos būt laimīgāka ikdienas gaitās.
Tuesday, 5 April 2011
Let them be.
Allow the rain to soak in me, it'll keep me alive.
I love how despite everything i'm able to go on, and i never forget to breath.
This shall go on, it will go on forever.
And we must keep moving,
always keep moving.
It does not matter where you go,
just don't stop.
Because, you know that even when you've found the right path,
you will not get anywhere, if you just stand there. The speeding cars will hit you, and you'll end up in the ditch.
So keep it up, and go on. Keep up the pase, and don't let them slow you down, don't let them stop you.
Even when you think you can no more, it means that you still got the strength.
Prove them that you're more than they bargained for.
I'll keep moving.
Allow the rain to soak in me, it'll keep me alive.
I love how despite everything i'm able to go on, and i never forget to breath.
This shall go on, it will go on forever.
And we must keep moving,
always keep moving.
It does not matter where you go,
just don't stop.
Because, you know that even when you've found the right path,
you will not get anywhere, if you just stand there. The speeding cars will hit you, and you'll end up in the ditch.
So keep it up, and go on. Keep up the pase, and don't let them slow you down, don't let them stop you.
Even when you think you can no more, it means that you still got the strength.
Prove them that you're more than they bargained for.
I'll keep moving.
Now Playing:
The Killers - Human
Clearly, we aren't human, we're dancers!
Sunday, 3 April 2011
Soon i'll be going through the security, and then i'll be on the plane, and then i'll be home. :)
I didn't manage to fall asleep here, at the airport. I finished reading some lame magazine that someone had left on the train, and then i stared at the air. And then i did some homework for Reflections. And i listened to music. And i looked around.. And yeah, night of empty. My eyes are tired. But i hate the idea of sleeping here.
Oh, by the way 'someone' walked me to the train station back in Paisley. It doesn't take much guessing to figure out who it was. :))
Wish me a pleasant flight (?).
Cheers now.
Soon i'll be going through the security, and then i'll be on the plane, and then i'll be home. :)
I didn't manage to fall asleep here, at the airport. I finished reading some lame magazine that someone had left on the train, and then i stared at the air. And then i did some homework for Reflections. And i listened to music. And i looked around.. And yeah, night of empty. My eyes are tired. But i hate the idea of sleeping here.
Oh, by the way 'someone' walked me to the train station back in Paisley. It doesn't take much guessing to figure out who it was. :))
Wish me a pleasant flight (?).
Cheers now.
Saturday, 2 April 2011
Night Night
Ok, so i went to the pre-party, or shall i say 'function', at friend's flat. However, i was not planning to go to the union's party afterwards. But then Laserman made me change my mind. We got there at close to midnight, which is when the door closes. To my surprise, there was a line, but they still let people in after twelve, so yeeeey. Haha. Anywho.
The party was alright, i guess. At first the music was really lame. And, oh gosh, they had run out of Calsberg. Wth??? Oh well.
Got back to residence fairly late, but had a wee chat with Laserman. Then went off to sleep.
The morning came too soon. My head hurt a bit, and my mind was all over the place.
But i couldn't stay in the bed for long, since i needed to pack to go to Latvia. :) Now i'm almost done packing, and i also cleaned my room. As i always do, so i can return to a clean place. My cold, i think, is backing off, since all the 'bad' stuffs coming out now. Although i still feel bad. Oh, and my mom called me around noon. That was really great! She was in the airport at that time, and yeah. Was cool to talk to her for a bit since i'm not going to see her now, when i'll be visiting.
Also, great stuff, my flight is super early tomorrow, before the trains start to run. So guess what? I'm taking the last, or second last train today and then i'll spend the night at the airport. Fun stuff!! :o
AND i'll also be missing Laserman's birthday. Not sure if i've mentioned it before(?). He's birthday is on Friday, but I hope to celebrate it with him when i come back. :)
Alright dear imaginary friends, i'm off to get ready. And maybe before i leave i'll go to the BBQ that the other people are organizing..maybe. That's not yet final... I don't really have any 'grillable' food. Haha.
Ok, ok, ok, i'm done blah-blah-ing for now.
P.S. Something tells me that i might post again while at the airport. ;)
The party was alright, i guess. At first the music was really lame. And, oh gosh, they had run out of Calsberg. Wth??? Oh well.
Got back to residence fairly late, but had a wee chat with Laserman. Then went off to sleep.
The morning came too soon. My head hurt a bit, and my mind was all over the place.
But i couldn't stay in the bed for long, since i needed to pack to go to Latvia. :) Now i'm almost done packing, and i also cleaned my room. As i always do, so i can return to a clean place. My cold, i think, is backing off, since all the 'bad' stuffs coming out now. Although i still feel bad. Oh, and my mom called me around noon. That was really great! She was in the airport at that time, and yeah. Was cool to talk to her for a bit since i'm not going to see her now, when i'll be visiting.
Also, great stuff, my flight is super early tomorrow, before the trains start to run. So guess what? I'm taking the last, or second last train today and then i'll spend the night at the airport. Fun stuff!! :o
AND i'll also be missing Laserman's birthday. Not sure if i've mentioned it before(?). He's birthday is on Friday, but I hope to celebrate it with him when i come back. :)
Alright dear imaginary friends, i'm off to get ready. And maybe before i leave i'll go to the BBQ that the other people are organizing..maybe. That's not yet final... I don't really have any 'grillable' food. Haha.
Ok, ok, ok, i'm done blah-blah-ing for now.
P.S. Something tells me that i might post again while at the airport. ;)
new phone post,
student union,
Friday, 1 April 2011
Šodien dabūjām atpakaļ savus mikroekonomikas kontroldarbus. Klases vidējā atzīme esot bijusi 58 procenti. Man bija labi virs vidējā. :) Baigais prieks. Šito jāpatur atmiņā, ka kārtīga mācīšanās atmaksājas.
Bet tas manī smaidu ilgi nenoturēja, jo esmu forši saslimusi. :( Viss pēc pilnas programmas, galvas sāpes, klepus, iesnas, un balss nedaudz aizsmakusi. Lieliski.
Āā, šodien pirmais aprīlis, bet man garīgais nenes uz jokiem. Un šaubos vai es šodien došos ballēties. Zinu, ka vajadzētu, bet nav jau spēka. Varbūt pagulēšu, un jutīšos labāk. Un vēl varbūt jānoņamma kāda ķiplok maizīte.
Eh, es eju pukstēt.
Bet tas manī smaidu ilgi nenoturēja, jo esmu forši saslimusi. :( Viss pēc pilnas programmas, galvas sāpes, klepus, iesnas, un balss nedaudz aizsmakusi. Lieliski.
Āā, šodien pirmais aprīlis, bet man garīgais nenes uz jokiem. Un šaubos vai es šodien došos ballēties. Zinu, ka vajadzētu, bet nav jau spēka. Varbūt pagulēšu, un jutīšos labāk. Un vēl varbūt jānoņamma kāda ķiplok maizīte.
Eh, es eju pukstēt.
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