Book of.. what? The 19th century and now, it keeps killing innocent souls.
Now I am siting here. My head is about to explode because it hurts more than it has hurt for the past year. I think that I am very sick. My nose is running and I cough after every 2-5 min. I look worse than the last time I got drunk. Trust me on this one!
It was the last day of school. Attendance was about 50% in all my classes. We continued to study for our exams. Except for Spanish class where we listened to last summative presentations. Our chemistry teacher showed us something extremely funny, but to know what that is You will have to come here and take a course with him! :) He is one of the best teachers ever. That's about it. Tomorrow I have day off, but next week there are three other exams waiting for me. When they will be done, than i can concentrate on other things. Ok guys, gotta finish my summative essay on "Pride and Prejudice".
Wish You all the best! ;)
P.S. "Septiņas lietas" par sevi plānoju uzrakstīt kaut kad pa nedēļas nogali vai pēc eksāmeniem. Tad jau manīs! ;))
Baigi interesanti - es lasu Tavus garadarbus un man prieks, ka angliski viss rakstīts, jo varu mācīties arī.
* Tagad interesē, kas ir tās septiņas lietas.
baigie man te gadarbi gan nav! ;)
peņemšu, ka tas bija kompliments!
labi, tad es mēģināsu biežāk iespiest kaut ko angļu val, spec priekš tevis! ;) :))
*par tām lietā.. :D
es pati nevaru izdomāt ko rakstīšu! :D
Nu pieņem.
Ou, tenk Jū. Tad centīšos pc iespējas biežam ieskatīties šite. (:
*Tev nāksies. ;D
i guess it is a good thing! :))))
*ōi, ku bargi! :|
:D :D
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