nav vairs klusās čukstu skaņas,
vai uzmācīgās atrunas.
Ģerbonis apskalo pareizi izgrieztos vārdus,
tev caur matu šķirbām izbirst pieskārienu jūra,
bet ne tos noķert ne ar varu piespiest.
Kaili vai apģērbti, mēs dzīvojam tālāk,
ar zināmu neziņu prāta, bet domu par vienu,
par jauno skaitīšanas sistēmu.
Neko nedrīkst garām palaist, pat, ja lūdzās.
Jāievēro glumie likumi, bet tikmēr,
mēs meklēsim, kur saucējs ir nulle.
Gan tu, gan es,
mēz zinām, ka atradīsim meklēto,
un to kā neredzamu brošu pie sirds liksim.
Tā kamēr nākamie rakstītāji un ievērotāji nāks.
Kamēr mēs te vēl esam citi jau jaunus plānus sēj,
bet līdz tam laika vēl daudz.
Tad nākamā paaudze varēs savas pīpes tīt,
un jaunus ceļus būvēt,
mums tik jāiemāca pareizā tehnika.
There are floating syllables amongst my admirers.
no more whispers
or obtrusive excuses.
Symbols rinse the right words,
a sea of touch flows throught you hair,
can't catch them or make them stop.
Naked or not, we go on with our lives,
with a little of uncertanity, but thought of one thing -
the new measuring system.
Can't miss anything, even if they beg.
Have to follow the slipary rules, but mean while,
we will look for a flaw - where the denominator iz zero.
Not you or me
can tell where the search shall end,
but we will pin it on to our heart, to not forget.
It will go on until the next writers will come.
While we are here, the next ones are making new plans,
don't worry, we still have time.
The next generation will roll their own cigarettes,
and build their own roads and parking spots,
all we have to do is teach the technique.
no more whispers
or obtrusive excuses.
Symbols rinse the right words,
a sea of touch flows throught you hair,
can't catch them or make them stop.
Naked or not, we go on with our lives,
with a little of uncertanity, but thought of one thing -
the new measuring system.
Can't miss anything, even if they beg.
Have to follow the slipary rules, but mean while,
we will look for a flaw - where the denominator iz zero.
Not you or me
can tell where the search shall end,
but we will pin it on to our heart, to not forget.
It will go on until the next writers will come.
While we are here, the next ones are making new plans,
don't worry, we still have time.
The next generation will roll their own cigarettes,
and build their own roads and parking spots,
all we have to do is teach the technique.
Man galva plīst pušu, jo nezinu kur tavi vārdi pārvēršas par izdomāto un neīsto. Tu mani biedē. Tā laikam psiholoģiskā realitāte - mēs baidāmies no tiem, kas līdzīgi. Vai konkurence ir tā, kas biedē?... Vai mums bail pašiem uz sevi skatīties? Es neprasu, lai atbildi. Es negribu, lai atbildi. Šodien augstpapēžu kurpēm uzasināts papēdis, lai kāpjot vairāk sāp. Lai, kad dejojam to deju, kuru neatminos tev pēdas dur. Lai ir vērts vēl asākus trīt.
Sasodītā sabiedrība. Viņiem (un mums) viss ir plika bilde. Šis labs, tas nē! Un, lai cik daudz es nezinātu, es māku sacīt to, ka NEKAD nav tā, ka ir melns vai balts..../this is where you have to think/
Un man vienalga par to, ka nekad ir nekad nesakāmais vārds.. jo taisnība šoreiz iegūs troni - visi esam pa vidu - starp labo un ne tik labo ;] ! !! !!!
I shall not scream in the middle of the night; i shall not scream in the middle of the night; i will not scream tonight; i can stop screaming my mute scream tonight; if i do scream, its not because i want to be heard. I shall not scream, not tonigt. I will not scream. And the worst part is that u know i will not scream tonight or any other night. I shall not scream. If u r a genious then u totaly understand what i mean. If not, then all u need to know is that i will NOT SCREAM TONIGHT! (and if i do (which is not gonna happen) there would be no way for u to stop me!) ha ha..
lets just turn off the light and leave the ride in the parking space provided. Press the lock button and leave me the key! You know what i mean! i know u do. So, will u do as i say. No, don't scream. See, everyone has a time in their lives when they want to scream. Some want more, some not. I know that u will not scream tonight, because then ur ears shall fall dead. OK. Don't scream.
"I could never love someone who missed a metaphore." <--- i did not just say that! Im just kiddin, ill luv u even if u don't get this so called metaphore.
A sweet goodnight kiss on ur cheek and a kiss on your forehead. The first kiss - I love you. The second kiss - sweet dreams. ha ha, no metaphores here. ;]
p.s. Es nedrīkstu teikt ko domāju. bet saku, ka tas ir kaut kas, ka iepriekš šeit nav sacīts.. tikai manā galvā.. es vēl domāju.. esmu domāšanas procesā. Nē..jā!..veiksmīgu domāšanu! :D
p.s.s. Man sāp kakls un.. Au!
-more tea??
-yes, please!
Mu ha ha ha hāāā.....
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