Tuesday, 6 October 2009

life IS a bitch

someone should slap me, atleast ten times!!!!

I think i should just leave it as it is..
but there is just too much to do. ..
next weekend Canadians have thanksgiving, so its a long weekend + friday is a P.D. day (=no school). So we will have 4 days off. Friday going to Carleton University day, signed up today for some social science workshops. Saturday it is going to Clare's birthday party!!! can't wait. Sunday... hmm.. we shall see about that. And i should find some place to go on thursday after school!! And Today was first day of backstage, tomorrow , second day. But at lunch - first improv meeting of this school year! (hope i can get the lunch time free, so i can go.. i REALLY want to!!!) Wednesday it should be all about singing, but it is not going to be, because we will be deciding on backstage cast. .. I could go ON and ON about how much needs to be done..

The Beatles - Blackbird
Sting - Fields of Gold

Uz baltas papīra lapas
Uztriept paša jūtas.
Bez līnijām vai rūtīm,
Samaksāts par izrādi,
Vēro publika aizvilktos aizkarus.
Slīpāk un slīpāk svītras veido
neizteiksmīgus burtus.

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