Monday, 26 October 2009

life though the 'drama' lens

An other BITCH happened last week. I FAILED at improv. Not failed in its actual meaning, because that would be imposible.
Aparently the last audition for improv was on tuesday, the day when i wasn't in school. It was supposed to be on wednesday, but i couldn't find anyone and the teacher was in a some kind of meeting. And thursday morning when i wanted to go and ask the teacher when is the last audition i saw the list of Group A and Gropu B on his room's door. I wished i could go home. I was so sad and dissapointed!! Fuck!
Now i realize that i hate drama in general and fuck auditions. Im not a drama person, couse i just can't taki it anymore. Hate auditions. Yeah, i know that drama is greatly about rejection, but the percentage is just awful. Don't even want to think about it. If i EVER will be in drama again, then only for directing.. (as i am now, for backstage).

Nedēļas nogale pagāja labi. Sestdien bija dziesmu svētku atskaņa Otavā. Sabrauca cilvēki no malu malām. Bija satriecoši labs vakars. Koklējām, dejojām, pārdevām lotrejas biļetes, vēlāk arī izlozējām 6 (man šķiet) balvas.
Svētdienas vakarā satiku dažus paziņas, lai gan laiku pavadījām bezsakarā, nenožēloju, ka pametu biloģijas nepabeigot mājas darbu! :D

Kārtējā nedēļa.



abhi said...

better luck next time

Marta said...

don't think there ever will be a next time, but thank you! :))