Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Wintersleep - Home

This is what my mind was singing two weeks ago:

So glad to be back home
be back home
i cant stay too long
be back home
so glad to be back home
be back home

the winter hit so hard
hit so hard
the winter hit so hard
every little part

so glad to be back home
be back home

With this post NaBloPoMo November 2011 has concluded. Was a pleasure to be with my blog 30 days in a row. Cheers for now my loves.

Tuesday, 29 November 2011


Today I will be going back to Scotland, and so my holiday will be over. I managed to do most of the things that I had planned, and for that I'm very content. Although there are things that are left undone, guess I'll leave those for next time. :)

I have to be back at work on Thursday, thought of it brings me down. Although it's not as bad as it should be. Not sure how I can explain it. :D

Dear friends, wish me a pleasant flight, and I'll write again from a different time zone. Bye, bye for now.

Monday, 28 November 2011

I love my bike!

I got my bike fixed, sort of... And then me and my bro, we went for a ride... All I can say is that I love my bike. I adore it!

Sunday, 27 November 2011


Tā ir iedoma, tās ir liesmas,
kas bruģim stāsta par daudz.
Tā ir pazudusi dvēsele bez mugurkaula.
Tā neeksistē.
Tā vakaros krāso melnas baltās ielas.
Tā nesteidzīgi dzer lietus lāses.
Tā meklē pazudušo draugu.
Viņš nav, sen aizbrauca rīta tramvajā uz depo pusi.
Tā mazgājas ar kanāla zivīm.
Tā klejo pa pilsētas šaurajām ielām.
Tā dzīvo sapņu ielejā.
Tā bruģim stāsta par daudz.

Raud bruģa ērmotie tēli.
Tie nespēj vairs turēt smagumu jūsu.

Saturday, 26 November 2011


Once more I want to complain about the time. It seems to be in a rush again. But I've grown, I know it's not the time. It's me!

Can You imagine that December is near, and so I will return to the routine that was abducting me before my holiday begun. I'm tired. I'm tired of the lies and the useless hope. I'm tired of those who think of themselves so dearly and then forget about others. I'm tired of you. I'm tired of myself.

My mom owns a mug which has a nice saying on it: Liktenim ir divas puses - labā un tā, kas izskatās pēc sliktās. The meaning of this is, Destiny has two sides - the good one, and the one that looks like the bad one.
And so it IS.

Friday, 25 November 2011

Soul Asylum - "Runaway Train" lyrics+video

Call you up in the middle of the night
Like a firefly without a light
You were there like a slow torch burning
I was a key that could use a little turning

So tired that I couldn't even sleep
So many secrets I couldn't keep
Promised myself I wouldn't weep
One more promise I couldn't keep

It seems no one can help me now
I'm in too deep
There's no way out
This time I have really led myself astray

Runaway train never going back
Wrong way on a one way track
Seems like I should be getting somewhere
Somehow I'm neither here nor there

Can you help me remember how to smile
Make it somehow all seem worthwhile
How on earth did I get so jaded
Life's mystery seems so faded

I can go where no one else can go
I know what no one else knows
Here I am just drownin' in the rain
With a ticket for a runaway train

Everything is cut and dry
Day and night, earth and sky
Somehow I just don't believe it


Bought a ticket for a runaway train
Like a madman laughin' at the rain
Little out of touch, little insane
Just easier than dealing with the pain

Runaway train never comin' back
Runaway train tearin' up the track
Runaway train burnin' in my veins
Runaway but it always seems the same

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Drama Queen

Burn the last eclipse,
Let the odd flies bully your dreams,
Believe in the lost treasures,
Deny the truth when confronted.

Swallow swards, break your bones,
Win the first place,
Sell the gold that you've won,
Stay disabled for the rest of your life.

Wednesday, 23 November 2011


Šodien izdevās nopirkt rūtiņu kladi tērptu plastmasas vākos. Protams, ar spirāli. Tikko, kad to biju iegādājusies nolēmu, ka to saukšu par Pavasari. Tā ir parastas klades izmērā, lai gan biju apsvērusi pirkt A4 formāta daiļumu. Nu labi, tas nav būtiski patiesībā.

Pie grieztiem ir pielipuši četri putni. Tiem ir garas, košas astes un asi knābji. Tie nepacietīgi lauž vaļā katru sēkliņu, kas tiek pasviesta to virzienā. Pie virtuves galda nepacietīgi bērni griež leišu akmeņus savdabīgos dejas ritmos. Citi pamanās dejot līdzi. Uz baltām papīra lapām zīmē vēl neesošus jumta klājumus, lai veiksmīgāks rezultāts. Bet draugi viens otram dala uzlīmes, kuras tika atrastas sinagogu pagrabos. Laiku rādītājs nekust no vietas. Lieli izauguši mazi. Bonusā piešķir mandarīnu par katru negulētu nakti.

Labojums: Pārdomāju, kladi dēvēšu par Trešo Pavasari.

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

End of the World

We all know that the end of the world arrived ages ago.. And then it came again, again and again. So basically we all don't even exist.

Monday, 21 November 2011

No Face

Imagine no one would have a face and everything that we do would make up our identity. Or we could all have the same face. You understand the basic of this thought? So you would not be judged based on your looks, or race, or even gender; but your own actions. Further more, you would not be limited by the label that the society has attached to you. If you're a woman in Pakistan, you're barely considered as a living being. Where as if you had a face like everyone else, then you could do all the things that he, she or he is doing. I believe that's what the world should aim for... But that's just me.

Sunday, 20 November 2011

Saturday, 19 November 2011

18. novembris

Ir ļoti patīkami sajusties patriotiskam.

Friday, 18 November 2011

Thursday, 17 November 2011

Vakar bija

Vakar vakarā beidzot atbildēju uz to vēstuli. Kopā aprakstīju divas lapas no abām pusēm. To ir plānots nākamā gada novembrī vai decembrī. Man tik jāsameklē skočs, lai varu to kārtīgi satīt, lai nav vēlme palūrēt ātrāk, kas tajā rakstīts.

Visādi citādi iet labi. Domāju par nerunigām spārēm un klausos citu sarakstītos mīlas vārdus. Nedaudz viz iedvesma, tik nezinu kur to kārt. Varbūt, ka iekāršu kumeļam astē, vai arī pie kāda vēl neizdzisuša slimības kalna. Tad manīs.

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Vēl nav.

Vēl joprojām neesmu atbildējusi uz vēstuli sev. Bet gan jau kaut kad. ;)

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Monday, 14 November 2011

Day 5

Today is the final day of my 5-day-pre-holiday-weekend. I've been out and about every night since Thursday. Today is the last day because tomorrow i'll be leaving for my holiday. :)

On Thursday i met up with Gunta for a few beers. On Friday was my colleagues birthday party. Saturday the same birthday party continued. Sunday i went to Latvian poker night. And today, Monday, it's the big poker night. The plan is to have a real good time!! :))

Plus i can not wait for tomorrow!!!!!!!!!

Cheerios my friends.

Sunday, 13 November 2011


So much for the positivism that you wear each day like an old pair of socks. So much for being a good friend, when you're the one who leaves everyone behind while on a possibly final journey. You're a disgrace to human kind. You don't know where to stop. You fly in your dreams like a dragonfly. You can then stop and think; you can stop the time. No, wait, here goes another truth, it's not the time that's running, it's us. We never stop growing old. Take a breath, we're all young. We like to think otherwise because we are meant to grow up, that's what the society pushes on you. One should never stop dreaming like a child, one should always find happiness in little things. One should cry his/her eyes out if another homo sapience has done harm (physical or emotional). We should never lose the simplicity of love. It's wonderful to think of your dear ones as angels walking on the planet of earth. One should think of swearing as a terrible sin, that leads you into suffering. Bad words are followed by bad actions, we all know that. We should all, at least visually stay pure as the holy water. We must not forget that there's monsters hiding under the bed and in the closet.

We must stay brave, dream big dreams, and never give up on ourselves!

Saturday, 12 November 2011

Prieka lieti.

Lietains laiks, lietains prieks. Šodien manā paradīzē līst laimes lietus. Galīgi bez iemesla gribas smaidīt. Gribas pierādīt, ka par spīti visam, es gribu smaidīt. Lai tik kāds pamēģina manī modināt sāpi, bēdas, skumjas.. Es pretī uzbrukšu ar smaidu, jo esmu stiprāka par jums visiem. Man vienalga, ka ir nomācošais novembra vilciens, esmu neievainojama, esmu dzīva. Vēnās kā ūdens Niagārā rit asinis. Tās iemet vaigos veselīgu sārtumu, un lūpās neizsmeļamu smaidu. Māc nogurums, bet man vienalga. Gribas pateikt pasaulei taisnību, lai arī viņi zin, un, lai saprot.. Bet es māku turēt noslēpumus, nav lemts citiem uzzināt to, kas padara manas dienas nebeidzamas. Nevienam nav jāzin, tas, kas slēpjas manā domu skapī.

Es tik smaidu, jo tā tomēr ir vieglāk nekā pūt ar asarām acīs.

Friday, 11 November 2011


It's finally Friday, thought it would never come. Today i'm supposed to attend a party that i'd rather not go to.. But what the hell! What difference does it make if i get drunk here or there? :P

Can't wait for Tuesday!!

Sveiciens visiem Lāčplēšos.

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Open the Door

"Jums ir mīlestība no pirmā acu skatiena?"

Vēl līdz šim brīdim tas viss liekas nenormāli amizanti. :D

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

I'm Scared

I'm scared that one day i'll lose everything i've got. It makes me want to cry. Leaving all the rubbish aside; i'm not talking about money, or the things i have. I'm afraid that i'll lose other things. Friends, for instance, i've had them come and go. Of course, i'm the one who is coming, then leaving. But it hurts my gut every time i have to say goodbye.. Because so many of the goodbyes have been the last ones. I'm scared i'll lose my health, and everything around it.

As much as i love change, it's not always easy to handle things. Change is good, since routine is a killer. But it's nice to have certain things that stay the same..or similar at least.

Have to learn to be more brave.

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Blame it on the Booze

I should learn to not talk when i've had some alcohol. Yesterday it seems that i've said things that should have been left unsaid. Besides, what was the point of going out if 'he' didn't go. He plain vanished. And later claimed it was because he had to get to bed early. Fuck it. Last night was fun anyway, i had a great time. That's what matters. Of course, arriving home at 5 am isn't great because of the amount of sleep i ended up getting before going to work.. But most of the night rocked my world anyway.

Well, now i should really get some sleep! :)

Monday, 7 November 2011

They Like My Boots

For all i know, i used to dislike these boots. I've grown up; i love them now.

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Le Weekend

Yesterday I had arranged a meeting with my frined. The plan was to have a few drinks at the pub where we play poker on Mondays. All that isn't important. What is quite...well, interesting is who we met while we were there. A guy who has a story, let's just say that. And as the night progressed my friend said that we should go out and about after the pub. I just went with it. ...

Blah, blah, blah... Long story short, I didn't spend the night at home.. and then I went straight to work. :D

P.S. I got my earrings back btw. 

Saturday, 5 November 2011

Today I Saw a Man Cry

I was waiting for the bus at a busy bus stop. Don't even ask me where I was, I honestly don't have a clue. Anyway, I had to get home, and I was going to take the bus. As I was walking back and forth a few steps I was examining the other people waiting for their ride. Just to mention a few; there was a black woman holding a small child. She was wearing worn-out clothes, and you could see that the child was cold. Good that the sun was shining, so the wee girl could catch some warmth from it. Of course her mother's (I'm guessing) body heat was keeping her warm as well. There was this girl who was standing near the street, as if desperate to get on the first bus coming. She was wearing a blue jacket and a matching scarf. Her ears were plugged with cheap, white earphones. Finally, a man was sitting on the bench at the bus stop. He was old, maybe around 60. I happened to catch his eye as he was looking back for an unknown reason. That's when I noticed the tears. There were three tears tattooed right below his right eye.

Friday, 4 November 2011

Colours of the Rainbow Shine on You

It's all lies. No matter what I say, I can never tell 100% truth. I don't trust anyone, I don't trust you. It's funny how people always think that you have to pick one side in everything in life. Well here goes the truth, there isn't just black and white. Life is like a rainbow. There is no pure evil, or pure angels on this planet. We all have some things we'd rather not share with anyone, and we all have things that we are proud of. We just have to make sure that the wrong people never find out about certain things.

So let's have a drink for the stories that can not be told.

Thursday, 3 November 2011


Tava dakšiņa ir negaidīti rūgta.

Wednesday, 2 November 2011


Es dzīvoju ar smerdeļiem! 

  Edit: As you know it's NaBloPoMo, and I was about to write the post of that day when two of my flatmates decided to distract me and not let me do anything. They really piss me off all the time. It was fun at first but now it's plain annoying.

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

How to be a Buffalo

It's November the first, and what else is there to do if not be a buffalo. I know; everyone is talking about it. You're on the public transport and you hear people next to you wondering about certain details of the whole process. I was on my way to work the yesterday, and as I walked passed the Conservatory of creative arts I heard third year students discussing their this weeks assignment. Guess what it was? Yes, of course it was about how to be a buffalo. So I decided that my today's task will be to explain to you all how it's done the right way. There are several things that one has to be aware of before starting the process. These quite important factors will determine how successful you will be at being a buffalo. And when you finally get the expected result, you'll also need instructions on how to become normal again.

So first of all there are three vital things you should know. One, never try this under influence of any intoxicating substances. Second, you should avoid this experience if you have health problems such as weak heart, breathing issues, strong allergies, etc. Last, but not least, make sure you have had enough food before you become a buffalo.

As someone who is about to take up this jurney you might want to know that some myths that you've heard are not exactly accurate. You may be a buffalo if you're pregnant. This will not harm you or your child. Quite opposite, it's good for growing minds. Another myth is that one can become a buffalo only in November. While most of us do choose this moths due to different reasons, many still practice this throughout the entire year. The myth that I've heard the most is that it's not good for one's health. This is not ture if one follows the accurate steps on how to be a buffalo.

Alright, so now to the business. First thing is that you have to choose the right time. Any time can be good, it depends on when you feel the best. It could be early in the morning, or late in the evenig, mid day, or midnight. You should be well rested and not hungry. There is almost no other preperation needed. You'll get best results if you'll do it alone, but it could be done in twos or even as a group activity. (The reason why it's better to do it alone is that not everyone will be 'feel at their best' at the same time.) After you have chosen the right time, you need to decide the right place. The most comonly chosen location is own personal space, so it would be either your bedroom or office. However, you may do it anywhere else. I do suggest that you avoid public areas, it could be harder to concentrate, and so you will not be able to achieve the expected result. Now that the location is confirmed you are ready to be a buffalo. Stand (you are allowed to be sitting if you have circumstances that do not allow standing) with your feet together, hands down by your side, and closed eyes facing any diretion. Relax your body and mind. Imagine there are no walls around you. Not physical walls, but the walls we create in our heads. In other words, step out of the box, let your mind fly. Think of one day in a buffalo's life. Better be a positive one, if you want to gain positive emotions from being a buffalo. Now remind yourself that you are strong. Yell it in your mind. Repeat. And again. Free your mind from the illusions of real life. There is nothing but you, a strong buffalo. Remember to breath. Keep your mind on this frequiency. Repeat the thoughts back and forth for a few times.

Now when you've come out of the experience you need to rest well. This activity will take a lot of your free energy and you will feel tired. Make sure you sit or lie down. Always remeber to keep your breath at constant levels. Now count to ten in a very slow manner. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. TEN.

To conclude have a hot drink with no milk or sugar. Take the drink in small sips. Once the drink is finnished you may continue with your day as you normally would.

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me.

Thank you, and have a nice day. :)