Sunday, 28 February 2010
Saturday, 27 February 2010
turns out
A few days ago i was viewing my blog from a different computer and i found out that there are people out there who can not see the third column of my blog. Lame. But i figured that i will not change anything, because after all i write for myself not for people with old computers!
But really, if You are one of them, i am very sorry, but i can assure You that You are not missing out on much!
This morning i woke up coughing and i still feel sick. I will be drinking tea all day and i shall be ready to party when the sun will go down! God dammit, i brought a new dress just so i can go.
My bro has been writing an essay for his science class proving that global warming is not affected by people. He then states that the planet earth is in a cycle (well i love cycles, i do believe that everything in bigger and smaller scale is just repeating, i mean now i am here, again..) where it gets colder, then hot again. Of course this is big time scale like millions of years. And now we are in the warm part of the cycle. He says that what human species does affects very little, that there are natural gasses that form the greenhouse effect and that how much we drive our cars and how much we burn fossil fuels will not affect anything on the bigger scale.
Just something to think about. I mean the cycle part! I think about it a lot. That's why i love the book Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett.
But really, if You are one of them, i am very sorry, but i can assure You that You are not missing out on much!
This morning i woke up coughing and i still feel sick. I will be drinking tea all day and i shall be ready to party when the sun will go down! God dammit, i brought a new dress just so i can go.
My bro has been writing an essay for his science class proving that global warming is not affected by people. He then states that the planet earth is in a cycle (well i love cycles, i do believe that everything in bigger and smaller scale is just repeating, i mean now i am here, again..) where it gets colder, then hot again. Of course this is big time scale like millions of years. And now we are in the warm part of the cycle. He says that what human species does affects very little, that there are natural gasses that form the greenhouse effect and that how much we drive our cars and how much we burn fossil fuels will not affect anything on the bigger scale.
Just something to think about. I mean the cycle part! I think about it a lot. That's why i love the book Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett.
Friday, 26 February 2010
Esmu kolosāli satriekta par to kā izrīkojies ir mans teātra skolotājs. Nepietiek ar to vien, ka viņš mani pirmajā grupu darbā ievietoja grupā ar cilvēkiem kuriem iepriekš nekad mūžā nebiju runājusi. Tagad viņš mani salika kopā ar augstprātīgāko būtni pasaulē. Nu bļins. Goda vārds. Es mierinu sevi, pēc nedēļas viss būs cauri!
Rakstīšu šodien par smaržām, jo prātā tas vien virmo. Rakstīšanas klasē tagad mācāmies par memuāriem un to rakstīšanu. Nodaļas galā mums būs jāraksta savs izcilais memuārus, bet līdz tam mēs rakstām par smaržām, smakām un visu citu, kas spēj iekāpt nāsīs (nē, to nu gan es muldu). Viss šis pasākums dzen atmiņas kā nelabu dūšu, kāpj un kāpj. Kas zin cik tālu spēj uzkāpt? Man nepatīk atcerēties to kas bijis, man nepatīk atminēties bērnību. Lielākā daļa bērnības smakas man atgādina Straupi, kas man atgādina vecotēti, kurš nomira astotā gada decembrī. Vēl joprojām esmu liekulīga un nespēju tā pilnībā to pārdzīvot. Bet tā ir ar mani, es nekad neko līdz galam nepārdzīvoju, vienmēr kaut kas paliek sēžam, kāda rūgta lāse tup. Tāpēc jau paliek grūtāk. Un kurš gan var pilnībā palaist vaļā, lai mūk? Un varbūt, ka tomēr ir labāk paglabāt tos mīļos, nav jau tā, ka es tikai nelāgo glabāju. Pamatā jau mostas veci smaidi, tā kā viss jau ir labi.
Rakstīšu šodien par smaržām, jo prātā tas vien virmo. Rakstīšanas klasē tagad mācāmies par memuāriem un to rakstīšanu. Nodaļas galā mums būs jāraksta savs izcilais memuārus, bet līdz tam mēs rakstām par smaržām, smakām un visu citu, kas spēj iekāpt nāsīs (nē, to nu gan es muldu). Viss šis pasākums dzen atmiņas kā nelabu dūšu, kāpj un kāpj. Kas zin cik tālu spēj uzkāpt? Man nepatīk atcerēties to kas bijis, man nepatīk atminēties bērnību. Lielākā daļa bērnības smakas man atgādina Straupi, kas man atgādina vecotēti, kurš nomira astotā gada decembrī. Vēl joprojām esmu liekulīga un nespēju tā pilnībā to pārdzīvot. Bet tā ir ar mani, es nekad neko līdz galam nepārdzīvoju, vienmēr kaut kas paliek sēžam, kāda rūgta lāse tup. Tāpēc jau paliek grūtāk. Un kurš gan var pilnībā palaist vaļā, lai mūk? Un varbūt, ka tomēr ir labāk paglabāt tos mīļos, nav jau tā, ka es tikai nelāgo glabāju. Pamatā jau mostas veci smaidi, tā kā viss jau ir labi.
Tuesday, 23 February 2010
"Shhh" said the cannibal
Viena no manām visu laiku mīļākajām filmām ir "Jēru klusēšana" (jeb The Silence of the Lambs"). Ģeniāla filma. Teksts ir vienkārši biedējošs, bet tik ārprātīgi ideāls. Ir bez maz vai tā, ka katra nākamā rindiņa nonāvē iepriekšējo, jo ir vismaz desmit reizes labāka. Man kā skatītājai tas liek justies tā it kā esmu nagla, kas ar vārdiem tiek dzīta dziļāk un dziļāk zeme (līdz ar to, kad filma ir galā esmu pilnībā zemē iedzīta). Tas tāpēc, ka katra lieta, kas tiek pasacīta ir tik ārprātīga un negaidīta, ka sirds sāk trīcēt.
Es ļoti ceru, ka es kaut kad sameklēšu laiku un gribas spēku, lai atrastu grāmatu pēc kuras filma veidota un to izlasītu.
Šodien klasē iegāju tieši pirms zvana. YES(!), paspēju!
Semestra statistika līdz šim:
Skolas dienas bijušas: 15
Skolas dienas apmeklētas: 14
Neierašanās iemesls: Ķīmijā apmeklējām Univ. laboratoriju
Klases, kad ierados kavējot: 2
Kavēšanas iemesli: Palaidu autobusu gar ausīm & gluži vienkārši izgāju no mājas par vēlu.
Uzskatu, ka līdz šim viss ir diezgan pieņemami.
Hannibal Lecter: Tell me, Senator: did you nurse Catherine yourself?Vot šīs rindas gluži vienkārši sakož, nē saplosa kā izsalcis suns.
Senator Ruth Martin: What?
Hannibal Lecter: Did you breast-feed her?
Paul Krendler: Now wait a minute...
Senator Ruth Martin: Yes, I did.
Hannibal Lecter: Toughened your nipples, didn't it?
Paul Krendler: You son of a *****!
Hannibal Lecter: Amputate a man's leg and he can still feel it tickling. Tell me, mum, when your little girl is on the slab, where will it tickle you?
Es ļoti ceru, ka es kaut kad sameklēšu laiku un gribas spēku, lai atrastu grāmatu pēc kuras filma veidota un to izlasītu.
Šodien klasē iegāju tieši pirms zvana. YES(!), paspēju!
Semestra statistika līdz šim:
Skolas dienas bijušas: 15
Skolas dienas apmeklētas: 14
Neierašanās iemesls: Ķīmijā apmeklējām Univ. laboratoriju
Klases, kad ierados kavējot: 2
Kavēšanas iemesli: Palaidu autobusu gar ausīm & gluži vienkārši izgāju no mājas par vēlu.
Uzskatu, ka līdz šim viss ir diezgan pieņemami.
Getting it Back
Trieka smilšu pulkstenim, nav kas glābj, aiztek projām laiks.
Atmodusies es atkal par vēlu. Nē, atmodusies nav pareizais vārds. Neesmu normāli gulējusi nu jau pārāk ilgi. Kļūst jau par zināmu pataloģiju, jo normāli cilvēki taču tā nedarot. Bet pasaki man, vai kāds maz ir normāls? Tas ir gluži kā sacīt, ka esi dzirdējis kā adata nokrita zālē. Protams.
Bloga jaunais izskats ir tīri apmierinošs. Esmu priecīga. Visai noteikti ir labāks par iepriekšējo, lai gan nebija jau tas tik slikts.
Skolā. Kā man skolā klājas? Vienā teikumā: parasti izdodās neaizmigt. Nopietni. Ķīmijas klase ir nāve. Es zvēru. Kā var neaizmigt? Visu klasi to vien kā daram kā rakstam, man smadzenes automātiski ieiet autopilotā. Un ko dara autopilots, ja benzīna nav? Uzpildās. Es gan ne, es tik turpinu braukt. Jūtu ka tas tā būs līdz es vienkārši sabrukšu, tobiš butriski sabrukšu. Tas noteikti būs iespaidīgs skats! Nē, bet es mācos. Man par pārsteigumu es tiešām cenšos pievērt klasēs uzmanību. Ar mājas darbiem,.. ir tā kā ir, bet nu ir labāk kā pagājušajā semestrī, kad vārdu savienojums 'mājas darbi' pat nēksistēja. Tas ir cits stāsts, tad man nekādi darbi nēksistēja. Biznesā vienīgi grūti, jo man tā skolotāja pilnīgi nagus liek asināt stundu laikā. Es nevaru viņu ciest. Skumji ir tas, ka nav jau viņa slikta skolotāja, bet laba ar nav. Nu bet nemāca viņa labi. Teiksim šodien (nu jau vakar) mēs pavadījam pusi no stundas atzīmējot 15 valstis kartē, un ar to viņa mums vēlējās iemācīt, ka jāzin pasaules ģeogrāfija. Paldies, es to nezināju. Un tad atlikušo stundu mums nācās vienkārši norakstīt pierakstus vai nu no tāfeles, vai no PowerPoint prezentācijas. Viņa allaž tā skrien, ka visi viņai lūdz paiet uz iepriekšējo slaidu. Nu gan sieviete.
Un teātrī. Šogad pirmā nodaļa ir par režiju, sadala grupās pa 3-4 kur ir 2-3 aktieri un viens režisors. Sākumā mēs apguvām kas un kā jādara (bija arī kontroldarbs) un tagad jārāda ko esam iemācījušies. Es tagad esmu režisora lomā un saku, ka ir tieši tas pats, kas bija kad režisēju priekš Backstage to lugu tikai tagad ir jāstrādā ar mazāk cilvēkiem un tikai nedēļas laikā ir jābūt gatavam priekšnesumam.
Labi. Man laikam tomēr tā eseja jānobeidz. Tagad drīz būs četri no rīta. Atkal neizgulēta nakts. Fui!
Monday, 22 February 2010
"Good Morning"
No, of course it is not the morning! Fooled You didn't i? No? Oh well.
As You can see, i did as i said i would, changed the template of this sad little blog. The poll went very sadly and i received only 3 responses. Thank You, if You did vote! Really appreciated it. Aside form the poll, i asked in person to some of my fellow people which they thought was the pretties one. The flower template got the most votes in total, so that is the one i chose.
But if You could even imagine how much trouble i went through to Upload it! At first, when i uploaded it Blogger asked me if i wanted to keep my previous gadgets, to which i obviously clicked to keep them, but then to my surprise i got some things in double. Such as the blog title field, the posting field.. And i was unable to remove the double, it didn't even offer such an option. I was unsure what to do. For one second i actually thought to just choose a different template. But, no, no, no, i am not that kind a girl that gives up easily. And so i copied all the HTML codes of all my gadgets, so that when i try to re-upload the template i would choose not to keep the gadgets. This was a pain in the ass. I totally forgot that i had gadgets not only on the sidebar, so now i don't have pages at the bottom, but i think i might be able to live without them. What do You think? Should i renew them? I don't remember where i found it. I probably forgot some other gadget, but at the moment i can not recall.
I changed some stuff here and there. Not perfect, but i sorta like it.
School was dreadful. I spent up the whole night writing my essay for writers craft and answering questions on answers. I swear, it is addictive.
I had a nice nap once i got home from school. Now i just gotta do my homework.
Oh, not sure You noticed, but i created Badges for my blogs. I feel really proud of that, since i have been willing to do this for a very long time now.
And, news that are on the top of the list (not sure why i'm putting them in as last..). I created a new blog! Yes! I did! It is called Song of the Day. (Well the "title is ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪", but really...not) Any who, the title is self explanatory. Yes? No? Every day i will be posting up a new song. I will try to pick songs that are of a different kind and not very popular. The goal really is to explore world music, to see what is out there. As for here, i will use the tag music dose if i am ever to mention it again.
Go ahead, visit it and listen to the first songs and You are more than welcome to be a follower, then You will get a new song for every day! Cool, don't You think?
As You can see, i did as i said i would, changed the template of this sad little blog. The poll went very sadly and i received only 3 responses. Thank You, if You did vote! Really appreciated it. Aside form the poll, i asked in person to some of my fellow people which they thought was the pretties one. The flower template got the most votes in total, so that is the one i chose.
But if You could even imagine how much trouble i went through to Upload it! At first, when i uploaded it Blogger asked me if i wanted to keep my previous gadgets, to which i obviously clicked to keep them, but then to my surprise i got some things in double. Such as the blog title field, the posting field.. And i was unable to remove the double, it didn't even offer such an option. I was unsure what to do. For one second i actually thought to just choose a different template. But, no, no, no, i am not that kind a girl that gives up easily. And so i copied all the HTML codes of all my gadgets, so that when i try to re-upload the template i would choose not to keep the gadgets. This was a pain in the ass. I totally forgot that i had gadgets not only on the sidebar, so now i don't have pages at the bottom, but i think i might be able to live without them. What do You think? Should i renew them? I don't remember where i found it. I probably forgot some other gadget, but at the moment i can not recall.
I changed some stuff here and there. Not perfect, but i sorta like it.
School was dreadful. I spent up the whole night writing my essay for writers craft and answering questions on answers. I swear, it is addictive.
I had a nice nap once i got home from school. Now i just gotta do my homework.
Oh, not sure You noticed, but i created Badges for my blogs. I feel really proud of that, since i have been willing to do this for a very long time now.
And, news that are on the top of the list (not sure why i'm putting them in as last..). I created a new blog! Yes! I did! It is called Song of the Day. (Well the "title is ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪", but really...not) Any who, the title is self explanatory. Yes? No? Every day i will be posting up a new song. I will try to pick songs that are of a different kind and not very popular. The goal really is to explore world music, to see what is out there. As for here, i will use the tag music dose if i am ever to mention it again.
Go ahead, visit it and listen to the first songs and You are more than welcome to be a follower, then You will get a new song for every day! Cool, don't You think?
Saturday, 20 February 2010
3-column templates - help?
Knowing me You would have probably expected this: i want to change the template of my blog, again. This time the trigger was that the new template does not match my title. So i had to (well, have to) change either one. Since the title is like a part of me already i decided that the new template has no chance of winning over. So i decided to find the perfect template. I had done this before, but i was searching with key words, esp. dragonfly, and since now i am an adorer of three-columns i took the advantage and typed that beside the dragonfly. Nothing pretty, extraordinary would show up. So i just searched, websites one by one. But i couldn't find anything that smelled like the best one. Then i came across this website: BTemlpates and fell in love. It has such a choice, a variety of themes, and of course templates for more column lovers. (And it turns out that this template, that i have now, comes from the same template master!) I clicked on the 3 columns in the sidebar and continued my groovy search. As i scrolled down to the bottom of the page i couldn't believe it: 'Page 1 of 50'. I got in the mood that this is where i WILL find my template. For those who plan to jump and run and go and search for a new template of their own, the first pages show newer templates and the last pages contain older ones. All in one, the recent ones where better, but there were some good ones in the last pages too. So, if You are a person who likes to leave the best for the last, then start with the last page.
I was looking for something that would fit blog title, my personality and the kind of posts i put up here. In general i write about my life and that is all, but i do tend to put in some movie reviews, blog related things and other jazz (such as a song now and then). Also, i wanted the new template to be simple, but not too much. I was looking for something new that would be pleasant to look at every day.
As i was searching instantly noticed several that i liked more, they were so adorable that i felt like putting them right up, but then i came across more and more of the ones that seemed like a perfect fit. So i came down to about fifteen. I put on my critical eye and eliminated one by one hoping that i would end up with a single template. I failed. There are six that i can't decide on. I like them all and every one of them has something about it that just didn't let me to cancel it out.
And this is where You, my dears, come in! I NEED YOUR HELP to choose which template to pick. You see that nice purple box on the sidebar? Yes, that one! Please take a second to view the templates and then choose the best one (..or two, if You are as indecisive as i am). I will leave the poll up there for a few days, maybe a week (that depends on how many votes i receive), so don't be shy and let me know what You think.
Here is the list of the six templates, if You fall in love, like i did, i added a link where You can download them, so You can put it in Your Blog!
1.Flower Blog
Download flower blog template
2.Worn Wall
Download worn wall template
Download cumulus template
4.Simple Pleasure
Download simple pleasure template
Download dusky template
6.Tired Girl
Download tired girl template
Thank You for voting and reading! Kisses!
I was looking for something that would fit blog title, my personality and the kind of posts i put up here. In general i write about my life and that is all, but i do tend to put in some movie reviews, blog related things and other jazz (such as a song now and then). Also, i wanted the new template to be simple, but not too much. I was looking for something new that would be pleasant to look at every day.
As i was searching instantly noticed several that i liked more, they were so adorable that i felt like putting them right up, but then i came across more and more of the ones that seemed like a perfect fit. So i came down to about fifteen. I put on my critical eye and eliminated one by one hoping that i would end up with a single template. I failed. There are six that i can't decide on. I like them all and every one of them has something about it that just didn't let me to cancel it out.
And this is where You, my dears, come in! I NEED YOUR HELP to choose which template to pick. You see that nice purple box on the sidebar? Yes, that one! Please take a second to view the templates and then choose the best one (..or two, if You are as indecisive as i am). I will leave the poll up there for a few days, maybe a week (that depends on how many votes i receive), so don't be shy and let me know what You think.
Here is the list of the six templates, if You fall in love, like i did, i added a link where You can download them, so You can put it in Your Blog!
1.Flower Blog
2.Worn Wall
4.Simple Pleasure
6.Tired Girl
Thank You for voting and reading! Kisses!
Thursday, 18 February 2010
Bez emocijām un bez naida iemidzināsim tos, kas par daudz jau bilduši, lai pie vārda tiek klusētāji. Kā tur bija, klusie ūdeņi ir tie dziļākie.
Man nav viegli. Nekad nav bijis .. Nav viegli man atzīt, ka esmu nedaudz par vāju, lai stātos pretī puskaru vējam, vai pat tik acu apmānu robiem.
Uzspiesti jauni likumi bez atbildēm, jo jautāt ir liegts.
Tik grūti izkulties no nejaukiem, veciem ieradumiem un kaut pamazām sākt rakt sevi laukā no bedres. Lāpsta plīst pušu. Acīs pūš vējš, kož kā ērkšķi - liedz redzēt. Mirkstu starp pazemes drupu vieglajām elpām. Gribu ceļot pagātnē, un, ja Tu man ļautu es ceļotu tālāk par savu ēru.
Nē, nē, nē - gribu prom no pagātnes auklām, nē virvēm, kas vilkdamas atpakaļ dzen. Turos pretī, bet tomēr grūti rast spēkus.
Man nav viegli. Nekad nav bijis .. Nav viegli man atzīt, ka esmu nedaudz par vāju, lai stātos pretī puskaru vējam, vai pat tik acu apmānu robiem.
Uzspiesti jauni likumi bez atbildēm, jo jautāt ir liegts.
Tik grūti izkulties no nejaukiem, veciem ieradumiem un kaut pamazām sākt rakt sevi laukā no bedres. Lāpsta plīst pušu. Acīs pūš vējš, kož kā ērkšķi - liedz redzēt. Mirkstu starp pazemes drupu vieglajām elpām. Gribu ceļot pagātnē, un, ja Tu man ļautu es ceļotu tālāk par savu ēru.
Nē, nē, nē - gribu prom no pagātnes auklām, nē virvēm, kas vilkdamas atpakaļ dzen. Turos pretī, bet tomēr grūti rast spēkus.
Tuesday, 16 February 2010
"Valentine's Day", the movie
Aside form my extra busy schedule in school and everywhere else in life i managed to go to a movie. Not on a date, but with my friends. It was fairly pleasant since i don't get to see these people in everyday life. The movie was Valentine's Day. A cheesy, no, no, very cheesy movie. The plot was pretty empty and had a very weak theme/message. Pretty much none at all. The little things that got mentioned included the ideas that one must love not only the good things, but also the bad (not so good) things about their loved one. It also touched the idea that marrying a friend is a terrific plan. This is where they did not think it through. I disagree with this almost one hundred per cent. Why would anyone ruin the one thing they have for sure? I feel that that is wrong. One of my friends recently told me that he likes me, as in "has feelings" to me. I can only assure to you that that is not right.
Also, wanted to say a word about the Olympic games. It really (and i mean REALLY) pisses me off that Canadians think that they are THE BEST! They spend money on commercials such as (uh, personal "favourite"), a number of Canadian hockey players state that they are here for gold and that they will be disappointed if they do not get the first place. First, who the hell pays for that?? Second, guys, don't get your hopes too high up there, the world will have a nice laugh at you once you lose.
Also, wanted to say a word about the Olympic games. It really (and i mean REALLY) pisses me off that Canadians think that they are THE BEST! They spend money on commercials such as (uh, personal "favourite"), a number of Canadian hockey players state that they are here for gold and that they will be disappointed if they do not get the first place. First, who the hell pays for that?? Second, guys, don't get your hopes too high up there, the world will have a nice laugh at you once you lose.
Monday, 15 February 2010
I love You letter
My Dear,
Last night was no exception. The rapid love has fulfilled my heart ever since the day i saw your unforgettable eyes for the very first time. Your eyes looked into mine and chanted them with the magic of life. That day i found a reason to live. That day i found out what love is.
When ever i miss You i close my eyes and there You are. Your unique face that shines upon me when ever things go bad and when i lose the purpose to breath. I live for You. Every time i inhale it is You who helps to to exhale and inhale again. You are the engine of my heart.
I would see You every day. I would be there when things were too tough to take. I would hold Your hand and make You proud. I am who i am only because You exist. I remember those kisses. The ones that no other soul could ever imagine. Your lips brushing against mine. Like we were flying and the surface of the earth did not exist. Like a dream, that was too good to be true. Holding each other so tight as if our lives depended on that. Never will i let You go.
If there really is only one purpose in life then mine is to be with You. Mine is to stay with You with mountains of love when things are like dreams and when things get too hard. You are not the just another stop in my life. You are the bus that took me for the journey of life.
My life begun with the moment we met. Before i just was, i existed like a piece of dust in the big, wide world. But now i am. I feel the blood racing in my veins. I feel constant energy that will always have infinite sources.
You are my sun during the day and my darkness during the night. You always surround me as a warm coating that is there to stay forever.
I wanted to remind You how much i miss Your heart filling smile and how much i need to see You for at least one more time.
P.S. I know i have mentioned it before, but just so You don't forget, I Love You.
Last night was no exception. The rapid love has fulfilled my heart ever since the day i saw your unforgettable eyes for the very first time. Your eyes looked into mine and chanted them with the magic of life. That day i found a reason to live. That day i found out what love is.
When ever i miss You i close my eyes and there You are. Your unique face that shines upon me when ever things go bad and when i lose the purpose to breath. I live for You. Every time i inhale it is You who helps to to exhale and inhale again. You are the engine of my heart.
I would see You every day. I would be there when things were too tough to take. I would hold Your hand and make You proud. I am who i am only because You exist. I remember those kisses. The ones that no other soul could ever imagine. Your lips brushing against mine. Like we were flying and the surface of the earth did not exist. Like a dream, that was too good to be true. Holding each other so tight as if our lives depended on that. Never will i let You go.
If there really is only one purpose in life then mine is to be with You. Mine is to stay with You with mountains of love when things are like dreams and when things get too hard. You are not the just another stop in my life. You are the bus that took me for the journey of life.
My life begun with the moment we met. Before i just was, i existed like a piece of dust in the big, wide world. But now i am. I feel the blood racing in my veins. I feel constant energy that will always have infinite sources.
You are my sun during the day and my darkness during the night. You always surround me as a warm coating that is there to stay forever.
I wanted to remind You how much i miss Your heart filling smile and how much i need to see You for at least one more time.
Always Yours, with more love then any human can comprehend.
P.S. I know i have mentioned it before, but just so You don't forget, I Love You.
bird's song
Overwhelmed with the new ideas that had been just born that night i was lost. Lost once again in my thoughts. I pulled myself under my blanket with my eyes never moving away from the screen of the phone. I was waiting. Though i new that it was way to late for any sane person to be sending text messages. I still hoped. At first i even had a thought that i should text him, but no, i couldn't. No matter how much i wanted to contact him i refused to bring myself that low. That is just not how i function. It would be like a robbing a police station.
Could not sleep all night. Woke up with a cheap look at my phone. Nothing. Why could i just stop hoping? Who cares? Do i care? I suppose i do. I needed someone there to take the phone away from me, at least for a second.
I need a plan for next weekend for every minute. Ok, not minute, but every hour! So far it is pretty full. Except for saturday night. Let's go clubbing!
On another note.
I cleaned up my facebook applications. I deleted 241 applications from my list!! Yes, 241! Now i have just 16 out of which 7 are the ones you can't delete. So that is pretty good! ;D
I am very tired.
Good night my loves.
A very gorgeous and calm song: Gregory and the Hawk - Oats we Sow
Could not sleep all night. Woke up with a cheap look at my phone. Nothing. Why could i just stop hoping? Who cares? Do i care? I suppose i do. I needed someone there to take the phone away from me, at least for a second.
I need a plan for next weekend for every minute. Ok, not minute, but every hour! So far it is pretty full. Except for saturday night. Let's go clubbing!
On another note.
I cleaned up my facebook applications. I deleted 241 applications from my list!! Yes, 241! Now i have just 16 out of which 7 are the ones you can't delete. So that is pretty good! ;D
I am very tired.
Good night my loves.
A very gorgeous and calm song: Gregory and the Hawk - Oats we Sow
Saturday, 13 February 2010
Bang Bang..
Maniac, i say maniac. You are the maniac of my life. You sit inside me and don't let me go. You control me as a captain controlling its own Titanic. We all are doomed to fail sooner or later. Why delay these thing? But there you are keeping me away from extinction and following the so called common sense.
All i need is to get away. Away from days, go and live only at night. Live with a lower life and breed of of drugs and alcohol. But you say no, you keep my head cool when all i can think of is going underground. You keep me down on earth on nights and days when i just want to fly in the clouds. You order me to do things i don't want to do. You scream like a raped child in my head, you never let me free.
Yesterday got home at around half past three. I was walking and the cold just hit my face. Slap by slap. It was numb, i didn't feel a thing. The skirt was still cheating on guys, one by one, but all i cared was that i had to walk. Just walk. Never did i mention the destination in my mind. Even the other me kept out of this. She had been yelling at me all night, so it was time for everyone to shut up. I got home, colder then ice and crawled into my bed the blanket was at my feet. I was so cold and yet i relied on myself to regain the warmth. I couldn't fall asleep. Thoughts kept waking me up. And in total i had slept four hours with more then ten times waking up during this so called sleep time. The other me tried to keep me in the bed, so i could get some more sleep. But my body needed to move. I finally changed and tried my best to get out of the bed with the right leg. A fail. My head is still dizzy and i am rethinking so many things in my head.
I'm am beginning to be even more careless.
Never did i know that that was possible.
All i need is to get away. Away from days, go and live only at night. Live with a lower life and breed of of drugs and alcohol. But you say no, you keep my head cool when all i can think of is going underground. You keep me down on earth on nights and days when i just want to fly in the clouds. You order me to do things i don't want to do. You scream like a raped child in my head, you never let me free.
Yesterday got home at around half past three. I was walking and the cold just hit my face. Slap by slap. It was numb, i didn't feel a thing. The skirt was still cheating on guys, one by one, but all i cared was that i had to walk. Just walk. Never did i mention the destination in my mind. Even the other me kept out of this. She had been yelling at me all night, so it was time for everyone to shut up. I got home, colder then ice and crawled into my bed the blanket was at my feet. I was so cold and yet i relied on myself to regain the warmth. I couldn't fall asleep. Thoughts kept waking me up. And in total i had slept four hours with more then ten times waking up during this so called sleep time. The other me tried to keep me in the bed, so i could get some more sleep. But my body needed to move. I finally changed and tried my best to get out of the bed with the right leg. A fail. My head is still dizzy and i am rethinking so many things in my head.
I'm am beginning to be even more careless.
Never did i know that that was possible.
Monday, 8 February 2010
Life Just Goes On
Lately i have been trying my best to find the most appealing Template for my blog. So far i have found nothing that would make my heart race faster then of those who are in love. But this one was pretty close, so i have decided to quit searching. For now. Maybe i will sometime else, but now i am just tired of the templates stuff. I like that this one kinda smiles at You when You open my blog. And at the same time it is a little sad, since the majority of the blog is black. I think it is too black, but the top part (the place where title is) is so pretty that it is worth to keep this one. At least for a while. Also, i have been going crazy "Dropping" on blogs. Do You see on the very right column at the top there is a featured blog? Well it is this add campaign thing, You put the widget on Your blog advertise your blog elsewhere and get more traffic and more followers. I am not REALLY sure why i'm willing to put much work in to just advertising this blog. I say it is because i like it too much and i want more and more people who might be reading the jazz that i right.
Today had a field trip to a universities lab. Chemistry, all Chemistry. We did a laboratory work something about iron concentration in a Pro Lab! Was pretty cool, since i don't plan to study chemestry once i graduate it was once a lifetime experience. Once the lab was done we had an hour for lunch and after that we went to an auditorium with university's first year chemistry student and listened to one lecture. This was the first out of five about acids and bases, don't mean to insult anyone, but it was all grade 11 review for all of us. So that part of the field trip was not exciting. Not at all.
Then i got home and never received a call from Mrs. B (I call him Visvaris, not important why). The conclusion is that i hope i shall never see either of them ever again. Yup! As i said after last saturday, i was happy the way it was, even with them not contacting me. Btw, i kinda hate how much males fale at communication. It kinda brings me down, but i don't let it, so i'm alright!
(And, just to let You know, i met A yesterday, a complete disaster, with a hint of the worst seasoning there is, and Bull Shit as a side dish.)
As well as wanted to let You know that my TTT (Tavas Tintes Traips) blog has been renamed, now it is "Growing Words", but knowing me, it might be changing. I really love the blog description line: "·¼ of my life·". And even though it is no more TTT, i will still be calling it TTT, since that is the Label that i used for it and i just like it! ;P
School tomorrow. Friday is PD (professional development), a day when only teachers have to go to school and learn new ways, strategies, tips in teaching, while we (students) have a day off! I am not complaining about that! School is just not for me, not any more!
I really want to be "Outta Here" [here being my school].
Kisses. Wet and ugly, and yet filled with all the love i can possibly give right now.
Today had a field trip to a universities lab. Chemistry, all Chemistry. We did a laboratory work something about iron concentration in a Pro Lab! Was pretty cool, since i don't plan to study chemestry once i graduate it was once a lifetime experience. Once the lab was done we had an hour for lunch and after that we went to an auditorium with university's first year chemistry student and listened to one lecture. This was the first out of five about acids and bases, don't mean to insult anyone, but it was all grade 11 review for all of us. So that part of the field trip was not exciting. Not at all.
Then i got home and never received a call from Mrs. B (I call him Visvaris, not important why). The conclusion is that i hope i shall never see either of them ever again. Yup! As i said after last saturday, i was happy the way it was, even with them not contacting me. Btw, i kinda hate how much males fale at communication. It kinda brings me down, but i don't let it, so i'm alright!
(And, just to let You know, i met A yesterday, a complete disaster, with a hint of the worst seasoning there is, and Bull Shit as a side dish.)
As well as wanted to let You know that my TTT (Tavas Tintes Traips) blog has been renamed, now it is "Growing Words", but knowing me, it might be changing. I really love the blog description line: "·¼ of my life·". And even though it is no more TTT, i will still be calling it TTT, since that is the Label that i used for it and i just like it! ;P
School tomorrow. Friday is PD (professional development), a day when only teachers have to go to school and learn new ways, strategies, tips in teaching, while we (students) have a day off! I am not complaining about that! School is just not for me, not any more!
I really want to be "Outta Here" [here being my school].
Kisses. Wet and ugly, and yet filled with all the love i can possibly give right now.
Friday, 5 February 2010
Why do some people promise, but never keep what they have said?
My mind is blank, and so is my life. I don't know where i am heading, but i know for sure that where ever i end up it will not be the place where i want to be.
At this point my life is pretty much screwed up more then You (or me myself) can imagine, comprehend... Impossible. And even though i have come to some kind of epiphany, it is too late.
About two weeks too late.
It was painful, i cried. I hadn't done that miserable thing for too long, so the strangeness of this activity made more pain (and disappointment). I felt pathetic, more then other days. I was a step away from begging, but i just didn't have the power. So now i have nothing, just the impossible dream that i will never have to face any of this again. (Though i know that the whole things still needs to be done.)
I just don't have the strength.
And it is not only school.
As i mentioned already at the beginning, he PROMISED that he would call, but didn't. It is the second time. I don't have the nerves to think about him any longer.
And the other fella. Oh, thats a funnier story, he "threw the ball in my court", it was with me for two nights and when i finally decided to call him and give it another shot. He didn't pick up. So he got the "ball" right back. Bastard. Why did he ask me to think about it and then not answer the phone?
I hope neither of them will try to contact me. No more. I need something that has more potential since i have none. I need to feed off of someone. Like a carnivore on a fresh capture.
Meanwhile i shall shrink to the size of an unlucky, sad, miserable being that can hardly remember to breath.
My mind is blank, and so is my life. I don't know where i am heading, but i know for sure that where ever i end up it will not be the place where i want to be.
At this point my life is pretty much screwed up more then You (or me myself) can imagine, comprehend... Impossible. And even though i have come to some kind of epiphany, it is too late.
About two weeks too late.
It was painful, i cried. I hadn't done that miserable thing for too long, so the strangeness of this activity made more pain (and disappointment). I felt pathetic, more then other days. I was a step away from begging, but i just didn't have the power. So now i have nothing, just the impossible dream that i will never have to face any of this again. (Though i know that the whole things still needs to be done.)
I just don't have the strength.
And it is not only school.
As i mentioned already at the beginning, he PROMISED that he would call, but didn't. It is the second time. I don't have the nerves to think about him any longer.
And the other fella. Oh, thats a funnier story, he "threw the ball in my court", it was with me for two nights and when i finally decided to call him and give it another shot. He didn't pick up. So he got the "ball" right back. Bastard. Why did he ask me to think about it and then not answer the phone?
I hope neither of them will try to contact me. No more. I need something that has more potential since i have none. I need to feed off of someone. Like a carnivore on a fresh capture.
Meanwhile i shall shrink to the size of an unlucky, sad, miserable being that can hardly remember to breath.
Tuesday, 2 February 2010
Craft of Writing
Hi my LOVES! I missed You more then a mother has ever missed her child. Really. Missed in the literal meaning and i can't express the layers of happiness over my heart.
Life is OK. I guess. Have two important things to catch up on: Letters!!!! and Ottawa Youth For change meetings and volunteering. Have done nothing about that lately so i have to catch up on stuff since the events are approaching fast. And i have a LIST of people who i own letters, messages and e-mails to.. so i really hope they can be a moment more patient.
A few days ago i started to write a post about my last exam and about a movie i saw: AVATAR! Everyone is screaming about it! Ha ha. At first i was really not willing to see it, come on, some movie about weird blue people, but after hearing SO many good references and comments, i decided that i should see it after all. Yeah, so i did. Went with a friend and saw it on IMAX 3D! It really was incredible. Though as a person who likes to pay attention to details i could say some stuff that was not top noch, but hey, in general, it really was one of the best movies i have ever seen. After all they were making it for several years!
Second semester has begun! The first day was normal. You know, get to know the teachers and stuff. The second day...more in the ups and in the downs. Writers Craft was amazing, we had 10 minutes to write about ANYTHING. and then the teacher asked if anyone wants to read theirs, and i kinda liked mine, so i read it to the class... People liked it and it made me kinda feel like there is something that i CAN do! But then as i was walking to my next class i talked to one of my classmates and she said that after hearing my piece she did not feel like reading hers. I totally discouraged my classmates!!! Can't believe i was the evil person!! Grrr...
and math... oh math... the teacher did not give us a lesson, we had to work on hand outs. The sad thing here is that everyone (!!) found the tasks easy while i was struggling to even understand what i was asked to do. I felt sad. I really need to work on my math... but there is a problem, ..this is previous course stuff and it is not included in this textbook. eh...... i'll figure out something! You know i will! ;D
About 10 minutes ago i received a missed call... I checked my phone before seven minutes and called back. (...This number was not in my contact list)..
i guess i have a date, tonight! :) (kk, i don't guess, i know!)
With more then enough Love, always Yours, Marta!
(i am starting to learn to write my name with the capital "M", not easy..)
Special Thank You kisses to Muffindoddess!
And a extremely nice "Hi" to Lācis!
Who knows, maybe they will peak their pretty noses in here too!
Life is OK. I guess. Have two important things to catch up on: Letters!!!! and Ottawa Youth For change meetings and volunteering. Have done nothing about that lately so i have to catch up on stuff since the events are approaching fast. And i have a LIST of people who i own letters, messages and e-mails to.. so i really hope they can be a moment more patient.
A few days ago i started to write a post about my last exam and about a movie i saw: AVATAR! Everyone is screaming about it! Ha ha. At first i was really not willing to see it, come on, some movie about weird blue people, but after hearing SO many good references and comments, i decided that i should see it after all. Yeah, so i did. Went with a friend and saw it on IMAX 3D! It really was incredible. Though as a person who likes to pay attention to details i could say some stuff that was not top noch, but hey, in general, it really was one of the best movies i have ever seen. After all they were making it for several years!
Second semester has begun! The first day was normal. You know, get to know the teachers and stuff. The second day...more in the ups and in the downs. Writers Craft was amazing, we had 10 minutes to write about ANYTHING. and then the teacher asked if anyone wants to read theirs, and i kinda liked mine, so i read it to the class... People liked it and it made me kinda feel like there is something that i CAN do! But then as i was walking to my next class i talked to one of my classmates and she said that after hearing my piece she did not feel like reading hers. I totally discouraged my classmates!!! Can't believe i was the evil person!! Grrr...
and math... oh math... the teacher did not give us a lesson, we had to work on hand outs. The sad thing here is that everyone (!!) found the tasks easy while i was struggling to even understand what i was asked to do. I felt sad. I really need to work on my math... but there is a problem, ..this is previous course stuff and it is not included in this textbook. eh...... i'll figure out something! You know i will! ;D
About 10 minutes ago i received a missed call... I checked my phone before seven minutes and called back. (...This number was not in my contact list)..
i guess i have a date, tonight! :) (kk, i don't guess, i know!)
With more then enough Love, always Yours, Marta!
(i am starting to learn to write my name with the capital "M", not easy..)
Special Thank You kisses to Muffindoddess!
And a extremely nice "Hi" to Lācis!
Who knows, maybe they will peak their pretty noses in here too!
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