I'm walking alone from the train station. It's close to midnight. Paisley is seen as a very ''safe'' town, especially the East end, where my 'home' happens to be.
Oh, by the way, poker was moved to yesterday (Wednesday night). There were nine players, and I ended up in the third position this time. Not too bad, not too good. But just for playing I get points, so i hope to be playing in the finals once this 'batch' is done..
After poker I took one of the last trains back to Paisley. The walk from the station to the residence is about 15 minutes. The streets are pretty much empty at this time, especially the ones I have to walk in. When i'm about half way i see a man in front of me who's walking my way. You're probably speculating what I was thinking, or who this guy was. As I walk closer to him, he moves closer to me, and is clearly approaching me. You'd think i'd avoid him(?) No. I had some beer at the pub while playing poker, by the way..
You want to know what happened?
.....to be continued, maybe.
... Nope, i'm gonna keep this as just another secret of mine. ;)
Thursday, 31 March 2011
Tuesday, 29 March 2011
Monday, 28 March 2011
"J'aime le saucisse."
Gotta love how internal jokes are born.
Polish guy: "*french sentence*"
French girls - shoked!
Me (confused): "What does that mean?"
Polish guy: "I love sausages."
Me and Laserman - burt into laughter!
Polish guy - doing the 'innocent' [Borat] smile.
French girls - very confused.
Hahahahahaha. Can't stop laughing!
Polish guy: "*french sentence*"
French girls - shoked!
Me (confused): "What does that mean?"
Polish guy: "I love sausages."
Me and Laserman - burt into laughter!
Polish guy - doing the 'innocent' [Borat] smile.
French girls - very confused.
Hahahahahaha. Can't stop laughing!
Sunday, 27 March 2011
"You may say i'm a dreamer, but i'm not the only one."
Es dzīvoju pati savā aizspogulijā. Manis nav. Mani var nemeklēt.
Esmu nozidusi, pazudusi, neesoša. Turos pie nekā. Krītu, un ceru neapsist galvu. Tā pat jau skaidrs, ka esmu galīgi sviestā sagājusi, bet negribu krist nezinot, ka būs vismaz matracis zemē novietots.
Man vajag apdrošiāt dzīvību. Nē, ne dzīvību, bet gan dzīvi. Es negribu zaudēt to, kas jau mūk no rokām laukā.
Gribu visu sev; savas atmiņas, un draugus, lai viss paliek nemainīgs. Un, kad tas viss būs nostiprināts ar spējīgiem jūrnieku mezgliem, tad es varbūt iemācīšos dzīvot. Varbūt iemācīšos lidot.
Esmu nozidusi, pazudusi, neesoša. Turos pie nekā. Krītu, un ceru neapsist galvu. Tā pat jau skaidrs, ka esmu galīgi sviestā sagājusi, bet negribu krist nezinot, ka būs vismaz matracis zemē novietots.
Man vajag apdrošiāt dzīvību. Nē, ne dzīvību, bet gan dzīvi. Es negribu zaudēt to, kas jau mūk no rokām laukā.
Gribu visu sev; savas atmiņas, un draugus, lai viss paliek nemainīgs. Un, kad tas viss būs nostiprināts ar spējīgiem jūrnieku mezgliem, tad es varbūt iemācīšos dzīvot. Varbūt iemācīšos lidot.
Friday, 25 March 2011
Laika trūkums organismā??
Kā jau minēju iepriekšējā rakstā, šodien bija ekonomikas kontroldarbs.
Jāteic, biju dikti uztraukusies, jo pagājušajā nedēļā profesors mūs pārsteidza ar 'iesildīšanās' versiju. Mums tika dota stunda, lai to pabeigtu, bet man ar to nepietika. Līdz ar to domāju, ka šodien ar nebūs gana daudz laika. Pēdējās nedēļas laikā es, brīnumainā kārtā, patiešām mācījos un atkārtoju visu vielu kā normāls zubris. Draugiem jau bija līdz kaklam mana atruna: 'Sorry, i have to study'. Vakar nomācījos zaļa, un, kad KĀDS teica, ka esot neliela sanākšana, (t.i. ballīte), es nodomāju, ka tas ir tieši tas ko man vajag. Manas smadzenes bija jau apkaltušas. Hahaha. Bija tiešām jauki uz brīdi nedomāt par ekonomiku (elasticity of demand, supply, demand, taxes, subsidies, cieling price, positive economics, normative economics, marginal costs, deminishing law of returns.... UTT).
Aizgāju vēlu gulēt. No rīta mana dzīvokļa biedrene smagi rosījās, bija pieci no rīta. Trokšņu dēļ pamodos un nevarēju vairs aizmigt. Pavadīju pāris stundas gultā ausoties mūziku. Nu un, protams, ka sāpēja galva, kā jau tas pienākas. Pēc dušas jutos jau daudz labāk, un brokastu gurķmaizītei ar nebija ne vainas.
Devos uz semināru, tas sākās deviņos. Es cerēju, ka varēsim pavaicāt pēdējos neskaidros jautājumus (divas lietas man vēl bija biči neskaidras..).. Bet citiem bija debīli jautājumi. Man vispār aizdomas, ka liela daļa neko nesajēdza no tā kas bija kontroldarbā. Āāa, un skoti mani jau atkal pārsteidza ar savām izcilajām matemātikas zināšanām. Skolotājs uz tāfeles rēķināja piemēru. Tad parādījās 'ir apmēram vienāds ar' zīme (man telefonā nav šī zīme, bet nu zinat tak, vienādības zīme (=), bet augšējās svītras vietā vilnītis (~)). Un viena meitene paziņoja, ka šādu zīmi redz pirmo reizi mūžā!!! .... Mjāā... no comment.
Pēc semināra bija stunda brīva. Es nopirku lielo kafiju (bija tā vērts, tomēr nebiju daudz gulējusi, un ne jau katru dienu ir ekonomikas kontroldarbs) un pārlasīju šo to no pierakstiem.
Stunda paskrēja ļoti veikli, devos uz lekcijas zāli.
Blah, blah, blah..
Beidzot sākām kontroldarbu. Pirmo daļu izpildīju ļoti aši, jo zināju, ka nevar pārāk daudz laika pavadīt pie dažiem jautājumiem. Tas ķēros pie 'rēķināmās' daļas. Un tas viss. Es pabeidzu apmēram 35 minūšu laikā! Atbildēju uz visiem jautājumiem, un nekur nenācās prātot, vai ir pareizi vai nē. Darbu pārlasīju, pārbaudīju divas reizes, un iesniedzu pirms stunda bija galā. Man bija liels prieks, ka kontroldarbs no tiesas nebija sarežģīts. Bet varbūt, ka tas, ka mācījos atmaksājās? :)
Devos uz skolas interneta kafejnīcu, lai izprintētu šo to otrdienas kontroldarbam. Un no zila gaisa uzradās KĀDS. Tad mēs kopā devāmies atpakaļ uz kojām. ;))
Paēdu pusdienas, tagad rakstu šo te, varbūt izmazgāšu drēbes, tad pačučēšu, lai vakarā ir spēka ballēties.
Esmu dzīva, pagaidām.
Rīt atkal pārslēgšos uz mācīšanās režīmu, lai arī socioloģijas kontroldarbā labi sokas.
Atā, lai jums raibs piektdienas vakars.
Jāteic, biju dikti uztraukusies, jo pagājušajā nedēļā profesors mūs pārsteidza ar 'iesildīšanās' versiju. Mums tika dota stunda, lai to pabeigtu, bet man ar to nepietika. Līdz ar to domāju, ka šodien ar nebūs gana daudz laika. Pēdējās nedēļas laikā es, brīnumainā kārtā, patiešām mācījos un atkārtoju visu vielu kā normāls zubris. Draugiem jau bija līdz kaklam mana atruna: 'Sorry, i have to study'. Vakar nomācījos zaļa, un, kad KĀDS teica, ka esot neliela sanākšana, (t.i. ballīte), es nodomāju, ka tas ir tieši tas ko man vajag. Manas smadzenes bija jau apkaltušas. Hahaha. Bija tiešām jauki uz brīdi nedomāt par ekonomiku (elasticity of demand, supply, demand, taxes, subsidies, cieling price, positive economics, normative economics, marginal costs, deminishing law of returns.... UTT).
Aizgāju vēlu gulēt. No rīta mana dzīvokļa biedrene smagi rosījās, bija pieci no rīta. Trokšņu dēļ pamodos un nevarēju vairs aizmigt. Pavadīju pāris stundas gultā ausoties mūziku. Nu un, protams, ka sāpēja galva, kā jau tas pienākas. Pēc dušas jutos jau daudz labāk, un brokastu gurķmaizītei ar nebija ne vainas.
Devos uz semināru, tas sākās deviņos. Es cerēju, ka varēsim pavaicāt pēdējos neskaidros jautājumus (divas lietas man vēl bija biči neskaidras..).. Bet citiem bija debīli jautājumi. Man vispār aizdomas, ka liela daļa neko nesajēdza no tā kas bija kontroldarbā. Āāa, un skoti mani jau atkal pārsteidza ar savām izcilajām matemātikas zināšanām. Skolotājs uz tāfeles rēķināja piemēru. Tad parādījās 'ir apmēram vienāds ar' zīme (man telefonā nav šī zīme, bet nu zinat tak, vienādības zīme (=), bet augšējās svītras vietā vilnītis (~)). Un viena meitene paziņoja, ka šādu zīmi redz pirmo reizi mūžā!!! .... Mjāā... no comment.
Pēc semināra bija stunda brīva. Es nopirku lielo kafiju (bija tā vērts, tomēr nebiju daudz gulējusi, un ne jau katru dienu ir ekonomikas kontroldarbs) un pārlasīju šo to no pierakstiem.
Stunda paskrēja ļoti veikli, devos uz lekcijas zāli.
Blah, blah, blah..
Beidzot sākām kontroldarbu. Pirmo daļu izpildīju ļoti aši, jo zināju, ka nevar pārāk daudz laika pavadīt pie dažiem jautājumiem. Tas ķēros pie 'rēķināmās' daļas. Un tas viss. Es pabeidzu apmēram 35 minūšu laikā! Atbildēju uz visiem jautājumiem, un nekur nenācās prātot, vai ir pareizi vai nē. Darbu pārlasīju, pārbaudīju divas reizes, un iesniedzu pirms stunda bija galā. Man bija liels prieks, ka kontroldarbs no tiesas nebija sarežģīts. Bet varbūt, ka tas, ka mācījos atmaksājās? :)
Devos uz skolas interneta kafejnīcu, lai izprintētu šo to otrdienas kontroldarbam. Un no zila gaisa uzradās KĀDS. Tad mēs kopā devāmies atpakaļ uz kojām. ;))
Paēdu pusdienas, tagad rakstu šo te, varbūt izmazgāšu drēbes, tad pačučēšu, lai vakarā ir spēka ballēties.
Esmu dzīva, pagaidām.
Rīt atkal pārslēgšos uz mācīšanās režīmu, lai arī socioloģijas kontroldarbā labi sokas.
Atā, lai jums raibs piektdienas vakars.
Thursday, 24 March 2011
Party Test
-We're having a little gathering.
-What kind of 'gathering'?
-Like last thursday. [it was st. Patrics day, i.e. lots of beer]
-So there's going to be drinking?
Yes, of course i went to the get together! Majour test coming up in a few hours. Maaaan this was so worth it. Just hope i will not have a bad hangover tomorrow.
Good night (good night, good night, good night, good night, good night, good night, good night.....)
And, no, i do not have your slipper. (Don't worry, it's an inside joke, you're not supposed to get it (just like the 'good night' thing).)
Yes, sorry, i'll shut up now.
-What kind of 'gathering'?
-Like last thursday. [it was st. Patrics day, i.e. lots of beer]
-So there's going to be drinking?
Yes, of course i went to the get together! Majour test coming up in a few hours. Maaaan this was so worth it. Just hope i will not have a bad hangover tomorrow.
Good night (good night, good night, good night, good night, good night, good night, good night.....)
And, no, i do not have your slipper. (Don't worry, it's an inside joke, you're not supposed to get it (just like the 'good night' thing).)
Yes, sorry, i'll shut up now.
Wednesday, 23 March 2011
Will it be an 'A'?
I'm in a good mood today despite everything else. :D
Today was the first assesment at uni this trimester. It was a group presentation for 'Reflections on Social Science' module. It will determine 50% of the final mark for this class. So guess what, it was a damn important presentation.
I was in a group with four guys. And, of course, i was really happy to work with guys, because i think guys can do better... But i could be wrong... I simply feel that i work better with guys then with girls.
We had to explore and research to answer the question ''Does social class matter?'' (Of course it does!)
Anyway. Today we met up at 9am at our uni's library and worked on the presentation ALL day, until 4pm. It sure was a long day, and I hadn't slept much, and was really tired. And, needless to say, i didn't have much to eat for breakfast. I was really glad to know that everyone had done research for the examples, and social class theories. You know, group work really is where the statement ''You're as strong as the weakest link'' applies. Can't express the joy that everyone did something.
So we worked on this thing for a long, long time (and, unfortunatelly, we did not go to the lecture, instead we kept working on putting together the whole thing).
We were the third of four groups to present. It went fairly smooth, other than the fact that one guy went into too much detail about Marks and Weber, and Functionalism. We went a bit over time, but no one cared. The tutor had only two criticisms for the whole thing. And at the end of the workshop he came up to us and said that we'll probably get an A for the presentation. Needless to say, we were the best of the four groups.
So then we decided to go to the Union to celebrate the Scottish style, with a pint (or more) of beer. Yeah, it was not late, and i think it was the first time i had beer so early in the day (oh no it wasn't, my bad hahaha). Btw, call me cheap, but the guys payed for my beer. What ever. Guys are an awesome species sometimes. LOL
Now that we've done celebrating, i'm back to stress about Friday's and Tuesday's tests. But i think i'll take a break today and study all day tomorrow. I'm just exhausted.
Peace yo. :D
Today was the first assesment at uni this trimester. It was a group presentation for 'Reflections on Social Science' module. It will determine 50% of the final mark for this class. So guess what, it was a damn important presentation.
I was in a group with four guys. And, of course, i was really happy to work with guys, because i think guys can do better... But i could be wrong... I simply feel that i work better with guys then with girls.
We had to explore and research to answer the question ''Does social class matter?'' (Of course it does!)
Anyway. Today we met up at 9am at our uni's library and worked on the presentation ALL day, until 4pm. It sure was a long day, and I hadn't slept much, and was really tired. And, needless to say, i didn't have much to eat for breakfast. I was really glad to know that everyone had done research for the examples, and social class theories. You know, group work really is where the statement ''You're as strong as the weakest link'' applies. Can't express the joy that everyone did something.
So we worked on this thing for a long, long time (and, unfortunatelly, we did not go to the lecture, instead we kept working on putting together the whole thing).
We were the third of four groups to present. It went fairly smooth, other than the fact that one guy went into too much detail about Marks and Weber, and Functionalism. We went a bit over time, but no one cared. The tutor had only two criticisms for the whole thing. And at the end of the workshop he came up to us and said that we'll probably get an A for the presentation. Needless to say, we were the best of the four groups.
So then we decided to go to the Union to celebrate the Scottish style, with a pint (or more) of beer. Yeah, it was not late, and i think it was the first time i had beer so early in the day (oh no it wasn't, my bad hahaha). Btw, call me cheap, but the guys payed for my beer. What ever. Guys are an awesome species sometimes. LOL
Now that we've done celebrating, i'm back to stress about Friday's and Tuesday's tests. But i think i'll take a break today and study all day tomorrow. I'm just exhausted.
Peace yo. :D
new phone post,
student union,
Monday, 21 March 2011
Friday, 18 March 2011
Chuck Norris
"All jokes aside, Chuck Norris truly does have the following black belts: 1st degree in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, 8th Degree Grandmaster in Tae Kwon Do, 9th degree in Jeet Kune Do under Bruce Lee and Lee’s best student, Dan Inosanto, 10th degree in Shito Ryu Karate, 10th degree in Tang Soo Do, 11th degree in Chun Kuk Do."
fun fact,
new phone post
Thursday, 17 March 2011
Iemaldījies tomāts. Atkod mani. Atkod to ko vēlos pasacīt un uz pieres piespraudīšu Tev zelta zvaigzni.
Šodien, starpictu, svēta Patrika diena, bet es nekur neiešu... Nu varbūt aiziešu ciemos pie sava iedomu drauga pirms viņš uz Glāzgovu dosies. Tas vēl nav līdz galam izlemts.
Šodien, starpictu, svēta Patrika diena, bet es nekur neiešu... Nu varbūt aiziešu ciemos pie sava iedomu drauga pirms viņš uz Glāzgovu dosies. Tas vēl nav līdz galam izlemts.
I'll always remain as the girl that said "goodbye" before saying "hello". You should take a note of that.
new phone post
Monday, 14 March 2011
Poker Face
It's Monday today. Wait. Let me say that again. It's Monday today.
Hmmm..interesting, my brain seems to hafe died(?) Alright, one more time. Ready?
Today's Monday! Monday! Monday! Monday! It's Monday you fool.
This can't be good. My brain is not responding to this.
Neh, forget about Monday. What really matters is that yesterday was Sunday.
I was at the Latvian poker tourney thing yesterday. It went much better than last time. Don't know if I mentioned, but two weeks ago there were 12 players, and I, sadly, placed 8th. Of course it's grwat that I wasn't the first one to fall out, but that's not a really good place, if you ask me. Though there's aanother factor to it. Last time was theirst time I played poker with these people. My main goal then was to get to see what it looked like, how it, was, and what sort of people were playing. Yesterday I went to Glasgow with the last bit of cash I had. I didn't pay for the train (yeah, the first time ever, and i feel bad for it, i'll try my best for it to not happen again!). There was a 5 pound by-in for the tourney. For a person who has roughly around 8 pounds, that's more than half of what i have. I got one beer, just because we're at a pub and not getting anything didn't seem right. It was the cheapest thing there, and was 2 pounds. Now i've got around one pound in my pocket. This means that I don't even have enough to get home.
Remember when I said that I need to figure out my priorities, this was what I was talking about. I go to Glasgow so I can play poker while, and at the same time, I eat legit shit (excuse my language), and cancel dates with the guy that I really, really like. There must be something wrong with my head!
Well this time I figured that if I want to get home by bus (the trains don't go so late anymore), then I HAVE to, at least, get in the third place at this poker tourney. This time there were 10 people playing. 5 pounds from each person. The first three places divide the money, this time it was, £5 for 3rd place, £15 for 2nd, and £30 for the winner. If i'd at least get the third place, i'd get back the five that I had to pay in, and i'd be able to get home.
We begun by playing at two tables, 5 players at each one. Then the guy who got the first place last time was the first one to lose. It was ironic. To make it better, the second to lose all his chips was the one who was second last time around. Now that there was 8 people left, we all came in to play at one table. I had just lost a hand, so it was pretty sad, since now there were more people to compete against.
Fast forward. >>
Now there's five people left at the table. Some of the people who lost were still sticking around to chat, play poker amongst themselves, and to see how the game would end. The person who had won last time and lost this time was talking to me, and he asked me how will it go. To which I said that this week i'm here to win, and I said that i'll either be first or second. I could see that he was thinking that I just talk much. He asked me if I was sure and I told him that i came with this thought me in my head. He asked if i was thinking the same last time, and i said 'no, last time I came to see what this whole thing is like'. Right at that time i lost a fairly big pot. And he said 'Salielījies?' (showed off too much?). I explained to him that it was just one hand. It went bad for a few hands. I called someone's all in, and lost. Don't forget that now the blinds are getting bigger, and bigger, so it's a serious business. Haha.
Then the guy who was the chip leader started to play way too loose, and ended up losing. It was four of us now. Two guys, and two girls (there's only three girls playing by the way). One of the guys had way less chips. The other girl had most chips since she had called the all-in of the 5th place. While I was, chip cound wise, the third. We playes a lot of hands, and then finally the guy with least chips lost. Well guess what, this meant that i'll be able to get back to my student residence - joy! But the game doesn't end there. I still said that i'd get the second or first place. So here I was, i had the least chips. The only guy left kept going all in, though he had a lot of chips. Then the other girl finally called, and ended up losing most of her chips. And in not many hands she lost. Two plaers left. Chips were around equal count now, wellI had a bit more. Needless to say, the guy kept going all in, and I kept folding. Then I got a good hand, an ace and a queen, and called. He had a weaked hand, but he won the pot with two pairs. I had almost lost. I went all in three times in a row, and won. But the forth 'all-in' ended the game and thd guy won. :D
So now I had my money for the bus and I had my pride, for I had gotten in the second place. I think that's a win-win position.
Anywho. After the pub i texted my imaginary friend, the laserman. And, luckely he was still up. (Was close to midnight.) And he had remembered that I had a poker night, which for me was a big surprise. So we texted back and forth. Then i met a friend on the bus. I got back to my room, and texted laserman.. Soon enough I got my 'good night' message, and then I was off to sleep.
But it's Monday today. I'm off to eat something, and then i'll go to the library - research time.
Hmmm..interesting, my brain seems to hafe died(?) Alright, one more time. Ready?
Today's Monday! Monday! Monday! Monday! It's Monday you fool.
This can't be good. My brain is not responding to this.
Neh, forget about Monday. What really matters is that yesterday was Sunday.
I was at the Latvian poker tourney thing yesterday. It went much better than last time. Don't know if I mentioned, but two weeks ago there were 12 players, and I, sadly, placed 8th. Of course it's grwat that I wasn't the first one to fall out, but that's not a really good place, if you ask me. Though there's aanother factor to it. Last time was theirst time I played poker with these people. My main goal then was to get to see what it looked like, how it, was, and what sort of people were playing. Yesterday I went to Glasgow with the last bit of cash I had. I didn't pay for the train (yeah, the first time ever, and i feel bad for it, i'll try my best for it to not happen again!). There was a 5 pound by-in for the tourney. For a person who has roughly around 8 pounds, that's more than half of what i have. I got one beer, just because we're at a pub and not getting anything didn't seem right. It was the cheapest thing there, and was 2 pounds. Now i've got around one pound in my pocket. This means that I don't even have enough to get home.
Remember when I said that I need to figure out my priorities, this was what I was talking about. I go to Glasgow so I can play poker while, and at the same time, I eat legit shit (excuse my language), and cancel dates with the guy that I really, really like. There must be something wrong with my head!
Well this time I figured that if I want to get home by bus (the trains don't go so late anymore), then I HAVE to, at least, get in the third place at this poker tourney. This time there were 10 people playing. 5 pounds from each person. The first three places divide the money, this time it was, £5 for 3rd place, £15 for 2nd, and £30 for the winner. If i'd at least get the third place, i'd get back the five that I had to pay in, and i'd be able to get home.
We begun by playing at two tables, 5 players at each one. Then the guy who got the first place last time was the first one to lose. It was ironic. To make it better, the second to lose all his chips was the one who was second last time around. Now that there was 8 people left, we all came in to play at one table. I had just lost a hand, so it was pretty sad, since now there were more people to compete against.
Fast forward. >>
Now there's five people left at the table. Some of the people who lost were still sticking around to chat, play poker amongst themselves, and to see how the game would end. The person who had won last time and lost this time was talking to me, and he asked me how will it go. To which I said that this week i'm here to win, and I said that i'll either be first or second. I could see that he was thinking that I just talk much. He asked me if I was sure and I told him that i came with this thought me in my head. He asked if i was thinking the same last time, and i said 'no, last time I came to see what this whole thing is like'. Right at that time i lost a fairly big pot. And he said 'Salielījies?' (showed off too much?). I explained to him that it was just one hand. It went bad for a few hands. I called someone's all in, and lost. Don't forget that now the blinds are getting bigger, and bigger, so it's a serious business. Haha.
Then the guy who was the chip leader started to play way too loose, and ended up losing. It was four of us now. Two guys, and two girls (there's only three girls playing by the way). One of the guys had way less chips. The other girl had most chips since she had called the all-in of the 5th place. While I was, chip cound wise, the third. We playes a lot of hands, and then finally the guy with least chips lost. Well guess what, this meant that i'll be able to get back to my student residence - joy! But the game doesn't end there. I still said that i'd get the second or first place. So here I was, i had the least chips. The only guy left kept going all in, though he had a lot of chips. Then the other girl finally called, and ended up losing most of her chips. And in not many hands she lost. Two plaers left. Chips were around equal count now, wellI had a bit more. Needless to say, the guy kept going all in, and I kept folding. Then I got a good hand, an ace and a queen, and called. He had a weaked hand, but he won the pot with two pairs. I had almost lost. I went all in three times in a row, and won. But the forth 'all-in' ended the game and thd guy won. :D
So now I had my money for the bus and I had my pride, for I had gotten in the second place. I think that's a win-win position.
Anywho. After the pub i texted my imaginary friend, the laserman. And, luckely he was still up. (Was close to midnight.) And he had remembered that I had a poker night, which for me was a big surprise. So we texted back and forth. Then i met a friend on the bus. I got back to my room, and texted laserman.. Soon enough I got my 'good night' message, and then I was off to sleep.
But it's Monday today. I'm off to eat something, and then i'll go to the library - research time.
new phone post,
Sunday, 13 March 2011
Tell You Something
Thought about tweeting this, but I couldn't formulate it the right way. I'll try again, since here I have more characters to spare.
You've been on my mind almost all the time now. I think about you when I go to sleep after reading your good night message, and i think about you in the morning when i open my eyes and remember the dream where you played the protagonist. You come across my mind when my day's been a hell, because the thought of you makes me smile despite everything that goes wrong. Don't worry, I also think of you in the happy moments, like when I see the sun up hight, and the clouds parting. I alslo think of you when I see the stars during night.
And to be honest, right now all i want is to kiss you. And when ever I get to see you, I can't stop wondering when will be our next kiss. I always want to just grab you and kiss you, and for you to never let go.
And if you ever do not text me for a whole day (oh god, the Friday was a nightmare!) I feel like my day isn't complete.
But i'll keep back despite this all. You know i can't tell you how I feel. Or do you?? I'm loving the pase we're going at, I wouldn't change a thing.... If only you could sneak in a little more kisses.. That would be like heaven.
ALRIGHT, and now back to reality. I've got loads to do today. And i'll keep you in my mind, as always. Right now i just need to sort out my priorities, they're getting mixed up, sadly. Hang in there. I hope to see (a.k.a. KISS) You soon..
Oh, and the good old phrase "This is where I shut up!" comes in right here, and now the curtain falls. Bye, bye..
You've been on my mind almost all the time now. I think about you when I go to sleep after reading your good night message, and i think about you in the morning when i open my eyes and remember the dream where you played the protagonist. You come across my mind when my day's been a hell, because the thought of you makes me smile despite everything that goes wrong. Don't worry, I also think of you in the happy moments, like when I see the sun up hight, and the clouds parting. I alslo think of you when I see the stars during night.
And to be honest, right now all i want is to kiss you. And when ever I get to see you, I can't stop wondering when will be our next kiss. I always want to just grab you and kiss you, and for you to never let go.
And if you ever do not text me for a whole day (oh god, the Friday was a nightmare!) I feel like my day isn't complete.
But i'll keep back despite this all. You know i can't tell you how I feel. Or do you?? I'm loving the pase we're going at, I wouldn't change a thing.... If only you could sneak in a little more kisses.. That would be like heaven.
ALRIGHT, and now back to reality. I've got loads to do today. And i'll keep you in my mind, as always. Right now i just need to sort out my priorities, they're getting mixed up, sadly. Hang in there. I hope to see (a.k.a. KISS) You soon..
Oh, and the good old phrase "This is where I shut up!" comes in right here, and now the curtain falls. Bye, bye..
new phone post,
par daudz,
Friday, 11 March 2011
Pasakas beigas.
Nu pietiek.
Tagad zvaigznes slīgs manā akvārijā, un es neļaušu ne Tev, nedz ar kādam citam tās zagt. Manas zvaigznes, mans pusmēness, viss mans. Un velns ar visiem ārzemniekiem, lai iet, lai dzen, lai bēg. Man vienalga. Uzšauj naglai pa galvu. Jā, pēdējā lode palikusi, tāpēc notēmē labi, pirms tā tiek izsperta. Vai man skaitīt, lai zini, kad šaut? Man vienalga. Šauj kaut tagad, vai arī pagaidi vēl. Jā, man vienalga. Tā pat jau izpļāpājos par daudz. Arī man beidzot vajadzētu iemācīties klusēt, kad jātur mute ciet, bet runāt, kad ir kas jēdzīgs ko teikt.
Tikai retais spētu saprast. Es meloju, neviens nesaprastu. Un kā maz zināt, kad klusēt, kad nē? Kurš gan priekšā pasacīs?
Ārā vēss, vēl agrs pavasaris. Jāuztraucas par draugiem, kas otrā pasaules malā cīnās ar neuzvaramo. Gluži vienkārši jātur īkšķi neko vairāk jau nepadarīsi. Zinātu kā, varbūt palūgtu dievam, lai stāv klāt, bet tas jau sen kādā krogā nodzēries, tā pat nekas nelīdzēs.
Jāpārgriež vadi kamēr šķēres vēl assas. Par daudz mezglu savijušies. Iesaku iegādāties bezvadu telefonu, bezvadu internetu, un bezvadu dzīvi arī. Nav ko ķēpāties ar pelēkiem vadiem.
Visu nobloķējam, lai neviens netiek klāt, un drošības labad, izdzēšam košākās ziņas, noraujam vēl neizliktos plakātus. Kad viss nobeigts, jājam prom baltā zigra sedlos. Princi atstājam grāvmalā, lai iet ar citiem krupjiem draudzēties.
Gana. Es klusēju.
Tagad zvaigznes slīgs manā akvārijā, un es neļaušu ne Tev, nedz ar kādam citam tās zagt. Manas zvaigznes, mans pusmēness, viss mans. Un velns ar visiem ārzemniekiem, lai iet, lai dzen, lai bēg. Man vienalga. Uzšauj naglai pa galvu. Jā, pēdējā lode palikusi, tāpēc notēmē labi, pirms tā tiek izsperta. Vai man skaitīt, lai zini, kad šaut? Man vienalga. Šauj kaut tagad, vai arī pagaidi vēl. Jā, man vienalga. Tā pat jau izpļāpājos par daudz. Arī man beidzot vajadzētu iemācīties klusēt, kad jātur mute ciet, bet runāt, kad ir kas jēdzīgs ko teikt.
Tikai retais spētu saprast. Es meloju, neviens nesaprastu. Un kā maz zināt, kad klusēt, kad nē? Kurš gan priekšā pasacīs?
Ārā vēss, vēl agrs pavasaris. Jāuztraucas par draugiem, kas otrā pasaules malā cīnās ar neuzvaramo. Gluži vienkārši jātur īkšķi neko vairāk jau nepadarīsi. Zinātu kā, varbūt palūgtu dievam, lai stāv klāt, bet tas jau sen kādā krogā nodzēries, tā pat nekas nelīdzēs.
Jāpārgriež vadi kamēr šķēres vēl assas. Par daudz mezglu savijušies. Iesaku iegādāties bezvadu telefonu, bezvadu internetu, un bezvadu dzīvi arī. Nav ko ķēpāties ar pelēkiem vadiem.
Visu nobloķējam, lai neviens netiek klāt, un drošības labad, izdzēšam košākās ziņas, noraujam vēl neizliktos plakātus. Kad viss nobeigts, jājam prom baltā zigra sedlos. Princi atstājam grāvmalā, lai iet ar citiem krupjiem draudzēties.
Gana. Es klusēju.
Who's Got Your Eye?
Oh, so there's a guy who's seariously gotten my eye on him.
...just saying. :D
Anywho, it's my least favourite, AND the most favourite day of the week - Friday. And yes, I hope I'll be seeing him today.
Paka for now.
...just saying. :D
Anywho, it's my least favourite, AND the most favourite day of the week - Friday. And yes, I hope I'll be seeing him today.
Paka for now.
new phone post,
student union,
Monday, 7 March 2011
Where did it all change? How did the blue turn into purple? Why did the message tone morph into something else? Why did the city far, far away suddenly appear so close?
Can change be good?
The truth (yeah, what the heck, I can tell the truth sometimes) is that I don't know where it begun, or why it did. Frankly, I don't even know it it has begun. Either way it seems odd; odder than odd. And for some reason it's giving me the strength to keep going. I'll take it for that... and maybe more.
It's all for me, to comprehend what's going on.
So now I'll shut up before I say too much.
Can change be good?
The truth (yeah, what the heck, I can tell the truth sometimes) is that I don't know where it begun, or why it did. Frankly, I don't even know it it has begun. Either way it seems odd; odder than odd. And for some reason it's giving me the strength to keep going. I'll take it for that... and maybe more.
It's all for me, to comprehend what's going on.
So now I'll shut up before I say too much.
Sunday, 6 March 2011
Randiņu laikam nāksies atcelt. Man nav spēka šodien. Un iekšas vēl skalo pēdējo dienu alus un vīns. Domāju, ka jāizdara kaut kas saprātīgs pārmaiņas spēc. Piemēram, varētu sazināties ar kursa biedriem un kopā palasīt grāmatas par mikroekonomiku. Protams, ka tas tā pat nenotiks, bet gudras domas cilāt jau nav nekas kaitīgs veselībai.
Starp citu, dabūju dančus. Neba jau labos dančus, bet skotu tradicionālas dejas ir, šķiet, labākais iespējamais variants. Bija forši!
Tagad mēģināšu pagulēt. Kas zi, varbūt izdodas iemigt.
Starp citu, dabūju dančus. Neba jau labos dančus, bet skotu tradicionālas dejas ir, šķiet, labākais iespējamais variants. Bija forši!
Tagad mēģināšu pagulēt. Kas zi, varbūt izdodas iemigt.
Friday, 4 March 2011
Šodiena, piektdiena.
Vai pamanīji? Es nomainīju fona bildi. Apnika man tā krāsošana. Tā pat visu pasauli dzeltenu nenokrāsos neviens.
Beidzot pienākusi piektdiena. Man besī. Nedēļas nogalēs gribu nedēļas vidu, bet nedēļa vidū gribas nogales. Īsāk sakot negribas neko. Bet to jau es kaut kad teicu, Twīterī laikam.
Eju tēlot muļķi.
Un vispār džeku būšana ir reāls sviests. Man sāk apnikt tā tūļāšanās un tizlie randiņu likumi. Murgs gatavais.
Beidzot pienākusi piektdiena. Man besī. Nedēļas nogalēs gribu nedēļas vidu, bet nedēļa vidū gribas nogales. Īsāk sakot negribas neko. Bet to jau es kaut kad teicu, Twīterī laikam.
Un vispār džeku būšana ir reāls sviests. Man sāk apnikt tā tūļāšanās un tizlie randiņu likumi. Murgs gatavais.
Thursday, 3 March 2011
3. marts
Šodien ir trešais marts, Martam šodien vārda diena. Vai tu pazīsti kādu zēnu vārdā Marts? Es nē. Bet būtu forši kādu zināt. "Marta satika Martu," jeb arī "Marts satika Martu." Tev taisnība es te galīgi sviestā runāju. Atceros, ka daudzkārt cilvēki domājuši, ka man martā ir vārda diena. Es pati savu vārdu nekad neesmu asociējusi ar marta mēnisi. Es jau sāku putroties pa martām un martiem. Viss.
Vakar uznāca nostaļģija par visu kas bijis. Sarakstīju veciem draugiem vēstules. Šodien ar vēl pāris uzrakstīju. Kas zin, atbildēs vai nē, bet nu uzrakstīts ir. Ir grūti izdomāt ko rakstīt, kad sen neesmu sazinājusies ar konkrētiem cilvēkiem. Tā pat gibas, lai abild, nu vismaz vienu vēstulīti. Gan saproti mani (?).
Par nostaļģiju. Domāju par vecajām skolām, gaiteņiem, skolotājiem, klases telpām, klases biedriem.. Par pārtraukumiem, par mācīšanos, un nemācīšanos... Par ballītēm, nogurumu, eksāmeniem.. Pat par krītu un flomasteriem. Par teju visu iedomājos.
Tad prātā iečāpoja atmiņas par Straupi. Biči rauda uzmetās.. Bet tad armiņu jūra. Šūpoles, Džimis, siena kaudzes, zemenes, kazees, arbūzi.. Brasla, zivis, makšķerēšana, Dzirnavnieks, grāvis, ..BLĒŅAS! . naglas, dēļi, sarūsējuši darbarīki, Pelīte, veikals, pietura, bedre uz kaimiņu pusi, slota, metāla bļoda, virpa, mušu pletne, televīzors, sērkociņi, zole, cepumi, podziņas, vasara, ogu lasīšana, ĀBOLI, gliemeži, smilšu kaste, burkāni, kalna 'nometne', tēja, piparmētras, vērmeles, pulkstens, bēniņi, Miki pele, žurkas, pagrabs, bietes un kartupeļi, saldējums, vārda diena, Jāņi, Līgo vakars, lietus, dārzs, ... atmiņas.
Atcerējos Itāliju.. Marmora grīdas, skola, uniformas, pokemoni, reksis, eglīte, Kolizejs, vasara, Vatikāns, ūdens krāni, dators, papīra lidmašīnas, blēņas, zobi, asaras, Līgo pantiņi, lazaņa, tira mi su, miegs, sarkana gulta, kaila glezna, lielais galds, biļete, jūra, viļņi, saule, metro, tramvajs, nogurums, ah-kleita, tirdziņš, persiki, arbūzi, zaļumi, zivis, somas, lakati, Trevī, SALDĒJUMS, pica, šauras ielas, grāmatas, tūristi, Jaunais gads, policisti, priesteri, māsa, šampanietis, ciemiņi, vilšanās, mašīna, ceļojums, Kapri, šokolāde, kaktuss, konfektes, gada grāmatas, angļu valoda, WWF, tirdziņi, Angelo, mīkstās futbola bumbas, čells, dejas, brilles, dzimšanas dienas, dāvanas, zinātne, uzlīmes, gotiņas, spēles, burtnīcas, zīmuļi, lidmašīnas, autobus, Varšava, miegs, zvaigznes, nakts, kalendārs, vēstules, kartiņas, ROMA, ... ...
Atcerējos arī par daudz ko citu, bet man liekas, ka nav veselīgi pārāk daudz domāt par bijušo.
Tagad jāmācas, jādomā par tusiņiem un puišiem, un jādomā par mācībām, par darbu nobeigšanu, par ēst gatavošanu, un par daudz, daudz ko citu... Es tač jau pirms mēneša atvadījos no pagātnes tomēr. ;]
Es iešu kaut ko padarīt. Paka.
Vakar uznāca nostaļģija par visu kas bijis. Sarakstīju veciem draugiem vēstules. Šodien ar vēl pāris uzrakstīju. Kas zin, atbildēs vai nē, bet nu uzrakstīts ir. Ir grūti izdomāt ko rakstīt, kad sen neesmu sazinājusies ar konkrētiem cilvēkiem. Tā pat gibas, lai abild, nu vismaz vienu vēstulīti. Gan saproti mani (?).
Par nostaļģiju. Domāju par vecajām skolām, gaiteņiem, skolotājiem, klases telpām, klases biedriem.. Par pārtraukumiem, par mācīšanos, un nemācīšanos... Par ballītēm, nogurumu, eksāmeniem.. Pat par krītu un flomasteriem. Par teju visu iedomājos.
Tad prātā iečāpoja atmiņas par Straupi. Biči rauda uzmetās.. Bet tad armiņu jūra. Šūpoles, Džimis, siena kaudzes, zemenes, kazees, arbūzi.. Brasla, zivis, makšķerēšana, Dzirnavnieks, grāvis, ..BLĒŅAS! . naglas, dēļi, sarūsējuši darbarīki, Pelīte, veikals, pietura, bedre uz kaimiņu pusi, slota, metāla bļoda, virpa, mušu pletne, televīzors, sērkociņi, zole, cepumi, podziņas, vasara, ogu lasīšana, ĀBOLI, gliemeži, smilšu kaste, burkāni, kalna 'nometne', tēja, piparmētras, vērmeles, pulkstens, bēniņi, Miki pele, žurkas, pagrabs, bietes un kartupeļi, saldējums, vārda diena, Jāņi, Līgo vakars, lietus, dārzs, ... atmiņas.
Atcerējos Itāliju.. Marmora grīdas, skola, uniformas, pokemoni, reksis, eglīte, Kolizejs, vasara, Vatikāns, ūdens krāni, dators, papīra lidmašīnas, blēņas, zobi, asaras, Līgo pantiņi, lazaņa, tira mi su, miegs, sarkana gulta, kaila glezna, lielais galds, biļete, jūra, viļņi, saule, metro, tramvajs, nogurums, ah-kleita, tirdziņš, persiki, arbūzi, zaļumi, zivis, somas, lakati, Trevī, SALDĒJUMS, pica, šauras ielas, grāmatas, tūristi, Jaunais gads, policisti, priesteri, māsa, šampanietis, ciemiņi, vilšanās, mašīna, ceļojums, Kapri, šokolāde, kaktuss, konfektes, gada grāmatas, angļu valoda, WWF, tirdziņi, Angelo, mīkstās futbola bumbas, čells, dejas, brilles, dzimšanas dienas, dāvanas, zinātne, uzlīmes, gotiņas, spēles, burtnīcas, zīmuļi, lidmašīnas, autobus, Varšava, miegs, zvaigznes, nakts, kalendārs, vēstules, kartiņas, ROMA, ... ...
Atcerējos arī par daudz ko citu, bet man liekas, ka nav veselīgi pārāk daudz domāt par bijušo.
Tagad jāmācas, jādomā par tusiņiem un puišiem, un jādomā par mācībām, par darbu nobeigšanu, par ēst gatavošanu, un par daudz, daudz ko citu... Es tač jau pirms mēneša atvadījos no pagātnes tomēr. ;]
Es iešu kaut ko padarīt. Paka.
Wednesday, 2 March 2011
"Man lūdzu zāles pret ziņkārību, divas
devas Negribu neko vairs zināt, un vēlos
aizmirst to ko jau zinu."
Vot tā ir, ka vairs nemāku savākties un bāžu degunu visur kur nevajag.
Sēžu garlaicībā. Atcerējos, ka jāpāršķir visu trīs (!) kalendāru lapas. Un, protams, šodien tak Lailai vārda diena. Ak es aizmārša.
Mēğinu rast iemeslus kādēļ būtu vērts smaidīt. Daudz neko uzrakt nevaru.. un tomēr, varbūt ir vērts pasmaidīt. Kut spītības spēc.
Es tagad smaidu.
devas Negribu neko vairs zināt, un vēlos
aizmirst to ko jau zinu."
Vot tā ir, ka vairs nemāku savākties un bāžu degunu visur kur nevajag.
Sēžu garlaicībā. Atcerējos, ka jāpāršķir visu trīs (!) kalendāru lapas. Un, protams, šodien tak Lailai vārda diena. Ak es aizmārša.
Mēğinu rast iemeslus kādēļ būtu vērts smaidīt. Daudz neko uzrakt nevaru.. un tomēr, varbūt ir vērts pasmaidīt. Kut spītības spēc.
Es tagad smaidu.
new phone post,
Tuesday, 1 March 2011
Dzīve ir iegrozījusies tā ne pa jokām. Skaidrs ir tas, ka nekas nav skaidrs. Te notiek sliktas lietas, te labas. Te gribas gauzties un asaras liet, te gribās smaidīt no rīta līdz vēlai nakts stundai. Kad tas viss vienā katlā vārās, tad ir tā nedaudz par grūšu visu izstrebt. Gribas padoties, bet Tu jau zi, ka par spīti visam es turos.
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