Saturday, 31 December 2011
It's yet another last day of YET another year. I hope it's the best one for all of us, me, you and everybody else. I hope it feels like a never ending firework. I hope it's like a constant orgasm. I wish you that every single day goes by with the thought that it was the best day so far. May all your dearest wishes come true. I really wish for world peace, so that we all live in harmony and accept each other just the way we are. I hope I learn to be more welcome, and more patient. I hope only good things will happen. And if anything bad does happen, we should take the best of it and add it to life experiences.
I want 2012 to be different than any other year. I want to do things that I haven't done, and make it memoriable.
Truly, may it be the best so far!
jaunais gads,
laba diena,
Friday, 30 December 2011
Nu nav jau labākā kompānija.
Vēl līdz šim brīdim neesmu līdz galam izdomājusi ko darīšu vecgada vakarā. Bet tas tak būs jau rīt.
Man ir uznācis kapitāls besis. Ir brīži, kad sirsniņa sitās strauji un ir "labais papīrs," bet lielākoties pavadu laiku domājot par visādām ģēlām. Vispār esmu nogurusi. Ir fizisks un morāls nogurums. Gribas mājās.
Neh, vienkārši gribas kaut kur citur. Pēdējo pāris nedēļu laikā esmu apskatījusi vairākas potenciālas jaunas dzīves vietas te pat Glāzgovā, bet pati neesmu nemaz pārliecināta vai gribu te palikt.
Cik gan ilgi es mocīšu sevi ar to domāšanu?
Man ir uznācis kapitāls besis. Ir brīži, kad sirsniņa sitās strauji un ir "labais papīrs," bet lielākoties pavadu laiku domājot par visādām ģēlām. Vispār esmu nogurusi. Ir fizisks un morāls nogurums. Gribas mājās.
Neh, vienkārši gribas kaut kur citur. Pēdējo pāris nedēļu laikā esmu apskatījusi vairākas potenciālas jaunas dzīves vietas te pat Glāzgovā, bet pati neesmu nemaz pārliecināta vai gribu te palikt.
Cik gan ilgi es mocīšu sevi ar to domāšanu?
jaunais gads,
Thursday, 29 December 2011
Draugs vai ienaidnieks?
Izlasīju citātu twitterī, ka tavu ienaidnieku ienaidnieki esot tavi draugi. Tas tā visai absurdi izklausās, bet tādas lietais jau bij iepriekš lasītas un dzirdētas. 'Bunga' tāda, ka man ienaidnieku nav, bet, protams, draugi gan man ir. Un tomēr, varbūt, ka nav, kas to maz var vairi saprast. Pēdējo dienu laikā esmu visai apmulsusi par pilnīgi visu. Galvā jau atkal noris nebeidzamu domu vētra. Jau atkal esmu pārtapusi par pastulbu pesimistu.
Indulis, Dzintars, Daiga, Bunģis, Gundars, Gaida..... Ko vairs maz var saprast?
Gribu kaut kur doties, tālu prom, sākt visu no gala. Man patīk būvēt jaunas domino rindas, lai tās nogāztu...tad atkal būvēt jaunas. Katru reizi citā vietā. Vispār nē, negribu visu sākt no jauna; tas jau būtu tikai turpinājums.
Tas būtu tikai turpinājums.
Galvenais nevajag pieturēties pie ierastā; bieži sanāk daudz domāt bet maz darīt. Jāmācās darīt lietas otrādi, vismaz vairāk tiek padarīts.
Indulis, Dzintars, Daiga, Bunģis, Gundars, Gaida..... Ko vairs maz var saprast?
Gribu kaut kur doties, tālu prom, sākt visu no gala. Man patīk būvēt jaunas domino rindas, lai tās nogāztu...tad atkal būvēt jaunas. Katru reizi citā vietā. Vispār nē, negribu visu sākt no jauna; tas jau būtu tikai turpinājums.
Tas būtu tikai turpinājums.
Galvenais nevajag pieturēties pie ierastā; bieži sanāk daudz domāt bet maz darīt. Jāmācās darīt lietas otrādi, vismaz vairāk tiek padarīts.
Tuesday, 27 December 2011
Mana devīze.
Man nav devīzes, un man nav kauna. Mana dvēsele ir sadedzināta sārtā - tā redzēja vairāk kā ļauts. Mēs nododam viens otru, un tā pat meklējam vainīgo. Mēs meklējam naudu netīros seifos. Tiek galēti nevainīgie vārguļi. Nav zināms mājupceļš no stacijas. Nav mājas. No stacijas dodamies uz nākamo ostu, uz nākamo pieturu. Nedomājam par sekām. Nevar tikt sveikā ar vienīgo alibi, jo draugs nodod draugu. Nosūtītas vairākas vēstules svešiniekiem. Tukšas vēstules, lai nav jābrīnās, ka atbildes nav.
Izgāžamies klasisko triku priekšnesumos. Braucam ar smalkiem auto. Pa dienu lasām kriminālromānus, bet naktīs klausāmies nebeidzamus mūzikas ritmus, skatāmies Hičkoka filmas, mācamies jaunu cīņas mākslu.. un dzeram līdz rītausmai.
Man nav kauna, jo to man nozaga tie, kurus kādreiz devēju par draugiem.
Izgāžamies klasisko triku priekšnesumos. Braucam ar smalkiem auto. Pa dienu lasām kriminālromānus, bet naktīs klausāmies nebeidzamus mūzikas ritmus, skatāmies Hičkoka filmas, mācamies jaunu cīņas mākslu.. un dzeram līdz rītausmai.
Man nav kauna, jo to man nozaga tie, kurus kādreiz devēju par draugiem.
Saturday, 17 December 2011
le Weekend
Yesterday was the Christmas night out. The bosses of our workplace had invited all of us to a dinner and a free bar evening. First of all, not many people showed up, that was a disappointment. The food was not well prepared. The main course lacked seasoning and was cold, but the dessert was much too sweet. The starter, though, was prepared very well, and tasted nice.
The free bar was limited to main menue drinks, and our boss shut down this part of the event at eleven o'clock due to the already high bill. How great is that? At around midnight me and my friend left, had a few drinks at my place, and that was the end of the story.
Today i must buy two important postcards. Then i might go view another room (you know, me moving and all..).
In the evening i sort of have a date, but i'm gonna cancel it anyway. :D
Work tomorrow, and then Latvian poker final table at 19:00 (i'm definatelly gonna be late, since sundays are always busy at work).
Happy go lucky....
The free bar was limited to main menue drinks, and our boss shut down this part of the event at eleven o'clock due to the already high bill. How great is that? At around midnight me and my friend left, had a few drinks at my place, and that was the end of the story.
Today i must buy two important postcards. Then i might go view another room (you know, me moving and all..).
In the evening i sort of have a date, but i'm gonna cancel it anyway. :D
Work tomorrow, and then Latvian poker final table at 19:00 (i'm definatelly gonna be late, since sundays are always busy at work).
Happy go lucky....
new phone post,
Sunday, 11 December 2011
"I want to move.It's more like I have to move.The only queation is: To Where?
Now, i'm no fool, and nor do I take you for a fool; there are several options:
Option one, of course, is to not move, i.e. stay in the same flat where I live right now.Option two is to stay in Glasgow, but to move in with different people and somewhere closer to city center.
Option three is to move elsewhere in Scotland. Maybe more to the East, not quite as far as Edinburgh, but that direction.
Option four is to move down to England.
Option five - move to a new country. If I do choose this option, then I'd probably choose Spain.
Option six is that I move back to Latvia.
Option seven does not exist, yet...
Now, if I am to move, it will not happen in the next few days...not this year that is.
So there, I said it. One more post where I'm legitly telling the truth. Love me."
Jā, iespēja palikt šajā dzīvoklī tiek kategoriski izslēgta, jo nevaru vairs sadzīvot ar Kristapu un Miku. Esmu nosolījusies sev, ka vēlākais līdz Februāra beigām vairs šajā dzīvoklī nedzīvošu. Puiši vienkārši vairs nav izturami!
Monday, 5 December 2011
I want to move. It's more like I have to move. The only queation is: To Where?
Now, i'm no fool, and nor do I take you for a fool; there are several options:
Option one, of course, is to not move, i.e. stay in the same flat where I live right now.
Option two is to stay in Glasgow, but to move in with different people and somewhere closer to city center.
Option three is to move elsewhere in Scotland. Maybe more to the East, not quite as far as Edinburgh, but that direction.
Option four is to move down to England.
Option five - move to a new country. If I do choose this option, then I'd probably choose Spain.
Option six is that I move back to Latvia.
Option seven does not exist, yet...
So there, I said it. One more post where I'm legitly telling the truth. Love me.
Now, i'm no fool, and nor do I take you for a fool; there are several options:
Option one, of course, is to not move, i.e. stay in the same flat where I live right now.
Option two is to stay in Glasgow, but to move in with different people and somewhere closer to city center.
Option three is to move elsewhere in Scotland. Maybe more to the East, not quite as far as Edinburgh, but that direction.
Option four is to move down to England.
Option five - move to a new country. If I do choose this option, then I'd probably choose Spain.
Option six is that I move back to Latvia.
Option seven does not exist, yet...
Now, if I am to move, it will not happen in the next few days...not this year that is.
So there, I said it. One more post where I'm legitly telling the truth. Love me.
Saturday, 3 December 2011
Friday, 2 December 2011
Gone for Good
Is it possible to change everything? Just for the night i'd want to be with you, there in your arms. We could pretend that there is no sky. We'd switch off the gravity. We'd fall in love like Romeo and Juliet. We could turn all the clocks sideways so they'd get confused. And so we'd gain more of the precious time. How about we forget the past for a second. What's gone is gone for good; i'd never want that back. But truth be truth: i miss you. No, i simply miss you when you were at your best.
Remember how we danced in the rain. Do you remember how nor the time nor the place mattered, as long as we had each other, we were good for the day. Do you remember talking to strangers like they were our pals. Do you know why it was so? We really were strangers to each other. I loved jumping into other cultures with you, it was great to experience all that with someone who was more than a friend. Do you remember how i refused to hold your hand. It must have pissed you off. My temperament is too hot for you, you couldn't handle me.
Do you remember turning off the lights?
Does any of that ring bells?
How about walking home together and singing odd songs that we both knew by heart. Do you remember how we yelled at each other at the bus stop? Do you even remember what we were fighting for?
I don't..
Do you remember holding my hand while others weren't watching? We got caught, you weren't careful enough. But i know why, i really do. I recall you telling me things that you said no other soul knows. I know you opened up. And even though there was nothing there..not even a second worth remembering, i'd like to spend this one timeless second with you.
You see, we used to dance to sweet music. We always kissed like stars were upon our heads. We lied to each other several times... And once you even said that you loved me.
Remember how we danced in the rain. Do you remember how nor the time nor the place mattered, as long as we had each other, we were good for the day. Do you remember talking to strangers like they were our pals. Do you know why it was so? We really were strangers to each other. I loved jumping into other cultures with you, it was great to experience all that with someone who was more than a friend. Do you remember how i refused to hold your hand. It must have pissed you off. My temperament is too hot for you, you couldn't handle me.
Do you remember turning off the lights?
Does any of that ring bells?
How about walking home together and singing odd songs that we both knew by heart. Do you remember how we yelled at each other at the bus stop? Do you even remember what we were fighting for?
I don't..
Do you remember holding my hand while others weren't watching? We got caught, you weren't careful enough. But i know why, i really do. I recall you telling me things that you said no other soul knows. I know you opened up. And even though there was nothing there..not even a second worth remembering, i'd like to spend this one timeless second with you.
You see, we used to dance to sweet music. We always kissed like stars were upon our heads. We lied to each other several times... And once you even said that you loved me.
Wednesday, 30 November 2011
Wintersleep - Home
This is what my mind was singing two weeks ago:
With this post NaBloPoMo November 2011 has concluded. Was a pleasure to be with my blog 30 days in a row. Cheers for now my loves.
So glad to be back home
be back home
i cant stay too long
be back home
so glad to be back home
be back home
the winter hit so hard
hit so hard
the winter hit so hard
every little part
so glad to be back home
be back home
With this post NaBloPoMo November 2011 has concluded. Was a pleasure to be with my blog 30 days in a row. Cheers for now my loves.

NaBloPoMo nov2011,
Tuesday, 29 November 2011
Today I will be going back to Scotland, and so my holiday will be over. I managed to do most of the things that I had planned, and for that I'm very content. Although there are things that are left undone, guess I'll leave those for next time. :)
I have to be back at work on Thursday, thought of it brings me down. Although it's not as bad as it should be. Not sure how I can explain it. :D
Dear friends, wish me a pleasant flight, and I'll write again from a different time zone. Bye, bye for now.
I have to be back at work on Thursday, thought of it brings me down. Although it's not as bad as it should be. Not sure how I can explain it. :D
Dear friends, wish me a pleasant flight, and I'll write again from a different time zone. Bye, bye for now.
NaBloPoMo nov2011,
Monday, 28 November 2011
I love my bike!
I got my bike fixed, sort of... And then me and my bro, we went for a ride... All I can say is that I love my bike. I adore it!
NaBloPoMo nov2011,
Sunday, 27 November 2011
Tā ir iedoma, tās ir liesmas,
kas bruģim stāsta par daudz.
Tā ir pazudusi dvēsele bez mugurkaula.
Tā neeksistē.
Tā vakaros krāso melnas baltās ielas.
Tā nesteidzīgi dzer lietus lāses.
Tā meklē pazudušo draugu.
Viņš nav, sen aizbrauca rīta tramvajā uz depo pusi.
Tā mazgājas ar kanāla zivīm.
Tā klejo pa pilsētas šaurajām ielām.
Tā dzīvo sapņu ielejā.
Tā bruģim stāsta par daudz.
Raud bruģa ērmotie tēli.
Tie nespēj vairs turēt smagumu jūsu.
kas bruģim stāsta par daudz.
Tā ir pazudusi dvēsele bez mugurkaula.
Tā neeksistē.
Tā vakaros krāso melnas baltās ielas.
Tā nesteidzīgi dzer lietus lāses.
Tā meklē pazudušo draugu.
Viņš nav, sen aizbrauca rīta tramvajā uz depo pusi.
Tā mazgājas ar kanāla zivīm.
Tā klejo pa pilsētas šaurajām ielām.
Tā dzīvo sapņu ielejā.
Tā bruģim stāsta par daudz.
Raud bruģa ērmotie tēli.
Tie nespēj vairs turēt smagumu jūsu.
NaBloPoMo nov2011,
new phone post,
Saturday, 26 November 2011
Once more I want to complain about the time. It seems to be in a rush again. But I've grown, I know it's not the time. It's me!
Can You imagine that December is near, and so I will return to the routine that was abducting me before my holiday begun. I'm tired. I'm tired of the lies and the useless hope. I'm tired of those who think of themselves so dearly and then forget about others. I'm tired of you. I'm tired of myself.
My mom owns a mug which has a nice saying on it: Liktenim ir divas puses - labā un tā, kas izskatās pēc sliktās. The meaning of this is, Destiny has two sides - the good one, and the one that looks like the bad one.
And so it IS.
Can You imagine that December is near, and so I will return to the routine that was abducting me before my holiday begun. I'm tired. I'm tired of the lies and the useless hope. I'm tired of those who think of themselves so dearly and then forget about others. I'm tired of you. I'm tired of myself.
My mom owns a mug which has a nice saying on it: Liktenim ir divas puses - labā un tā, kas izskatās pēc sliktās. The meaning of this is, Destiny has two sides - the good one, and the one that looks like the bad one.
And so it IS.
Friday, 25 November 2011
Soul Asylum - "Runaway Train" lyrics+video
Call you up in the middle of the night
Like a firefly without a light
You were there like a slow torch burning
I was a key that could use a little turning
So tired that I couldn't even sleep
So many secrets I couldn't keep
Promised myself I wouldn't weep
One more promise I couldn't keep
It seems no one can help me now
I'm in too deep
There's no way out
This time I have really led myself astray
Runaway train never going back
Wrong way on a one way track
Seems like I should be getting somewhere
Somehow I'm neither here nor there
Can you help me remember how to smile
Make it somehow all seem worthwhile
How on earth did I get so jaded
Life's mystery seems so faded
I can go where no one else can go
I know what no one else knows
Here I am just drownin' in the rain
With a ticket for a runaway train
Everything is cut and dry
Day and night, earth and sky
Somehow I just don't believe it
Bought a ticket for a runaway train
Like a madman laughin' at the rain
Little out of touch, little insane
Just easier than dealing with the pain
Runaway train never comin' back
Runaway train tearin' up the track
Runaway train burnin' in my veins
Runaway but it always seems the same
NaBloPoMo nov2011,
Thursday, 24 November 2011
Drama Queen
Burn the last eclipse,
Let the odd flies bully your dreams,
Believe in the lost treasures,
Deny the truth when confronted.
Swallow swards, break your bones,
Win the first place,
Sell the gold that you've won,
Stay disabled for the rest of your life.
Let the odd flies bully your dreams,
Believe in the lost treasures,
Deny the truth when confronted.
Swallow swards, break your bones,
Win the first place,
Sell the gold that you've won,
Stay disabled for the rest of your life.
NaBloPoMo nov2011,
new phone post,
Wednesday, 23 November 2011
Šodien izdevās nopirkt rūtiņu kladi tērptu plastmasas vākos. Protams, ar spirāli. Tikko, kad to biju iegādājusies nolēmu, ka to saukšu par Pavasari. Tā ir parastas klades izmērā, lai gan biju apsvērusi pirkt A4 formāta daiļumu. Nu labi, tas nav būtiski patiesībā.
Pie grieztiem ir pielipuši četri putni. Tiem ir garas, košas astes un asi knābji. Tie nepacietīgi lauž vaļā katru sēkliņu, kas tiek pasviesta to virzienā. Pie virtuves galda nepacietīgi bērni griež leišu akmeņus savdabīgos dejas ritmos. Citi pamanās dejot līdzi. Uz baltām papīra lapām zīmē vēl neesošus jumta klājumus, lai veiksmīgāks rezultāts. Bet draugi viens otram dala uzlīmes, kuras tika atrastas sinagogu pagrabos. Laiku rādītājs nekust no vietas. Lieli izauguši mazi. Bonusā piešķir mandarīnu par katru negulētu nakti.
Labojums: Pārdomāju, kladi dēvēšu par Trešo Pavasari.
Pie grieztiem ir pielipuši četri putni. Tiem ir garas, košas astes un asi knābji. Tie nepacietīgi lauž vaļā katru sēkliņu, kas tiek pasviesta to virzienā. Pie virtuves galda nepacietīgi bērni griež leišu akmeņus savdabīgos dejas ritmos. Citi pamanās dejot līdzi. Uz baltām papīra lapām zīmē vēl neesošus jumta klājumus, lai veiksmīgāks rezultāts. Bet draugi viens otram dala uzlīmes, kuras tika atrastas sinagogu pagrabos. Laiku rādītājs nekust no vietas. Lieli izauguši mazi. Bonusā piešķir mandarīnu par katru negulētu nakti.
Labojums: Pārdomāju, kladi dēvēšu par Trešo Pavasari.
3. Pavasaris,
NaBloPoMo nov2011,
Tuesday, 22 November 2011
End of the World
We all know that the end of the world arrived ages ago.. And then it came again, again and again. So basically we all don't even exist.
NaBloPoMo nov2011,
new phone post,
Monday, 21 November 2011
No Face
Imagine no one would have a face and everything that we do would make up our identity. Or we could all have the same face. You understand the basic of this thought? So you would not be judged based on your looks, or race, or even gender; but your own actions. Further more, you would not be limited by the label that the society has attached to you. If you're a woman in Pakistan, you're barely considered as a living being. Where as if you had a face like everyone else, then you could do all the things that he, she or he is doing. I believe that's what the world should aim for... But that's just me.
NaBloPoMo nov2011,
new phone post,
Sunday, 20 November 2011
Kad pilnmēness, tad visiem labi.
ir labi,
NaBloPoMo nov2011,
new phone post,
Saturday, 19 November 2011
18. novembris
Ir ļoti patīkami sajusties patriotiskam.
NaBloPoMo nov2011,
Friday, 18 November 2011
Thursday, 17 November 2011
Vakar bija
Vakar vakarā beidzot atbildēju uz to vēstuli. Kopā aprakstīju divas lapas no abām pusēm. To ir plānots nākamā gada novembrī vai decembrī. Man tik jāsameklē skočs, lai varu to kārtīgi satīt, lai nav vēlme palūrēt ātrāk, kas tajā rakstīts.
Visādi citādi iet labi. Domāju par nerunigām spārēm un klausos citu sarakstītos mīlas vārdus. Nedaudz viz iedvesma, tik nezinu kur to kārt. Varbūt, ka iekāršu kumeļam astē, vai arī pie kāda vēl neizdzisuša slimības kalna. Tad manīs.
Visādi citādi iet labi. Domāju par nerunigām spārēm un klausos citu sarakstītos mīlas vārdus. Nedaudz viz iedvesma, tik nezinu kur to kārt. Varbūt, ka iekāršu kumeļam astē, vai arī pie kāda vēl neizdzisuša slimības kalna. Tad manīs.
NaBloPoMo nov2011,
Wednesday, 16 November 2011
Vēl nav.
Vēl joprojām neesmu atbildējusi uz vēstuli sev. Bet gan jau kaut kad. ;)
NaBloPoMo nov2011,
Tuesday, 15 November 2011
Monday, 14 November 2011
Day 5
Today is the final day of my 5-day-pre-holiday-weekend. I've been out and about every night since Thursday. Today is the last day because tomorrow i'll be leaving for my holiday. :)
On Thursday i met up with Gunta for a few beers. On Friday was my colleagues birthday party. Saturday the same birthday party continued. Sunday i went to Latvian poker night. And today, Monday, it's the big poker night. The plan is to have a real good time!! :))
Plus i can not wait for tomorrow!!!!!!!!!
Cheerios my friends.
On Thursday i met up with Gunta for a few beers. On Friday was my colleagues birthday party. Saturday the same birthday party continued. Sunday i went to Latvian poker night. And today, Monday, it's the big poker night. The plan is to have a real good time!! :))
Plus i can not wait for tomorrow!!!!!!!!!
Cheerios my friends.
NaBloPoMo nov2011,
new phone post,
Sunday, 13 November 2011
So much for the positivism that you wear each day like an old pair of socks. So much for being a good friend, when you're the one who leaves everyone behind while on a possibly final journey. You're a disgrace to human kind. You don't know where to stop. You fly in your dreams like a dragonfly. You can then stop and think; you can stop the time. No, wait, here goes another truth, it's not the time that's running, it's us. We never stop growing old. Take a breath, we're all young. We like to think otherwise because we are meant to grow up, that's what the society pushes on you. One should never stop dreaming like a child, one should always find happiness in little things. One should cry his/her eyes out if another homo sapience has done harm (physical or emotional). We should never lose the simplicity of love. It's wonderful to think of your dear ones as angels walking on the planet of earth. One should think of swearing as a terrible sin, that leads you into suffering. Bad words are followed by bad actions, we all know that. We should all, at least visually stay pure as the holy water. We must not forget that there's monsters hiding under the bed and in the closet.
We must stay brave, dream big dreams, and never give up on ourselves!
We must stay brave, dream big dreams, and never give up on ourselves!
NaBloPoMo nov2011,
new phone post,
Saturday, 12 November 2011
Prieka lieti.
Lietains laiks, lietains prieks. Šodien manā paradīzē līst laimes lietus. Galīgi bez iemesla gribas smaidīt. Gribas pierādīt, ka par spīti visam, es gribu smaidīt. Lai tik kāds pamēģina manī modināt sāpi, bēdas, skumjas.. Es pretī uzbrukšu ar smaidu, jo esmu stiprāka par jums visiem. Man vienalga, ka ir nomācošais novembra vilciens, esmu neievainojama, esmu dzīva. Vēnās kā ūdens Niagārā rit asinis. Tās iemet vaigos veselīgu sārtumu, un lūpās neizsmeļamu smaidu. Māc nogurums, bet man vienalga. Gribas pateikt pasaulei taisnību, lai arī viņi zin, un, lai saprot.. Bet es māku turēt noslēpumus, nav lemts citiem uzzināt to, kas padara manas dienas nebeidzamas. Nevienam nav jāzin, tas, kas slēpjas manā domu skapī.
Es tik smaidu, jo tā tomēr ir vieglāk nekā pūt ar asarām acīs.
Es tik smaidu, jo tā tomēr ir vieglāk nekā pūt ar asarām acīs.
ir labi,
NaBloPoMo nov2011,
new phone post,
Friday, 11 November 2011
It's finally Friday, thought it would never come. Today i'm supposed to attend a party that i'd rather not go to.. But what the hell! What difference does it make if i get drunk here or there? :P
Can't wait for Tuesday!!
Sveiciens visiem Lāčplēšos.
Can't wait for Tuesday!!
Sveiciens visiem Lāčplēšos.
NaBloPoMo nov2011,
new phone post,
Thursday, 10 November 2011
Open the Door
"Jums ir mīlestība no pirmā acu skatiena?"
Vēl līdz šim brīdim tas viss liekas nenormāli amizanti. :D
Vēl līdz šim brīdim tas viss liekas nenormāli amizanti. :D
NaBloPoMo nov2011,
new phone post,
Wednesday, 9 November 2011
I'm Scared
I'm scared that one day i'll lose everything i've got. It makes me want to cry. Leaving all the rubbish aside; i'm not talking about money, or the things i have. I'm afraid that i'll lose other things. Friends, for instance, i've had them come and go. Of course, i'm the one who is coming, then leaving. But it hurts my gut every time i have to say goodbye.. Because so many of the goodbyes have been the last ones. I'm scared i'll lose my health, and everything around it.
As much as i love change, it's not always easy to handle things. Change is good, since routine is a killer. But it's nice to have certain things that stay the same..or similar at least.
Have to learn to be more brave.
As much as i love change, it's not always easy to handle things. Change is good, since routine is a killer. But it's nice to have certain things that stay the same..or similar at least.
Have to learn to be more brave.
NaBloPoMo nov2011,
new phone post
Tuesday, 8 November 2011
Blame it on the Booze
I should learn to not talk when i've had some alcohol. Yesterday it seems that i've said things that should have been left unsaid. Besides, what was the point of going out if 'he' didn't go. He plain vanished. And later claimed it was because he had to get to bed early. Fuck it. Last night was fun anyway, i had a great time. That's what matters. Of course, arriving home at 5 am isn't great because of the amount of sleep i ended up getting before going to work.. But most of the night rocked my world anyway.
Well, now i should really get some sleep! :)
Well, now i should really get some sleep! :)
NaBloPoMo nov2011,
new phone post,
Monday, 7 November 2011
They Like My Boots
For all i know, i used to dislike these boots. I've grown up; i love them now.
NaBloPoMo nov2011,
new phone post,
Sunday, 6 November 2011
Le Weekend
Yesterday I had arranged a meeting with my frined. The plan was to have a few drinks at the pub where we play poker on Mondays. All that isn't important. What is quite...well, interesting is who we met while we were there. A guy who has a story, let's just say that. And as the night progressed my friend said that we should go out and about after the pub. I just went with it. ...
Blah, blah, blah... Long story short, I didn't spend the night at home.. and then I went straight to work. :D
P.S. I got my earrings back btw.
Blah, blah, blah... Long story short, I didn't spend the night at home.. and then I went straight to work. :D
P.S. I got my earrings back btw.
Saturday, 5 November 2011
Today I Saw a Man Cry
I was waiting for the bus at a busy bus stop. Don't even ask me where I was, I honestly don't have a clue. Anyway, I had to get home, and I was going to take the bus. As I was walking back and forth a few steps I was examining the other people waiting for their ride. Just to mention a few; there was a black woman holding a small child. She was wearing worn-out clothes, and you could see that the child was cold. Good that the sun was shining, so the wee girl could catch some warmth from it. Of course her mother's (I'm guessing) body heat was keeping her warm as well. There was this girl who was standing near the street, as if desperate to get on the first bus coming. She was wearing a blue jacket and a matching scarf. Her ears were plugged with cheap, white earphones. Finally, a man was sitting on the bench at the bus stop. He was old, maybe around 60. I happened to catch his eye as he was looking back for an unknown reason. That's when I noticed the tears. There were three tears tattooed right below his right eye.
Friday, 4 November 2011
Colours of the Rainbow Shine on You
It's all lies. No matter what I say, I can never tell 100% truth. I don't trust anyone, I don't trust you. It's funny how people always think that you have to pick one side in everything in life. Well here goes the truth, there isn't just black and white. Life is like a rainbow. There is no pure evil, or pure angels on this planet. We all have some things we'd rather not share with anyone, and we all have things that we are proud of. We just have to make sure that the wrong people never find out about certain things.
So let's have a drink for the stories that can not be told.
So let's have a drink for the stories that can not be told.
Thursday, 3 November 2011
Wednesday, 2 November 2011
Es dzīvoju ar smerdeļiem!
Edit: As you know it's NaBloPoMo, and I was about to write the post of that day when two of my flatmates decided to distract me and not let me do anything. They really piss me off all the time. It was fun at first but now it's plain annoying.
Edit: As you know it's NaBloPoMo, and I was about to write the post of that day when two of my flatmates decided to distract me and not let me do anything. They really piss me off all the time. It was fun at first but now it's plain annoying.
NaBloPoMo nov2011,
Tuesday, 1 November 2011
How to be a Buffalo
It's November the first, and what else is there to do if not be a buffalo. I know; everyone is talking about it. You're on the public transport and you hear people next to you wondering about certain details of the whole process. I was on my way to work the yesterday, and as I walked passed the Conservatory of creative arts I heard third year students discussing their this weeks assignment. Guess what it was? Yes, of course it was about how to be a buffalo. So I decided that my today's task will be to explain to you all how it's done the right way. There are several things that one has to be aware of before starting the process. These quite important factors will determine how successful you will be at being a buffalo. And when you finally get the expected result, you'll also need instructions on how to become normal again.
So first of all there are three vital things you should know. One, never try this under influence of any intoxicating substances. Second, you should avoid this experience if you have health problems such as weak heart, breathing issues, strong allergies, etc. Last, but not least, make sure you have had enough food before you become a buffalo.
As someone who is about to take up this jurney you might want to know that some myths that you've heard are not exactly accurate. You may be a buffalo if you're pregnant. This will not harm you or your child. Quite opposite, it's good for growing minds. Another myth is that one can become a buffalo only in November. While most of us do choose this moths due to different reasons, many still practice this throughout the entire year. The myth that I've heard the most is that it's not good for one's health. This is not ture if one follows the accurate steps on how to be a buffalo.
Alright, so now to the business. First thing is that you have to choose the right time. Any time can be good, it depends on when you feel the best. It could be early in the morning, or late in the evenig, mid day, or midnight. You should be well rested and not hungry. There is almost no other preperation needed. You'll get best results if you'll do it alone, but it could be done in twos or even as a group activity. (The reason why it's better to do it alone is that not everyone will be 'feel at their best' at the same time.) After you have chosen the right time, you need to decide the right place. The most comonly chosen location is own personal space, so it would be either your bedroom or office. However, you may do it anywhere else. I do suggest that you avoid public areas, it could be harder to concentrate, and so you will not be able to achieve the expected result. Now that the location is confirmed you are ready to be a buffalo. Stand (you are allowed to be sitting if you have circumstances that do not allow standing) with your feet together, hands down by your side, and closed eyes facing any diretion. Relax your body and mind. Imagine there are no walls around you. Not physical walls, but the walls we create in our heads. In other words, step out of the box, let your mind fly. Think of one day in a buffalo's life. Better be a positive one, if you want to gain positive emotions from being a buffalo. Now remind yourself that you are strong. Yell it in your mind. Repeat. And again. Free your mind from the illusions of real life. There is nothing but you, a strong buffalo. Remember to breath. Keep your mind on this frequiency. Repeat the thoughts back and forth for a few times.
Now when you've come out of the experience you need to rest well. This activity will take a lot of your free energy and you will feel tired. Make sure you sit or lie down. Always remeber to keep your breath at constant levels. Now count to ten in a very slow manner. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. TEN.
To conclude have a hot drink with no milk or sugar. Take the drink in small sips. Once the drink is finnished you may continue with your day as you normally would.
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me.
Thank you, and have a nice day. :)
So first of all there are three vital things you should know. One, never try this under influence of any intoxicating substances. Second, you should avoid this experience if you have health problems such as weak heart, breathing issues, strong allergies, etc. Last, but not least, make sure you have had enough food before you become a buffalo.
As someone who is about to take up this jurney you might want to know that some myths that you've heard are not exactly accurate. You may be a buffalo if you're pregnant. This will not harm you or your child. Quite opposite, it's good for growing minds. Another myth is that one can become a buffalo only in November. While most of us do choose this moths due to different reasons, many still practice this throughout the entire year. The myth that I've heard the most is that it's not good for one's health. This is not ture if one follows the accurate steps on how to be a buffalo.
Alright, so now to the business. First thing is that you have to choose the right time. Any time can be good, it depends on when you feel the best. It could be early in the morning, or late in the evenig, mid day, or midnight. You should be well rested and not hungry. There is almost no other preperation needed. You'll get best results if you'll do it alone, but it could be done in twos or even as a group activity. (The reason why it's better to do it alone is that not everyone will be 'feel at their best' at the same time.) After you have chosen the right time, you need to decide the right place. The most comonly chosen location is own personal space, so it would be either your bedroom or office. However, you may do it anywhere else. I do suggest that you avoid public areas, it could be harder to concentrate, and so you will not be able to achieve the expected result. Now that the location is confirmed you are ready to be a buffalo. Stand (you are allowed to be sitting if you have circumstances that do not allow standing) with your feet together, hands down by your side, and closed eyes facing any diretion. Relax your body and mind. Imagine there are no walls around you. Not physical walls, but the walls we create in our heads. In other words, step out of the box, let your mind fly. Think of one day in a buffalo's life. Better be a positive one, if you want to gain positive emotions from being a buffalo. Now remind yourself that you are strong. Yell it in your mind. Repeat. And again. Free your mind from the illusions of real life. There is nothing but you, a strong buffalo. Remember to breath. Keep your mind on this frequiency. Repeat the thoughts back and forth for a few times.
Now when you've come out of the experience you need to rest well. This activity will take a lot of your free energy and you will feel tired. Make sure you sit or lie down. Always remeber to keep your breath at constant levels. Now count to ten in a very slow manner. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. TEN.
To conclude have a hot drink with no milk or sugar. Take the drink in small sips. Once the drink is finnished you may continue with your day as you normally would.
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me.
Thank you, and have a nice day. :)
Wednesday, 26 October 2011
It's all about thinking. Once you think too much, it can sabotage your mental health. But if you don't think enough, then you can never experience life at it's fullest. It's hard to think just the right amount. First, because the right level of thinking is different for everyone of us. Second, once you've crossed the ultimate level of thinking, it's almost impossible to go back.
Anyway, i was thinking of how depressing it is to view yourself one of so many. Every one of us is just yet another human being to be living on this earth. See one is that you see yourself as one of the seven billion people living on this earth. However, further more, you are just one out of trillions that have lived on the earth. So many people have already lived, and not all of their lives have even been recorded. So now you see how tiny and meaningless you and your life is.
But on the other hand, life is wonderful. Needless to say, it's the little things in life that count. :)
Anyway, i was thinking of how depressing it is to view yourself one of so many. Every one of us is just yet another human being to be living on this earth. See one is that you see yourself as one of the seven billion people living on this earth. However, further more, you are just one out of trillions that have lived on the earth. So many people have already lived, and not all of their lives have even been recorded. So now you see how tiny and meaningless you and your life is.
But on the other hand, life is wonderful. Needless to say, it's the little things in life that count. :)
new phone post,
Friday, 14 October 2011
How We See the World
Would you like to see the world from a totally different view point. It's much more different than writing a book from an other characther's view. Imagine everything you see day-to-day being seen in a different light. Guess what, there are about seven billion different lights to see the world in. We all see things like nobody else. That how we see things shapes what we are. It is the definition of our id, ego and super igo. It is the thing that creates our personality. It determines where we place a line that we should never cross. For You, your light is much in the same frequency as of the people around you. It is in a similar hue of colour as your friends, family and people who live in your town or city. It's even more so similar to your authority figures, such as (already mentioned) parents, teachers, your favourite quotation authors..etc. But there is no one who has the same perspective on things as you do. Even if you have an identical twin, the way you see the world is not the same. Our view is a collection of different values that we grow up with and we enforce them as we grow older. The thing is that we belive in them. And if we ever question our view...well, it's a part of what you are, in this case an unsure individual.
What it comes down to is that You can never fully understand what another person is trying to tell you. Becuase no matter how they tell things, you will see it all from a different point of view. You will construct the truth using different puzzle pieces. Or should I say, you'll be using the same puzzle pieces, but putting them together in a totally different pattern. Even your approach of how you will put the puzzle together will be different.
All I really wanted to say is that one should never judge anyone.
What it comes down to is that You can never fully understand what another person is trying to tell you. Becuase no matter how they tell things, you will see it all from a different point of view. You will construct the truth using different puzzle pieces. Or should I say, you'll be using the same puzzle pieces, but putting them together in a totally different pattern. Even your approach of how you will put the puzzle together will be different.
All I really wanted to say is that one should never judge anyone.
Dream 2
I have no idea why lately I've been having very vivid dreams. They feel like reality. Plus some minutes ago I watched the movie Inception where Leonardo di Caprio is playing lead. It's a movie about dreams, and dreams within dreams. I bet I'll get lost in my tonight's dream world. Not only are my dreams very vivid, they are also full of fiction, fantacy fiction. It's the type of stuff that I would very rarely read or watch. Last night's dream was about saving the world from the future. Basicaly the story was set a few years from now. The plot was that people from the future have come to destroy the earth because of how it looks like in the future. Aparently about a hundred or so years from now the world will look like a doomed land that has nothing humane left on it. We will be living amongst our own rubish. People will be fighting for clean air and water. It all seemed paradoxal since they could come to the past and try to kill us where as they could have gone to an even further past and get all the necessary resources they need. But I suppose it was strictly prohibited. Imagine bringing molecules from the past to the future. There would either be the same molecule twice, or there would be only one of that molecule (which would, in that case be only in the future)... It comes out to be very complex (in my mind), so I can't really explain it.
Anyway, I'll try to keep up with remembering my dreams. I find it fun. Plus it gives me ideas what to write about. These dreams feed my imagination (or vice verca).
Anyway, I'll try to keep up with remembering my dreams. I find it fun. Plus it gives me ideas what to write about. These dreams feed my imagination (or vice verca).
Thursday, 13 October 2011
I had a dream that they built a lighthouse in the middle of nowhere inSpain. It was well known that such thing would be done, but nobody knew why. It was up to me, a non-government inteligence agencies best fish to find out what was up with this thing. The light house had high security and no one could get in. The gate hadn't opened once since it was created. All the construction workers who were working on it had dissapeared out of country. As I was digging to find out anything about this mystery, I came across many wornings saying that I should stay away from investigation. However, I kept searching. I found out that this lighthouse was plotted by the US governemt. Though when I contacted certain individuals they had no idea what I was questioning about. Soon I found out that there were three other such misterious cases. One lighthouse had been built in mid Peru in a small town. Another one was located in North Russia. And the third one was in Pakistan in a city that had about the same population as the small town in Peru. I looked for patterns of the four locations. Only one was found, they all are located the same amount of kilometers from an ocean.
Wednesday, 12 October 2011
Vēstule sev
Šodien izlasīju vēstuli sev. Tā tika uzrakstīta pagājušā gada jūlijā īsi pirms došanās prom no Kanādas. To lasīt bija diezgan skumji, jo es atcerējos visu ko jutu, ka bija jāpamet dzīve, kas bijusi Kanādā. Vēstules pamatprincips bija, dzīve mainās un neesot viegli. Toties liela daļa, kas vēstulē bija iztirzāts, bija diezgan pozitīva. Es aprakstīju, ka neatkarīgi no tā cik sūdīgi iet (vai neiet) ir jāturpina cīnīties. Vieglāk pasacīt kā izdarīt. Šodien vai rīt (tagad jau vēls) es atbildēšu uz Tavu vēstuli. Bet man gribās šoreiz izdomāt ko interesantu, vēl nebijušu. Varbūt es varētu izveidot jaunu e-pasta adresi, uz to nosūtīt šī gada vēstuli, bet uz lapiņas gluži vienkārši sev "nosūtīt" pastkastītes loginu un paroli. Vai varbūt es varētu aizsūtīt vēstuli sev uz Rīgu, tad tā atceļotu līdz manīm atpakaļ... Gan es kaut ko inčīgu izgudrošu. Ja ne, tad turēšos pie līdzšinējā rituma. hmmm, varbūt varētu pievienot kādu bildi? Vai kaut ko, kas nav plika vēstule? Vēl jau, protams, ir jāizgudro ko rakstīšu vēstulē, lai pašai to nākamgad ir prieks lasīt.
Pukīts drīz vienpadsmit vakarā, rīt (atkal) agri jāceļas. Saldus.
Pukīts drīz vienpadsmit vakarā, rīt (atkal) agri jāceļas. Saldus.
Tuesday, 11 October 2011
Noslēpums tavs
Izkrāso tēlus saules krāsās.
Nepamet tos, kad pašam bail,
esi varens, esi stiprs.
Pastāsti draugam noslēpumu,
pastāsti visiem noslēpumu,
esi drosmīgs un stāsti.
Gan būs kāds, kas tevi sapratīs,
gan jau nebūsi viens pats ilgi.
Noskūpsti savu pieri.
Izliets izslauktais piens.
Zvērādā tērpusies dāma piemiedz ar aci.
Iesaku visiem taupīt.
Kā gan var neapnikt būt pircējam;
strādā, lai pirktu,
pērk, lai strādā.
Novīst uzzīmētā puķe.
Nodeg ledus pils.
Izsprūk noslēpums tavs.
Nepamet tos, kad pašam bail,
esi varens, esi stiprs.
Pastāsti draugam noslēpumu,
pastāsti visiem noslēpumu,
esi drosmīgs un stāsti.
Gan būs kāds, kas tevi sapratīs,
gan jau nebūsi viens pats ilgi.
Noskūpsti savu pieri.
Izliets izslauktais piens.
Zvērādā tērpusies dāma piemiedz ar aci.
Iesaku visiem taupīt.
Kā gan var neapnikt būt pircējam;
strādā, lai pirktu,
pērk, lai strādā.
Novīst uzzīmētā puķe.
Nodeg ledus pils.
Izsprūk noslēpums tavs.
Monday, 10 October 2011
Zubabibubaibe 2
Labs ir, centīšos šoreiz nedaudz garāk pastāstīt kā man iet.
Saule pārāk agri riet. Katru dienu paliek neievilkti elpas vilcieni. Laiks skrien, nezin kur stāties.
Dzīvi padara raibāku jaunā alerģija. Man ir alerģija pret vēsturi, pret pagātni, pret to, kas kādreiz ir bijis. Nepalīdz lētās tabletes, ko darīt? Es nezinu.
Nenāk miegs vēlās nakts stundās. Nenāk miegs vispār. Dzīvojos pa pilsētu cauru nakti, mājās pārnāku agros rītos. Tad ārdu māju, dziedu līdzi bezgaumīgajām dziesmām, kas nebeidz skanēt caur vecā rādžiņa tumbām. Skaņas kvalitātei gan nav ne vainas. Izsīkušiem spēkiem dodos uz darbu. Tur spēku nemaz nevajag, vismaz ne fizisko. Emocionāli ir grūti. Ir rutīna. Rutīna ir ķēms. Rutīna ir mans vienīgais ienaidnieks. Kad neizgulējies, tad nav nemaz tik grūti, jo smadzenes ieslēdzas autopilotā; viss jau iepriekš ir darīts, vairākas reizes.
Lieki sacīt, ka vīrieši padara dzīvi vēl neciešamāku. Viņi domā, ka var darīt kā grib. Viņi domā, ka es neesmu riebīga, gaida nez ko. Tas tak man uz pieres rakstīts, ka klāt labāk nenākt. Viņi neklausa. Tad lūdz, lai palīdzu, bet paši nekad neko. Vēl viņi tēlo, ka zin, kas ir sarkasms. Viņi konstanti nodarbojas ar fikcijas veidošanu. Un viņi uzskata, ka zagt auskarus ir stilīgi. Citi vēl apsaukā mani par mīļo un dārgo. Grēcinieki tādi.
Neveicas ne kārtīs, ne mīlestībā. Neveicas vispār nekur. Neveicas. Punkts.
Un jā, es atkal skaļi klusēju, tikai šoreiz citā frekvencē.
Neesi aita, ej gulēt taču.
Man ir sakāpis, kāpj, turpina kāpt; viss sāk apnikt un neko negribas.
Meli, gribas tikai vienu - uz mājām.
Meli, gribas tikai vienu - uz mājām.
Saturday, 1 October 2011
Man vārdi birst, kā lapas vēlā rudenī.
Kāpēc gan cilvēkam ir tik grūti saprast, ka arī man var būt līdz kaklam un pāri. Cik gan var ar tiem zābaku zābakiem mīņāties pa manu galvu? Ja es saku, ka ir gana, tad varbūt tomēr liek man mieru uz brīdi.
Ārā kaislīgi sadanco lietus lāses. Maigi atdusas pret miesu un izlaistaliem matiem. Nav aukst, jo noklusis stiprais vējš. Var doties kaut nakts vidū kā karavīrs pār grāvjiem, purviem un laukiem. Bet man pat spēka atrastos, lai vēl tevi līdz siltumam aiznestu. Aj, nestu kaut uz rokām, bet nekad pat neiedomātos atstāt tevi vienu, nekad. Lietus nerimstas, tomēr atrodas pēdējie spēki. Bet, ja man vairs nebūs spēka vilkt mūs abus, tad mēs to kopā paliksim gaidīt rīta sauli. Mēs runāsim par bērnības zāles pļavām, par ziedošām ābelēm, par vēl zāļām ogām vecvecāku dārzos.. Mēs nebeigsim sapņot par to, ka kādreiz būs labi. Un pat, ja nebūs kā cerēts, mēs mierināsim, ka allaž mēs būsim viens otram. Kas zin, ja kārtis būtu tavā rokā, vai tu mani atstātu vienu dejot ar lietu?
Ārā kaislīgi sadanco lietus lāses. Maigi atdusas pret miesu un izlaistaliem matiem. Nav aukst, jo noklusis stiprais vējš. Var doties kaut nakts vidū kā karavīrs pār grāvjiem, purviem un laukiem. Bet man pat spēka atrastos, lai vēl tevi līdz siltumam aiznestu. Aj, nestu kaut uz rokām, bet nekad pat neiedomātos atstāt tevi vienu, nekad. Lietus nerimstas, tomēr atrodas pēdējie spēki. Bet, ja man vairs nebūs spēka vilkt mūs abus, tad mēs to kopā paliksim gaidīt rīta sauli. Mēs runāsim par bērnības zāles pļavām, par ziedošām ābelēm, par vēl zāļām ogām vecvecāku dārzos.. Mēs nebeigsim sapņot par to, ka kādreiz būs labi. Un pat, ja nebūs kā cerēts, mēs mierināsim, ka allaž mēs būsim viens otram. Kas zin, ja kārtis būtu tavā rokā, vai tu mani atstātu vienu dejot ar lietu?
Tuesday, 27 September 2011
Quick update
Latvian poker: The new season started last Sunday. I placed second.
Monday poker (Nuts League): Was the final game of the season, so last chance to place in the finals. On Monday I placed eighth. In the final list I'm right above the line, so I qualify to play in the final. Yeey! :))
Latvian poker: The new season started last Sunday. I placed second.
Monday poker (Nuts League): Was the final game of the season, so last chance to place in the finals. On Monday I placed eighth. In the final list I'm right above the line, so I qualify to play in the final. Yeey! :))
Saturday, 24 September 2011
Es rakstu.
Redz, es rakstu. Es rakstu un rakstīšu; vēl dažus vārdus. Vēlāk, protams, es atkal rakstīšu. Tagad rakstu, ka man Tevis pietrūkst. Jau atkal gribas mājās,bet es tā pat cīnos. Nekas cits jau neatliek.
Jā, man pietrūkst Tevis. Man arī pietrūkst veselā saprāta. Man pietrūkst svaigā gaisa. Man pietrūkst Vecrīgas bruģis. Man pietrūkst Līvu laukuma viļņi. Man pietrūkst Daugavas baloži. Gribu mājās. Gribu bezmērķīgi klīst pa Rīgas ielām. Gribu neuztraukties, un gribu mieru.
Es rakstu. Šoreiz es pat īsti nemeloju, lielos vilcienos tā arī ir; es rakstu.
P.S. Kā reize, šodienas citāts:
Jā, man pietrūkst Tevis. Man arī pietrūkst veselā saprāta. Man pietrūkst svaigā gaisa. Man pietrūkst Vecrīgas bruģis. Man pietrūkst Līvu laukuma viļņi. Man pietrūkst Daugavas baloži. Gribu mājās. Gribu bezmērķīgi klīst pa Rīgas ielām. Gribu neuztraukties, un gribu mieru.
Es rakstu. Šoreiz es pat īsti nemeloju, lielos vilcienos tā arī ir; es rakstu.
P.S. Kā reize, šodienas citāts:
"No matter how dreary and gray our homes are, we people of flesh and blood would rather live there than in any other country, be it ever so beautiful. There is no place like home."
/L. Frank Baum/
Thursday, 22 September 2011
You're Right
a coworker today told me that my decision should be mine alone and that i should not let others make my decisions for me. She's right all the way.
I'll do what i decide to do!
I'll do what i decide to do!
Sunday, 18 September 2011
Astoņpadsmitais. Divdesmit.
Šodien man palika apaļi 20 gadi. Tas nav daudz, bet man vairāk nekad nav bijis. Līdz ar to, man tas ir daudz. Šodien bij jāiet uz darbu. Pusdien laikā pacienāju visus ar saldumiem. Dienas beigās kolēģi iedeva kartiņu un nodziedāja 'happy birthday' dziesmiņu. :)
Pēc darba iegāju veikalā un nopirku konfekšu kārbu, ko pacienāt puikas. Nopirku arī kaut kādu kūku.
Biju izdomājusi uzsaukt picu, sev un puikām. Bet spītīgais Mikus teica, ka picu negribot. Vispār viņam izdevās sačakarēt dienu biči. Un ne Kristaps, ne Mikus nepadarīja šo dienu foršāku, gluži pretēji. Bet man jau vienalga, dots devējam atdod. Vismaz nebūs jādomā nekāds pārsteigums, kad viņiem nākammēnes būs dzimšanas diena (abiem vienā datumā!). Tad nu pasūtīju vienu picu sev un vienu Kristapam. Šie skatījās filmas, un es ar viņiem; vakars izvērsās ļoti garlaicīgs. Kūkas kaste palika neatvēra. Nebiju jau plānojusi, ka būs turēšana, bet vismaz tik daudz kā 'daudz laimes dzimšanas dienā' jau varēja pateikt, ne?
Rīt gan pēc darba pokers, un pēc pokera dzimšanas dienas atzīmēšana tā pa riktīgam. :))
Bet tagad dodos laicīgi gulēt, saldu dusu.
Pēc darba iegāju veikalā un nopirku konfekšu kārbu, ko pacienāt puikas. Nopirku arī kaut kādu kūku.
Biju izdomājusi uzsaukt picu, sev un puikām. Bet spītīgais Mikus teica, ka picu negribot. Vispār viņam izdevās sačakarēt dienu biči. Un ne Kristaps, ne Mikus nepadarīja šo dienu foršāku, gluži pretēji. Bet man jau vienalga, dots devējam atdod. Vismaz nebūs jādomā nekāds pārsteigums, kad viņiem nākammēnes būs dzimšanas diena (abiem vienā datumā!). Tad nu pasūtīju vienu picu sev un vienu Kristapam. Šie skatījās filmas, un es ar viņiem; vakars izvērsās ļoti garlaicīgs. Kūkas kaste palika neatvēra. Nebiju jau plānojusi, ka būs turēšana, bet vismaz tik daudz kā 'daudz laimes dzimšanas dienā' jau varēja pateikt, ne?
Rīt gan pēc darba pokers, un pēc pokera dzimšanas dienas atzīmēšana tā pa riktīgam. :))
Bet tagad dodos laicīgi gulēt, saldu dusu.
Thursday, 15 September 2011
I am no longer me. I do not exist. I do not need what I think I need. More so, I do not need anything. I wish I could leave everything behind and just see the world. For the first time see the world through open eyes; see it in a different light. I don't want to know where I'll be next year. I don't want to know where I'll be next month. In fact, I don't even want to know where I'll be tomorrow. I need change.
There is too much "I".
Change needs to be made.
You're either in or out, there is no such thing as in betweeen.
It's actually sleep time, but the street lights are too bright.
P.S. I really don't want my birthday. Not now. Birthdays are ment to be spent with the people who you care about and vice versa. I'm alone.
There is too much "I".
Change needs to be made.
You're either in or out, there is no such thing as in betweeen.
It's actually sleep time, but the street lights are too bright.
P.S. I really don't want my birthday. Not now. Birthdays are ment to be spent with the people who you care about and vice versa. I'm alone.
Saturday, 10 September 2011
Jau atkal pienācis ilgu laiks. Drīz būs dzimšanas diena, un kā jau katrai svinamai dienai tuvojoties man uznāk vēlme būt mājas. Nekur citur, tik mājās.
Nu ir tak forši. Notiek daudz patīkamu lietu, tāpēc es smaidu.
It's decision time. I live in constant decision times. It's the era of decisions.
Nu ir tak forši. Notiek daudz patīkamu lietu, tāpēc es smaidu.
It's decision time. I live in constant decision times. It's the era of decisions.
Monday, 5 September 2011
Man trūkst vārdu, trūkst ideju, trūkst veselā saprāta, man trūkst gabaliņa tevis. Man viena skrūvīte ir pazudusi. Tagad meklēju, vismaz tēloju, ka meklēju.
Esmu pazudusi un nesaprotu ko tu saki, nemāku vairs sarunāties. Pati sevi vairs nesaprotu.
Ak, jau septembris.
Esmu pazudusi un nesaprotu ko tu saki, nemāku vairs sarunāties. Pati sevi vairs nesaprotu.
Ak, jau septembris.
new phone post,
Wednesday, 31 August 2011
How is life a book?
You start reading it even though you know it will end eventually.
So why live it?
Because You want to know the Story.
September has arrived. Almost. A few days ago I went through my old pictures from Ecuador (April 2009). All I can say is that I really want another experience like that one. I'll go for it, that's my final decision.
Monday, 29 August 2011
Gar vecām rindu mājām aiztek emociju vilnis. Es rakstu tev vēstuli. Domās tā jau sen ir aploksnē ar marku, apzīmogota un ceļā uz tavu Ģertrūdes ielu. Bet patiesībā tā nav. Patiesība ir nedaudz novītusi, nav papīra lapas. Rezerves pildspalvai beigusies tinte, un nepietiek naudas, lai iegādātos markas. Pavisam atklāti, arī īstie vārdi vēl nav piemeklēti. Bet te nu es esmu, rakstu tev vēstuli.
Vakar sākās aukstuma stundas. Tās vairs nebūs skaitāmas, tas vairs nebūs noslepkavots vasaras karstums. Būs parasts ziemeļu rudens, pat pārejas posms tiek izlaists. Arī brīnumi kā atvasara šai malā nenotiek.
Iedalītas ir domāšanas kārtis. Nekas nav paredzams. Ak, ko melo, paredzams ir viss, bet Antiņam bail kāpt stikla kalnā. Tur nepieciešama vīza, un jāsakrāj daudz zelta. Tomēr impulsi dzen uz vēl neesošām robežām. Tie dzen mani tālāk no tevis. Nebēdā draugs, es arī no citiem plašumiem sūtīšu tev vēstules.
Vakar sākās aukstuma stundas. Tās vairs nebūs skaitāmas, tas vairs nebūs noslepkavots vasaras karstums. Būs parasts ziemeļu rudens, pat pārejas posms tiek izlaists. Arī brīnumi kā atvasara šai malā nenotiek.
Iedalītas ir domāšanas kārtis. Nekas nav paredzams. Ak, ko melo, paredzams ir viss, bet Antiņam bail kāpt stikla kalnā. Tur nepieciešama vīza, un jāsakrāj daudz zelta. Tomēr impulsi dzen uz vēl neesošām robežām. Tie dzen mani tālāk no tevis. Nebēdā draugs, es arī no citiem plašumiem sūtīšu tev vēstules.
Thursday, 25 August 2011
Viņi ir atpakaļ
Vairs nevar pa mājām staigāt apakšveļā. Haha.
Un starpcitu. Hormoni lēkā kā blusas pa suņa kažoku. Jau atkal jūdzos.
Āzis ielec grāvī. :D
Un starpcitu. Hormoni lēkā kā blusas pa suņa kažoku. Jau atkal jūdzos.
Āzis ielec grāvī. :D
new phone post,
Saturday, 13 August 2011
Laid mani vaļā.
Gatavā pedofīlija. Kas tas vispār par vājprātu? Kā tā var būt, ka nu jau kādu mēnesi esmu slima? Gribas lamāties. Tā ir cūcība. Vajadzēja man saaukstēties. Un tagad tas nolāpītais kakls, tik sāp un sāp. Ne par ko negrib pāriet. Sviests, vienkārši besis. Nav spēka priecāties par ikdienas sīkumiem, par sestdienas pankūkām, par aromātisko dušas želeju, par kārtējo romantisko komēdiju. Nav. Viss. Nulle. Nul. Zilch. Nada. !
Friday, 5 August 2011
Fuck You Very Very Much
We parted as friends, that does not give you any right, what so ever, to tell me what to do. So how about you shut the hell up?
You honestly chose the wrong time to be an ass hole again.
Peace out.
You honestly chose the wrong time to be an ass hole again.
Peace out.
Thursday, 4 August 2011
You'll never know the truth
Here it goes, something that can not be explained, and can not be fully understood. We shall dance till the morning light. We shall kiss as the sun comes up. We shall stay together from the moment the light is off. But then when it will be bright again, i'll be gone. You can not expect me to stay. You can dream, and hope, but you'll always know that the sunlight will bring us apart.
Stay, and enjoy this night. We can watch a movie, or two. We could turn the music up, or take a cold shower.. together of course. We could make babies, small tiny babies. We could bake cakes. You like cakes, don't you? How about a chocolate one? We could break my one and only umbrella and then go jogging in the rain. We'd go bare foot, just because you would have forgotten how to tie your shoe laces. We'd wash the streets with imaginary love. We would dream small dreams, and make them look big. We could knit in different colours and patterns. Don't worry, i'd show you how. We could trace back our history to ancient times, and find out which king or queen could be an ancerstor of yours or mine. It's us, just the two of us all night long. Like a one night stand you would have me, and i would have you. We would take it all, and then part as very good friends. The difference being that we would never see each other again. Maybe in the deepest dreams, the ones you forget the second you open your eyes in the morning. That's it: it will all seem like a sweet dream. We will be together, but then the sun will rise.
Stay, and enjoy this night. We can watch a movie, or two. We could turn the music up, or take a cold shower.. together of course. We could make babies, small tiny babies. We could bake cakes. You like cakes, don't you? How about a chocolate one? We could break my one and only umbrella and then go jogging in the rain. We'd go bare foot, just because you would have forgotten how to tie your shoe laces. We'd wash the streets with imaginary love. We would dream small dreams, and make them look big. We could knit in different colours and patterns. Don't worry, i'd show you how. We could trace back our history to ancient times, and find out which king or queen could be an ancerstor of yours or mine. It's us, just the two of us all night long. Like a one night stand you would have me, and i would have you. We would take it all, and then part as very good friends. The difference being that we would never see each other again. Maybe in the deepest dreams, the ones you forget the second you open your eyes in the morning. That's it: it will all seem like a sweet dream. We will be together, but then the sun will rise.
Wednesday, 3 August 2011
Jau augusts
Man riebjas rutīnas. Viss atkārtojas. No rīta ceļos vienā laikā, viena un tā pati sasodītā minūte. Es paveru acis, jau nogurusi, telefonā digitālā pulksteņa švīkas rāda 6:35.6:35. 6:35. Sasodīts, 6:35. Modinātājs noskan tikai 7:15.Nezinu, varbūt kāds kaimiņos dien dienā ceļas tanī laikā. Vai varbūt tās kaijas, kas mūždien klaigā iebrēcas īpaši skaļi tieši 6:30 ik rītu.
Vārdu trūkuma dēl pastāstīšu kā pēdējās divās nedēļās gājis poker spēlē. Labi nav gājis, bet kopvērtējumā ir tomēr izdevies saglabāt piekto vietu. Pagaidām. Man tomēr ir vairāk jāsaņemas, lai var beigās spēlēt finālā..tas gan vēl tālu. Vienīgā bēda par pirmdienām tāda, ka vienmēr sanāk notriekt daudz naudas. Ar visu Buy inu, dzērieniem, lūzer galdu, un, protams, vakara turpinājumu. Vienmēr vakars nebeidzas ar pokeri vien. Pagājušajā nedēļā mājās biju nedaudz pēc pieciem. Šonedēļ biju laicīgāk, bija biči pirms četriem, kad beidzot pārnācu. No centra nācām divatā, jo viens cilvēks ar dzīvo šajā pilsētas pusē. Līdz ar to divatā sanāca iet ilgi, bet vismaz ceļš likās īsāks. :D Ar kompāniju vienmēr jautrāk kā nekā. :))
Pirms pāris dienām lejuplādēju Tildes vārdnīcu, tas nozīmē, ka tagad varu rakstīt latviešu burtiem nemeklējot tos netā. Labais papīrs! :D
Vārdu trūkuma dēl pastāstīšu kā pēdējās divās nedēļās gājis poker spēlē. Labi nav gājis, bet kopvērtējumā ir tomēr izdevies saglabāt piekto vietu. Pagaidām. Man tomēr ir vairāk jāsaņemas, lai var beigās spēlēt finālā..tas gan vēl tālu. Vienīgā bēda par pirmdienām tāda, ka vienmēr sanāk notriekt daudz naudas. Ar visu Buy inu, dzērieniem, lūzer galdu, un, protams, vakara turpinājumu. Vienmēr vakars nebeidzas ar pokeri vien. Pagājušajā nedēļā mājās biju nedaudz pēc pieciem. Šonedēļ biju laicīgāk, bija biči pirms četriem, kad beidzot pārnācu. No centra nācām divatā, jo viens cilvēks ar dzīvo šajā pilsētas pusē. Līdz ar to divatā sanāca iet ilgi, bet vismaz ceļš likās īsāks. :D Ar kompāniju vienmēr jautrāk kā nekā. :))
Pirms pāris dienām lejuplādēju Tildes vārdnīcu, tas nozīmē, ka tagad varu rakstīt latviešu burtiem nemeklējot tos netā. Labais papīrs! :D
Sunday, 24 July 2011
First Post From My Very Own Laptop!!!
Well hello people everywhere. I'm super excited at the moment. Yesterday I finally got my own laptop. I had money saved from work, so I can say that it really is 100% mine. :P
Today I bought mobile internet. It costs a lot, so i will not be browsing too much, but at least I'll be able to skype people (actually skype is installing as i'm writing this).
Other than that, Latvian poker tonight. I'll try to concentrate, since i need to get a good spot today, so I can gain more points than until now. Wish me luck.
Loads of KiSSes! :))
P.S. I need to come up with a name for my laptop! Any ideas?
Today I bought mobile internet. It costs a lot, so i will not be browsing too much, but at least I'll be able to skype people (actually skype is installing as i'm writing this).
Other than that, Latvian poker tonight. I'll try to concentrate, since i need to get a good spot today, so I can gain more points than until now. Wish me luck.
Loads of KiSSes! :))
P.S. I need to come up with a name for my laptop! Any ideas?
Saturday, 23 July 2011
Kaku lācis.
Ielas noklātas peļķu paklājiem, bet starp ēkām lavās silti saules stari. Pamostoties pus astoņos ir grūti saprast vai diena sen galā, vai arī nu pat sākusies. Tas droši vien tāpēc, ka vakar tomēr sanāca 'iemest sīvo'. Zinu, biju stingri nolēmusi nedzert divas nedēļas, bet, ja ir kompānija tad jau var. Visa šī nedzeršanas pasākuma mērķis bij, lai es gluži vienkārši dzeru mazāk alkoholiskos dzērienus. Mērķis sasniegts, esmu tomēr prātīgs cilvēks, ja pacenšos. Skaidrs, ka varu arī iedzert tā, ka ir forši. Un ko, lai saka, vakar bij ar forši. :)
Bet par to agro celšanos, nezinu, varbūt, ka viens no čaliem ar kuriem dzīvoju kopā pamodās pirms manis un es no viņa ņemšanās un staigāšanas uzmodos. Lai gan man šķiet, ka organisms man ir pieradis ap to laiku celties. Kā nekā, agri ceļos, lai dotos uz darbu. Strādāju sešas dienas nedēļā. You do the math.
Bračka raksta, ka kaķis slims. Infekcija astē. Pašam brālim vaina kājā. Bēdīgi. :(
Turklāt es pati savas muļķības dēļ esmu apslimusi. Neko, dzeru siltas tējas un klepus sīrupu. Viss būs labi.
Ja esi kaku lācis, tad piecas reizes pietupies un tad skaļi nobļaujies, ka šodien ārā saulains laiks.
Lai tā saule spīd. Pēc rīta pankūkām došos uz centru. Bez vakars vēl miglā tīts..
Kā tev labi klājas? ;)
Bet par to agro celšanos, nezinu, varbūt, ka viens no čaliem ar kuriem dzīvoju kopā pamodās pirms manis un es no viņa ņemšanās un staigāšanas uzmodos. Lai gan man šķiet, ka organisms man ir pieradis ap to laiku celties. Kā nekā, agri ceļos, lai dotos uz darbu. Strādāju sešas dienas nedēļā. You do the math.
Bračka raksta, ka kaķis slims. Infekcija astē. Pašam brālim vaina kājā. Bēdīgi. :(
Turklāt es pati savas muļķības dēļ esmu apslimusi. Neko, dzeru siltas tējas un klepus sīrupu. Viss būs labi.
Ja esi kaku lācis, tad piecas reizes pietupies un tad skaļi nobļaujies, ka šodien ārā saulains laiks.
Lai tā saule spīd. Pēc rīta pankūkām došos uz centru. Bez vakars vēl miglā tīts..
Kā tev labi klājas? ;)
Sunday, 17 July 2011
"Negribi būt Mika džeks?"
Tātad, piektdien, kā jau ierasts biju darbā. Visu dienu jūtos kā lapsa kurai būtu pārbraucis pāri traktors. Nē, divi traktori. Īsāk sakot jūtos nelāgi. Sāpēja puncis, un vakar pusē arī galva ievaidējās. Bet par spīti tam aizbraucu kopā ar pāris kolēģiem, šie parādīja vietu kur skaista ainava. Skotijas dabai nudien nav ne vainas. :)) Vakarā gan es laicīgi devos gulēt, bet aizmigt nevarēju līdz apmēram vieniem naktī.
Sestdien sivēns Mikus uzmodināja, kad pārnāca no darba, pulkstens bija pus astoņi. Dienas laikā vēl pagulēt tā arī nesanāca. No rīta cepu pankūkas, protams. Pēcpusdienā noskatījos vienu komēdiju. Vakarā biju līdz centram aizkūlusies. Sākumā bijām krogā kur spēlē dzīvo mūziku un raun vaļā dančus. Vēlāk devāmies uz citu bāru, tur ilgi nesēdējām. Pēc tā devāmies uz klubiņu. :) Vakars bija izdevies ar visu nedzeršanu. Mājās devos kājām, kā jau ierasts. Pārnācu pus četros. Šorīt atkal bij agri jāceļas, lai dotos uz darbu. Līdz ar to tagad esmu pārgurusi.
Plānoju dikti laicīgi doties gulēt.
Āāā, un šodien darbā viens no sivēniem man izklāstīja, ka es Mikum baigi patīkot, un, ka mums vajadzētu būt kopā. Ja jāteic atklāti, man tā viņu ņemšanas jau tiešām līdz kaklam. Šitā turpināt es neļaušu. :P
Sestdien sivēns Mikus uzmodināja, kad pārnāca no darba, pulkstens bija pus astoņi. Dienas laikā vēl pagulēt tā arī nesanāca. No rīta cepu pankūkas, protams. Pēcpusdienā noskatījos vienu komēdiju. Vakarā biju līdz centram aizkūlusies. Sākumā bijām krogā kur spēlē dzīvo mūziku un raun vaļā dančus. Vēlāk devāmies uz citu bāru, tur ilgi nesēdējām. Pēc tā devāmies uz klubiņu. :) Vakars bija izdevies ar visu nedzeršanu. Mājās devos kājām, kā jau ierasts. Pārnācu pus četros. Šorīt atkal bij agri jāceļas, lai dotos uz darbu. Līdz ar to tagad esmu pārgurusi.
Plānoju dikti laicīgi doties gulēt.
Āāā, un šodien darbā viens no sivēniem man izklāstīja, ka es Mikum baigi patīkot, un, ka mums vajadzētu būt kopā. Ja jāteic atklāti, man tā viņu ņemšanas jau tiešām līdz kaklam. Šitā turpināt es neļaušu. :P
Wednesday, 13 July 2011
Dos Semanas
Lately i've partied like never before. It's been normal to get to work with a terrible hangover. Mondays have been out of control. Getting home at 4am this Monday seemed like an early night. So i've decided to change things up. I've been planning this since last week. I said that when my (now ex) boyfriend would leave, i'd stay off alcohol for a week. But then by the end of last week i reimproved this plan, now i'll stay off alcohol for two weeks. The two weeks started yesterday, on a Tuesday.
I'm excited for this. Haha. :D
Bet rīt tētim vārda diena. :)
I'm excited for this. Haha. :D
Bet rīt tētim vārda diena. :)
Saturday, 9 July 2011
Man nav jūtu.
Esmu birokrāts, man ir zelta atslēgas un man ir durvis. Durvīs zelta slēdzene.
Es kā baņķieris zinu pareizos skaitļus un īstās kombinācijas. Es varu atlikt sev un tev naudu. Es varu tā mazliet, un varu arī vairāk.
Kā bezgaršīgs vakara pīrāgs es maku sabojāt tev omu.
Kā melojums, vai kā patiesie vārdi, es spēju panākt, ka notici visam ko manas lūpas loka.
Esmu tev kā brokastu tēja. Zāļu vai melnā, vienalga. Klāt puskarote sāls. Šoreiz bez pipariem, neesi pelnījis, mīļais.
Novītusi zāle. Nodedzināta kūla. Nodeguši skudras radi. Nodedzis tavs zirgu stallis. Nav bēdās, zirgi sen nosperti; tos nospēra zibens.
Tu man esi draugs. Es tev kā draugs draugam saku, man šodien nav jūtu.
Es kā baņķieris zinu pareizos skaitļus un īstās kombinācijas. Es varu atlikt sev un tev naudu. Es varu tā mazliet, un varu arī vairāk.
Kā bezgaršīgs vakara pīrāgs es maku sabojāt tev omu.
Kā melojums, vai kā patiesie vārdi, es spēju panākt, ka notici visam ko manas lūpas loka.
Esmu tev kā brokastu tēja. Zāļu vai melnā, vienalga. Klāt puskarote sāls. Šoreiz bez pipariem, neesi pelnījis, mīļais.
Novītusi zāle. Nodedzināta kūla. Nodeguši skudras radi. Nodedzis tavs zirgu stallis. Nav bēdās, zirgi sen nosperti; tos nospēra zibens.
Tu man esi draugs. Es tev kā draugs draugam saku, man šodien nav jūtu.
Friday, 8 July 2011
Pirmdien gāja jautri. Biju uz Slotu poker vakaru. Todien sākās jauna sezona. Gāja man visai labi, ierindojos otrajā vietā no 18 spēlētājiem. Pašai prieks. Vēl es laimēju īpašo, ceļojošo cepuri. To vinnē tā, ka izsit laukā to, kam iepriekš bijusi šī cepure. Tad nu nākamnedēļ tas, kas izsitīs mani iegūs cepuri, un nedaudz piķi, desmit mārciņas. Kad pokeris bij galā tiku pierunāta doties tusēt. Bijām uz to pašu klubu kuru iepriekšējā nedēļā. Tad galam uz kazino, netikām iekšā, jo dažiem labiem nebija ID paņēmies līdzi. Gājām uz citu kazino, bet tanī ar iekšā netikām. Blandijāmies apkārt. Viens čalis normāli ar mani flirtēja, bet es neko. :P Bija pulkstens gandrīz pieci un es nolēmu doties mājup. Ārā bija jau gaišs. Mājās nonācu apmēram divdesmit mīnues pirms sešiem. Līdz sešiem biju jau sapņu zemē.
Biči aizgulējos un nokavēju darbu.. Tas gan nebija labi, tā nedrīkst vairāk. Turēt ir labi, bet tad vismaz nevajadzēja iet gulēt, tad nebūtu nokavējusi. :P
Eh, mūžu dzīvo, mūžu mācies.
Nākamais poker vakars būs svētdien ar letiņiem, tad pirmdien ar skotiem. Tagad drīz 'jāceļas', lai dotos uz darbu.. Lai gan ir day off.
Jauku jums nedēļas nogali. Es varbūt sestdien braukšu uz Edinburgu..tas vēl nav izlemts.
Atā pagaidām.
Biči aizgulējos un nokavēju darbu.. Tas gan nebija labi, tā nedrīkst vairāk. Turēt ir labi, bet tad vismaz nevajadzēja iet gulēt, tad nebūtu nokavējusi. :P
Eh, mūžu dzīvo, mūžu mācies.
Nākamais poker vakars būs svētdien ar letiņiem, tad pirmdien ar skotiem. Tagad drīz 'jāceļas', lai dotos uz darbu.. Lai gan ir day off.
Jauku jums nedēļas nogali. Es varbūt sestdien braukšu uz Edinburgu..tas vēl nav izlemts.
Atā pagaidām.
Monday, 4 July 2011
Būs kā būs.
Skaidrs jau ir kāds būs iznākums, bet interesanti kā līdz tam tiksim. Pēdējo dienu laikā esmu galīgi pārgurusi. Sanāk maz gulēt, daudz tusēt, un nepārtraukti domāt par to kā būtu, ja būtu.
Draugs ielidoja piektdien. Šodien viņš aizdevās prom uz Īriju ciemoties pie draugiem. Man prieks, ka varu atvilkt elpu un izgulēties. Lai gan šodien tā pat nesanāks, jo plānoju doties spēlēt pokeri. Šodien gan mājup došos laicīgi. .. Vēl jāizlemj, dzert šodien alu vai nē? That is the question.
Draugs ielidoja piektdien. Šodien viņš aizdevās prom uz Īriju ciemoties pie draugiem. Man prieks, ka varu atvilkt elpu un izgulēties. Lai gan šodien tā pat nesanāks, jo plānoju doties spēlēt pokeri. Šodien gan mājup došos laicīgi. .. Vēl jāizlemj, dzert šodien alu vai nē? That is the question.
new phone post,
Wednesday, 29 June 2011
Thursday, 23 June 2011
Man patīk kā tu romantiski klusē. Tev starp diviem labās rokas pirkstiem iegrūsta zāle ietīta blatā papīriņā, bez filtra. Tu to lēni pieliec pie sārtajām lūpām, un ievelc piesmakušajās plaušās kārtējo dūmu vijumu. Tie iekāpj, iekaro katru plaušu stūrīti, un tad, kad ribu muskuļi savelkas, tu tos pašus dūmus kaislīgi izpūt laukā. Lūpas tu turi nemainīgi, bet roka jau nes klāt nākamo dūmu. Mēs abi pamazām pazūdam dūmu pelēkajā. Tikmēs es nespeju izprātot, kad tu beidzot sniegsies pēc skūpsat? Tev jau nevajag, tev ir dūmi, un acīm esmu es. Tu nekustīgi raugies man acīs un klusējot tu man tomēr spēj daudz pasacīt. Es atsakos no satītā dūmu brīnuma. Kam man, ja man esi tu? Turklāt tu jau neizgaisīsi dūmu pūtienos, es zinu, ka man allaž būsi tu.
my book,
new phone post,
I like Zorro
To be honest, this post has nothing to do with Zorro. I never intended it to be about this character, and further more, this post is not going to be about Zorro.
Now repeat after me, THIS POST IS NOT ABOUT ZORRO.
Now repeat after me, THIS POST IS NOT ABOUT ZORRO.
new blog post,
Tuesday, 14 June 2011
The Great Lame Ideas
I bought a typewriter. It's blue with black buttons. It's in my room. It smells like history. It is perfect.
The past few days have been quite event-full. Friday I was drinking with some coworkers. Then Saturday morning i got my typewriter. And the evening was spent by drinking with my flat mates. Sunday i had to work, hangover, but alive. Sunday evening was the latvian poker night. Once poker was over we went to a pub. I was home at about three am. Monday, work again. Hangover again. Evening - went to play poker with the Scottish people. And i got the first place out of 20 players. Was an amazing feeling. Then we went to a pub. After that we took a taxi to friend's place. And then i started walking home. I sort of got lost, since i had no clue where i was. I ended up on a highway, i think. That night i had a LOT of beer. Was worth it though. Had a good night. As i was on my way, a cab driver stopped and asked me if i was lost and where i was heading. He gave me a lift home. For free. He said that his work day was over and he was heading home already. And he also said that he feels good for helping a nice person. I couldn't stop saying "thank you"s. Was home by three am, again. Tuesday - work. Gosh, drinking THAT much before a work day was not a smart idea. But i survived. Now i need sleep. But maybe i'll go to Starbucks later to write something.. :)
That's all you get for now folks. Take care my dear friends.
I'm happy!
The past few days have been quite event-full. Friday I was drinking with some coworkers. Then Saturday morning i got my typewriter. And the evening was spent by drinking with my flat mates. Sunday i had to work, hangover, but alive. Sunday evening was the latvian poker night. Once poker was over we went to a pub. I was home at about three am. Monday, work again. Hangover again. Evening - went to play poker with the Scottish people. And i got the first place out of 20 players. Was an amazing feeling. Then we went to a pub. After that we took a taxi to friend's place. And then i started walking home. I sort of got lost, since i had no clue where i was. I ended up on a highway, i think. That night i had a LOT of beer. Was worth it though. Had a good night. As i was on my way, a cab driver stopped and asked me if i was lost and where i was heading. He gave me a lift home. For free. He said that his work day was over and he was heading home already. And he also said that he feels good for helping a nice person. I couldn't stop saying "thank you"s. Was home by three am, again. Tuesday - work. Gosh, drinking THAT much before a work day was not a smart idea. But i survived. Now i need sleep. But maybe i'll go to Starbucks later to write something.. :)
That's all you get for now folks. Take care my dear friends.
I'm happy!
Thursday, 9 June 2011
My Mind's All Over the Place
You know how people need their alone time every now and then. Well it seems that ever since uni's over, and my boyfriend has left, i get too much ''alone time''. I'm not complaining, i don't mind it at all.. I still see and meet people, just not as often. And this causes me to over-think everything... Every random thing that comes to my mind is chewed up three billion times. Spit out. And then chewed all over again, just from a different angle. My head's gone loco. Haha.
Time to sleep now. Work tomorrow...and maybe some partying, it's Friday after all. ;))
Oh, and i have to figure out what's up with buying/not buying that typewriter. ;D
Buenas noches.
God natt.
Ar labu nakti.
Good night.
Time to sleep now. Work tomorrow...and maybe some partying, it's Friday after all. ;))
Oh, and i have to figure out what's up with buying/not buying that typewriter. ;D
Buenas noches.
God natt.
Ar labu nakti.
Good night.
Monday, 6 June 2011
es netīšām izdzēsu anonīmo pasaciņu :(
Vot tā ir, kad mēģina kaut ko labot, kad blogo no telefona..
Vot tā ir, kad mēģina kaut ko labot, kad blogo no telefona..
new phone post
The Timing's Great ...
I've decided to write a book.
What a way to start a post, don't you think. Oddly brave, not in my style, but it's good to have variety every now and then.
I've decided that I have to change things in my life. I need change, and i'm not talking about getting a new hair cut or buying new clothes. I'm talking about different kind of change, innovative change. For instance, i plan to go sky diving, that's just a plan, but i'll sure do it sometime this summer. I'll also buy a typewriter. Haha. And i'll find a place where i can volunteer on Saturdays.
These changes will come with time, but i'll put in some effort to make them happen. :)
Today i went to the library and got a book about writting a book. Then i went to Starbucks treated myself with a venti cappuccino (who else will treat me if not myself?) I started reading the book that i got from the library. It was wonderful. And they were playing jazz music. Cloud nine. I hadn't listened to jazz in ages.
Today i'm feeling good, really good. I haven't felt this good in an extremely long time. There's still things to worry about, a lot of them, but i'm managing to stay positive. :))
What a way to start a post, don't you think. Oddly brave, not in my style, but it's good to have variety every now and then.
I've decided that I have to change things in my life. I need change, and i'm not talking about getting a new hair cut or buying new clothes. I'm talking about different kind of change, innovative change. For instance, i plan to go sky diving, that's just a plan, but i'll sure do it sometime this summer. I'll also buy a typewriter. Haha. And i'll find a place where i can volunteer on Saturdays.
These changes will come with time, but i'll put in some effort to make them happen. :)
Today i went to the library and got a book about writting a book. Then i went to Starbucks treated myself with a venti cappuccino (who else will treat me if not myself?) I started reading the book that i got from the library. It was wonderful. And they were playing jazz music. Cloud nine. I hadn't listened to jazz in ages.
Today i'm feeling good, really good. I haven't felt this good in an extremely long time. There's still things to worry about, a lot of them, but i'm managing to stay positive. :))
Sunday, 29 May 2011
Atkal par laiku.
Es noteikti jau rakstīju par šo, kad pirmo reizi skatījos filmu par Bendžaminu. Vispār nē, es uzrakstīju dzejoli, kas līdz šim ir viens no maniem mīļākajiem pāšrakstītājiem dzejoļiem. To apskatīt var TE.
Katrā ziņā, šī filma liek domāt par laiku un kā cilvēki uz to raugās. Nekad nevar zināt, kas gaidāms rīt vai parīt. Arī šodiena nav nemaz tik sataustāma. Bendžamins aug jauns. Un tad pazūd, vai kļūst par spermu, vels zin, kas ar viņu notiek. Tas esot skumji, jo tad jāraugās kā mirst tuvie cilvēki. Tad cilvēks iemācās kā tas ir, kad kāds ļoti pietrūkst. Tā man ir zināmā sajūta. Bet ko gan var padarīt? Pietrūkst visi neatkarīgi no tā cik tuvu vai tālu šie ir. Pasaule ir baigā kaza par to, ka tik sasodīti liela.
Es tik dzeru. Dzeru melisas tēju. Jādzer tač kamēr vēl ir. Pēc brīža nebūs. Kas ir brīdis?
Starpcitu, Bendžamins arī dzēra tēju.
Tagad skan: Wham! - Wake Me Up Before You Go Go
Katrā ziņā, šī filma liek domāt par laiku un kā cilvēki uz to raugās. Nekad nevar zināt, kas gaidāms rīt vai parīt. Arī šodiena nav nemaz tik sataustāma. Bendžamins aug jauns. Un tad pazūd, vai kļūst par spermu, vels zin, kas ar viņu notiek. Tas esot skumji, jo tad jāraugās kā mirst tuvie cilvēki. Tad cilvēks iemācās kā tas ir, kad kāds ļoti pietrūkst. Tā man ir zināmā sajūta. Bet ko gan var padarīt? Pietrūkst visi neatkarīgi no tā cik tuvu vai tālu šie ir. Pasaule ir baigā kaza par to, ka tik sasodīti liela.
Es tik dzeru. Dzeru melisas tēju. Jādzer tač kamēr vēl ir. Pēc brīža nebūs. Kas ir brīdis?
Starpcitu, Bendžamins arī dzēra tēju.
Tagad skan: Wham! - Wake Me Up Before You Go Go
new phone post,
Thursday, 26 May 2011
It's NOT that i CAN'T live without You, i simply DON'T WANT to live without You.
new phone post
"Jāj pa ceļu pasaciņa."
Pastāsti lūdzu man pasaciņu par ziliem ziloņiem, brēcošām govīm un uzzīmētiem kaķēniem. Esmu vēl bērns, tā kā raugi, lai pasaks beigas ir gaišas.
Friday, 20 May 2011
Ej atpūsties bērns rīt gara diena. Es labprāt atbrauktu ciemos un satiktu tevi jau kārtējo reizi, bet tu tač zini, tu tač saproti. Vaine?
Iespēja ir 50 pret 50. Es ceļos un nākt, nē, es skrienu. Bet tanī pat brīdī es esmu vēl te pat, nekustos ne no vietas. Es ļoti neizteiksmīgi baudu atdzisušo tējas tasi un palētos, tomēr garšīgos, cepumus ar šokolādes gabaliņiem.
Un vēl Tev derētu zināt, ka ne allaž viss ir par Tevi vien... Arī šoreiz ne.
Drīzi beigsies tēja, tad arī izlemšu ko darīt šovakar. Jā, man ir uzmetusies kārtējā piektdienas neizlēmība.
Dziesma: Astro'n'out - Apaļa pasaule
Iespēja ir 50 pret 50. Es ceļos un nākt, nē, es skrienu. Bet tanī pat brīdī es esmu vēl te pat, nekustos ne no vietas. Es ļoti neizteiksmīgi baudu atdzisušo tējas tasi un palētos, tomēr garšīgos, cepumus ar šokolādes gabaliņiem.
Un vēl Tev derētu zināt, ka ne allaž viss ir par Tevi vien... Arī šoreiz ne.
Drīzi beigsies tēja, tad arī izlemšu ko darīt šovakar. Jā, man ir uzmetusies kārtējā piektdienas neizlēmība.
Dziesma: Astro'n'out - Apaļa pasaule
new phone post,
student union,
Thursday, 19 May 2011
Cik ilgi gan var klusēt?
Klusēšana esot zelts. Kāpēc gan? Mīļie ļaudis, patiesība ir nedaudz savādāka kā sākumā varētu šķist. Īstajā dzīvē ir tā, ka nevienam neiet pie sirds klusētāji. Viņi ir aizdomīgi maitas, un līdz ar to cilvēki no tādiem turas pa gabalu. Tā nu viņš ir. Mirstīgie ir ļoti piesardzīga suga, viņiem nepatīk, ja viņi visu nezina un neredz, jo tad viņi jūtas bezspējīgi, nu tādi pavisam mazi un viegli ievainojami. Līdz ar to, sevis labad visi izvairās no klusētājiem.
Paliekot uz tās nots, varu droši apgalvot, ka esmu klasisks 'klusētājs'. Kāpēc? Jo es klusēju.
Bet tas nav būtiski. Vēlējos pastāstīt par to atziņu, ka runāšana ir sudrabs, bet klusēšana zelts. Āķis, kas jārij, ir tas, ka klusēšana ir zelts tikai tad, ja zini kad un ko noklusēt. Savukārt klusēt visu laiku, tas nav vairs zelts, bet gan putnu biedēklis. Ne velti runāšanai ir piešķirta godpilnā otrā vieta. To gan ir jāiemācās pareizi pielietot, jo tie, kas nepārtraukti muld ir zābaki. Tā ir!
Bet es vēl tikai mācos par klusuma pareizo pielietojumu. Instrukcijas nav, skolotāja ar nav, tad nu atliek visu apgūt pašmācības ceļā.
Paliekot uz tās nots, varu droši apgalvot, ka esmu klasisks 'klusētājs'. Kāpēc? Jo es klusēju.
Bet tas nav būtiski. Vēlējos pastāstīt par to atziņu, ka runāšana ir sudrabs, bet klusēšana zelts. Āķis, kas jārij, ir tas, ka klusēšana ir zelts tikai tad, ja zini kad un ko noklusēt. Savukārt klusēt visu laiku, tas nav vairs zelts, bet gan putnu biedēklis. Ne velti runāšanai ir piešķirta godpilnā otrā vieta. To gan ir jāiemācās pareizi pielietot, jo tie, kas nepārtraukti muld ir zābaki. Tā ir!
Bet es vēl tikai mācos par klusuma pareizo pielietojumu. Instrukcijas nav, skolotāja ar nav, tad nu atliek visu apgūt pašmācības ceļā.
Monday, 16 May 2011
Šodien pirmdiena. Esmu ieslīkusi šokolādes atkarības posmā. Tā man liek justies labi, man piekāst par kalorijām un tamlīdzīgiem brīnumiem. Tā gan nav. Bet nu neko nevaru padarīt, galvā spārdas viena nelāga doma un velk mani uz leju, tad lūk ir šokolāde kas palīdz. Jo redz tai iekšās ir visādas ķīmiskās vielas, kas liek cilvēkbērnam justies labi. Apčakarē smadzenes īsāk sakot. Katrā ziņā, šokolāde ir labāka par cigaretēm un alkoholu. Tā kā pagaidām viss štokos. :) ...un vispār, ja jāsaka būtu atklāti, tad man jau sāk apnikt, jo nav jau tā vietējā šokolāde nemaz tik laba. Laimas noteikti gardāka, bet ar beļģu lielisko šokolādi nemaz salīdzināt nevar.
Drīz ciemos būs mans draugs, jeb boyfriends. Šovakar plānojam skatīties kādu DVD.
Āāā, un rīt atkal agri jāceļas.
Starpcitu, vakar atkal spēlēju pokeri. Negāja labi, bet slikti ar nebija. ;)
Skrienu uz dušu.
Atā pagaidām.
Drīz ciemos būs mans draugs, jeb boyfriends. Šovakar plānojam skatīties kādu DVD.
Āāā, un rīt atkal agri jāceļas.
Starpcitu, vakar atkal spēlēju pokeri. Negāja labi, bet slikti ar nebija. ;)
Skrienu uz dušu.
Atā pagaidām.
Tuesday, 10 May 2011
Daudz raibu pleķu.
Daudz kas is mainījies pēdējo dienu laikā. Pat nezinu kur sākt.
Nu ja, tagad vairs nedzīvoju kojās bet gan Glāzgovā. Apmēram stundu ko iet līdz pilsētas centram. Tātad, ne tālu. Glāzgovā ir daudz foršāk kā Peizlī. Bet šeit esmu īslaicīgi, jo drīzi braukšu mājās. Tad atpakaļ būšu vien septembrī, vai varbūt augustā. Tā mānīs kā viss iegrozīsies.
Bez visas tās jezgas vēl vēstis tādas, ka vakar uzrakstīju savu pirmo un pēdējo eksāmenu. Līdz ar to pirmais mācību gads universitātē ir noslēdzies.
Ir vēl jaunas ziņas bet par tām izstāstīšu kādu citu dien.
Tagad skan Cornelis Vreeswijk - Turistens klagan
Iet raibi..
Nu ja, tagad vairs nedzīvoju kojās bet gan Glāzgovā. Apmēram stundu ko iet līdz pilsētas centram. Tātad, ne tālu. Glāzgovā ir daudz foršāk kā Peizlī. Bet šeit esmu īslaicīgi, jo drīzi braukšu mājās. Tad atpakaļ būšu vien septembrī, vai varbūt augustā. Tā mānīs kā viss iegrozīsies.
Bez visas tās jezgas vēl vēstis tādas, ka vakar uzrakstīju savu pirmo un pēdējo eksāmenu. Līdz ar to pirmais mācību gads universitātē ir noslēdzies.
Ir vēl jaunas ziņas bet par tām izstāstīšu kādu citu dien.
Tagad skan Cornelis Vreeswijk - Turistens klagan
Iet raibi..
Monday, 11 April 2011
Ja klusums, tad klusums. Cienījamie viesi, šodien it visiem un it visam ir jāklusē, jāmīt nāves klusumā. Es pavēlu jums klausīt un darīt kā lieku, citādi no kalniem velsies melu plūdi. Skalos balstus, un visi aizmirsītim kā pareizi elpot.
Saldu dusu rausīši.
Es tas pats.
"Dod man ar!"
Rīt, starpcitu, dodos atpakaļ uz Skotiju.
Saldu dusu rausīši.
Es tas pats.
"Dod man ar!"
Rīt, starpcitu, dodos atpakaļ uz Skotiju.
Thursday, 7 April 2011
The Truth
- I'm just joking.
- Well, not funny.
Have i lost the last of my sense of humour, or was i reasonabale? That shall remain as a question.
- Well, not funny.
Have i lost the last of my sense of humour, or was i reasonabale? That shall remain as a question.
new phone post,
Galvenais, kas cilvēkam ir nepieciešams ir laimes sajūta.
Meklē to kur un kā vien vēlies, bet būt laimīgam tomēr ir jebkura cilvēka mērķis. Tomēr, man šķiet, ka laime jau nav mērķis. Un to tā riktīgi es sapratu tikai vakar. Gluži kā saka, ka panākumi, nav mērķis, bet gan ceļš, tā pat ir arī ar laimes meklējumiem. (Sprīdītis bļauj!) Kā gan es to līdz šim nebiju apjēgusi? Es tik domāju vot paies šis laiks, tad būs labi. Bet tādas domas man bija jau vidusskolā.
Es apņemšos mainīties, pamazām. Šobrīd nav īsti gribēšana priecāties, jo sajūta, ka neesmu to pelnījusi. Ar laiku gan es centīšos būt laimīgāka ikdienas gaitās.
Meklē to kur un kā vien vēlies, bet būt laimīgam tomēr ir jebkura cilvēka mērķis. Tomēr, man šķiet, ka laime jau nav mērķis. Un to tā riktīgi es sapratu tikai vakar. Gluži kā saka, ka panākumi, nav mērķis, bet gan ceļš, tā pat ir arī ar laimes meklējumiem. (Sprīdītis bļauj!) Kā gan es to līdz šim nebiju apjēgusi? Es tik domāju vot paies šis laiks, tad būs labi. Bet tādas domas man bija jau vidusskolā.
Es apņemšos mainīties, pamazām. Šobrīd nav īsti gribēšana priecāties, jo sajūta, ka neesmu to pelnījusi. Ar laiku gan es centīšos būt laimīgāka ikdienas gaitās.
Tuesday, 5 April 2011
Let them be.
Allow the rain to soak in me, it'll keep me alive.
I love how despite everything i'm able to go on, and i never forget to breath.
This shall go on, it will go on forever.
And we must keep moving,
always keep moving.
It does not matter where you go,
just don't stop.
Because, you know that even when you've found the right path,
you will not get anywhere, if you just stand there. The speeding cars will hit you, and you'll end up in the ditch.
So keep it up, and go on. Keep up the pase, and don't let them slow you down, don't let them stop you.
Even when you think you can no more, it means that you still got the strength.
Prove them that you're more than they bargained for.
I'll keep moving.
Allow the rain to soak in me, it'll keep me alive.
I love how despite everything i'm able to go on, and i never forget to breath.
This shall go on, it will go on forever.
And we must keep moving,
always keep moving.
It does not matter where you go,
just don't stop.
Because, you know that even when you've found the right path,
you will not get anywhere, if you just stand there. The speeding cars will hit you, and you'll end up in the ditch.
So keep it up, and go on. Keep up the pase, and don't let them slow you down, don't let them stop you.
Even when you think you can no more, it means that you still got the strength.
Prove them that you're more than they bargained for.
I'll keep moving.
Now Playing:
The Killers - Human
Clearly, we aren't human, we're dancers!
Sunday, 3 April 2011
Soon i'll be going through the security, and then i'll be on the plane, and then i'll be home. :)
I didn't manage to fall asleep here, at the airport. I finished reading some lame magazine that someone had left on the train, and then i stared at the air. And then i did some homework for Reflections. And i listened to music. And i looked around.. And yeah, night of empty. My eyes are tired. But i hate the idea of sleeping here.
Oh, by the way 'someone' walked me to the train station back in Paisley. It doesn't take much guessing to figure out who it was. :))
Wish me a pleasant flight (?).
Cheers now.
Soon i'll be going through the security, and then i'll be on the plane, and then i'll be home. :)
I didn't manage to fall asleep here, at the airport. I finished reading some lame magazine that someone had left on the train, and then i stared at the air. And then i did some homework for Reflections. And i listened to music. And i looked around.. And yeah, night of empty. My eyes are tired. But i hate the idea of sleeping here.
Oh, by the way 'someone' walked me to the train station back in Paisley. It doesn't take much guessing to figure out who it was. :))
Wish me a pleasant flight (?).
Cheers now.
Saturday, 2 April 2011
Night Night
Ok, so i went to the pre-party, or shall i say 'function', at friend's flat. However, i was not planning to go to the union's party afterwards. But then Laserman made me change my mind. We got there at close to midnight, which is when the door closes. To my surprise, there was a line, but they still let people in after twelve, so yeeeey. Haha. Anywho.
The party was alright, i guess. At first the music was really lame. And, oh gosh, they had run out of Calsberg. Wth??? Oh well.
Got back to residence fairly late, but had a wee chat with Laserman. Then went off to sleep.
The morning came too soon. My head hurt a bit, and my mind was all over the place.
But i couldn't stay in the bed for long, since i needed to pack to go to Latvia. :) Now i'm almost done packing, and i also cleaned my room. As i always do, so i can return to a clean place. My cold, i think, is backing off, since all the 'bad' stuffs coming out now. Although i still feel bad. Oh, and my mom called me around noon. That was really great! She was in the airport at that time, and yeah. Was cool to talk to her for a bit since i'm not going to see her now, when i'll be visiting.
Also, great stuff, my flight is super early tomorrow, before the trains start to run. So guess what? I'm taking the last, or second last train today and then i'll spend the night at the airport. Fun stuff!! :o
AND i'll also be missing Laserman's birthday. Not sure if i've mentioned it before(?). He's birthday is on Friday, but I hope to celebrate it with him when i come back. :)
Alright dear imaginary friends, i'm off to get ready. And maybe before i leave i'll go to the BBQ that the other people are organizing..maybe. That's not yet final... I don't really have any 'grillable' food. Haha.
Ok, ok, ok, i'm done blah-blah-ing for now.
P.S. Something tells me that i might post again while at the airport. ;)
The party was alright, i guess. At first the music was really lame. And, oh gosh, they had run out of Calsberg. Wth??? Oh well.
Got back to residence fairly late, but had a wee chat with Laserman. Then went off to sleep.
The morning came too soon. My head hurt a bit, and my mind was all over the place.
But i couldn't stay in the bed for long, since i needed to pack to go to Latvia. :) Now i'm almost done packing, and i also cleaned my room. As i always do, so i can return to a clean place. My cold, i think, is backing off, since all the 'bad' stuffs coming out now. Although i still feel bad. Oh, and my mom called me around noon. That was really great! She was in the airport at that time, and yeah. Was cool to talk to her for a bit since i'm not going to see her now, when i'll be visiting.
Also, great stuff, my flight is super early tomorrow, before the trains start to run. So guess what? I'm taking the last, or second last train today and then i'll spend the night at the airport. Fun stuff!! :o
AND i'll also be missing Laserman's birthday. Not sure if i've mentioned it before(?). He's birthday is on Friday, but I hope to celebrate it with him when i come back. :)
Alright dear imaginary friends, i'm off to get ready. And maybe before i leave i'll go to the BBQ that the other people are organizing..maybe. That's not yet final... I don't really have any 'grillable' food. Haha.
Ok, ok, ok, i'm done blah-blah-ing for now.
P.S. Something tells me that i might post again while at the airport. ;)
new phone post,
student union,
Friday, 1 April 2011
Šodien dabūjām atpakaļ savus mikroekonomikas kontroldarbus. Klases vidējā atzīme esot bijusi 58 procenti. Man bija labi virs vidējā. :) Baigais prieks. Šito jāpatur atmiņā, ka kārtīga mācīšanās atmaksājas.
Bet tas manī smaidu ilgi nenoturēja, jo esmu forši saslimusi. :( Viss pēc pilnas programmas, galvas sāpes, klepus, iesnas, un balss nedaudz aizsmakusi. Lieliski.
Āā, šodien pirmais aprīlis, bet man garīgais nenes uz jokiem. Un šaubos vai es šodien došos ballēties. Zinu, ka vajadzētu, bet nav jau spēka. Varbūt pagulēšu, un jutīšos labāk. Un vēl varbūt jānoņamma kāda ķiplok maizīte.
Eh, es eju pukstēt.
Bet tas manī smaidu ilgi nenoturēja, jo esmu forši saslimusi. :( Viss pēc pilnas programmas, galvas sāpes, klepus, iesnas, un balss nedaudz aizsmakusi. Lieliski.
Āā, šodien pirmais aprīlis, bet man garīgais nenes uz jokiem. Un šaubos vai es šodien došos ballēties. Zinu, ka vajadzētu, bet nav jau spēka. Varbūt pagulēšu, un jutīšos labāk. Un vēl varbūt jānoņamma kāda ķiplok maizīte.
Eh, es eju pukstēt.
Thursday, 31 March 2011
Picture This
I'm walking alone from the train station. It's close to midnight. Paisley is seen as a very ''safe'' town, especially the East end, where my 'home' happens to be.
Oh, by the way, poker was moved to yesterday (Wednesday night). There were nine players, and I ended up in the third position this time. Not too bad, not too good. But just for playing I get points, so i hope to be playing in the finals once this 'batch' is done..
After poker I took one of the last trains back to Paisley. The walk from the station to the residence is about 15 minutes. The streets are pretty much empty at this time, especially the ones I have to walk in. When i'm about half way i see a man in front of me who's walking my way. You're probably speculating what I was thinking, or who this guy was. As I walk closer to him, he moves closer to me, and is clearly approaching me. You'd think i'd avoid him(?) No. I had some beer at the pub while playing poker, by the way..
You want to know what happened? be continued, maybe.
... Nope, i'm gonna keep this as just another secret of mine. ;)
Oh, by the way, poker was moved to yesterday (Wednesday night). There were nine players, and I ended up in the third position this time. Not too bad, not too good. But just for playing I get points, so i hope to be playing in the finals once this 'batch' is done..
After poker I took one of the last trains back to Paisley. The walk from the station to the residence is about 15 minutes. The streets are pretty much empty at this time, especially the ones I have to walk in. When i'm about half way i see a man in front of me who's walking my way. You're probably speculating what I was thinking, or who this guy was. As I walk closer to him, he moves closer to me, and is clearly approaching me. You'd think i'd avoid him(?) No. I had some beer at the pub while playing poker, by the way..
You want to know what happened? be continued, maybe.
... Nope, i'm gonna keep this as just another secret of mine. ;)
new phone post,
Tuesday, 29 March 2011
Monday, 28 March 2011
"J'aime le saucisse."
Gotta love how internal jokes are born.
Polish guy: "*french sentence*"
French girls - shoked!
Me (confused): "What does that mean?"
Polish guy: "I love sausages."
Me and Laserman - burt into laughter!
Polish guy - doing the 'innocent' [Borat] smile.
French girls - very confused.
Hahahahahaha. Can't stop laughing!
Polish guy: "*french sentence*"
French girls - shoked!
Me (confused): "What does that mean?"
Polish guy: "I love sausages."
Me and Laserman - burt into laughter!
Polish guy - doing the 'innocent' [Borat] smile.
French girls - very confused.
Hahahahahaha. Can't stop laughing!
Sunday, 27 March 2011
"You may say i'm a dreamer, but i'm not the only one."
Es dzīvoju pati savā aizspogulijā. Manis nav. Mani var nemeklēt.
Esmu nozidusi, pazudusi, neesoša. Turos pie nekā. Krītu, un ceru neapsist galvu. Tā pat jau skaidrs, ka esmu galīgi sviestā sagājusi, bet negribu krist nezinot, ka būs vismaz matracis zemē novietots.
Man vajag apdrošiāt dzīvību. Nē, ne dzīvību, bet gan dzīvi. Es negribu zaudēt to, kas jau mūk no rokām laukā.
Gribu visu sev; savas atmiņas, un draugus, lai viss paliek nemainīgs. Un, kad tas viss būs nostiprināts ar spējīgiem jūrnieku mezgliem, tad es varbūt iemācīšos dzīvot. Varbūt iemācīšos lidot.
Esmu nozidusi, pazudusi, neesoša. Turos pie nekā. Krītu, un ceru neapsist galvu. Tā pat jau skaidrs, ka esmu galīgi sviestā sagājusi, bet negribu krist nezinot, ka būs vismaz matracis zemē novietots.
Man vajag apdrošiāt dzīvību. Nē, ne dzīvību, bet gan dzīvi. Es negribu zaudēt to, kas jau mūk no rokām laukā.
Gribu visu sev; savas atmiņas, un draugus, lai viss paliek nemainīgs. Un, kad tas viss būs nostiprināts ar spējīgiem jūrnieku mezgliem, tad es varbūt iemācīšos dzīvot. Varbūt iemācīšos lidot.
Friday, 25 March 2011
Laika trūkums organismā??
Kā jau minēju iepriekšējā rakstā, šodien bija ekonomikas kontroldarbs.
Jāteic, biju dikti uztraukusies, jo pagājušajā nedēļā profesors mūs pārsteidza ar 'iesildīšanās' versiju. Mums tika dota stunda, lai to pabeigtu, bet man ar to nepietika. Līdz ar to domāju, ka šodien ar nebūs gana daudz laika. Pēdējās nedēļas laikā es, brīnumainā kārtā, patiešām mācījos un atkārtoju visu vielu kā normāls zubris. Draugiem jau bija līdz kaklam mana atruna: 'Sorry, i have to study'. Vakar nomācījos zaļa, un, kad KĀDS teica, ka esot neliela sanākšana, (t.i. ballīte), es nodomāju, ka tas ir tieši tas ko man vajag. Manas smadzenes bija jau apkaltušas. Hahaha. Bija tiešām jauki uz brīdi nedomāt par ekonomiku (elasticity of demand, supply, demand, taxes, subsidies, cieling price, positive economics, normative economics, marginal costs, deminishing law of returns.... UTT).
Aizgāju vēlu gulēt. No rīta mana dzīvokļa biedrene smagi rosījās, bija pieci no rīta. Trokšņu dēļ pamodos un nevarēju vairs aizmigt. Pavadīju pāris stundas gultā ausoties mūziku. Nu un, protams, ka sāpēja galva, kā jau tas pienākas. Pēc dušas jutos jau daudz labāk, un brokastu gurķmaizītei ar nebija ne vainas.
Devos uz semināru, tas sākās deviņos. Es cerēju, ka varēsim pavaicāt pēdējos neskaidros jautājumus (divas lietas man vēl bija biči neskaidras..).. Bet citiem bija debīli jautājumi. Man vispār aizdomas, ka liela daļa neko nesajēdza no tā kas bija kontroldarbā. Āāa, un skoti mani jau atkal pārsteidza ar savām izcilajām matemātikas zināšanām. Skolotājs uz tāfeles rēķināja piemēru. Tad parādījās 'ir apmēram vienāds ar' zīme (man telefonā nav šī zīme, bet nu zinat tak, vienādības zīme (=), bet augšējās svītras vietā vilnītis (~)). Un viena meitene paziņoja, ka šādu zīmi redz pirmo reizi mūžā!!! .... Mjāā... no comment.
Pēc semināra bija stunda brīva. Es nopirku lielo kafiju (bija tā vērts, tomēr nebiju daudz gulējusi, un ne jau katru dienu ir ekonomikas kontroldarbs) un pārlasīju šo to no pierakstiem.
Stunda paskrēja ļoti veikli, devos uz lekcijas zāli.
Blah, blah, blah..
Beidzot sākām kontroldarbu. Pirmo daļu izpildīju ļoti aši, jo zināju, ka nevar pārāk daudz laika pavadīt pie dažiem jautājumiem. Tas ķēros pie 'rēķināmās' daļas. Un tas viss. Es pabeidzu apmēram 35 minūšu laikā! Atbildēju uz visiem jautājumiem, un nekur nenācās prātot, vai ir pareizi vai nē. Darbu pārlasīju, pārbaudīju divas reizes, un iesniedzu pirms stunda bija galā. Man bija liels prieks, ka kontroldarbs no tiesas nebija sarežģīts. Bet varbūt, ka tas, ka mācījos atmaksājās? :)
Devos uz skolas interneta kafejnīcu, lai izprintētu šo to otrdienas kontroldarbam. Un no zila gaisa uzradās KĀDS. Tad mēs kopā devāmies atpakaļ uz kojām. ;))
Paēdu pusdienas, tagad rakstu šo te, varbūt izmazgāšu drēbes, tad pačučēšu, lai vakarā ir spēka ballēties.
Esmu dzīva, pagaidām.
Rīt atkal pārslēgšos uz mācīšanās režīmu, lai arī socioloģijas kontroldarbā labi sokas.
Atā, lai jums raibs piektdienas vakars.
Jāteic, biju dikti uztraukusies, jo pagājušajā nedēļā profesors mūs pārsteidza ar 'iesildīšanās' versiju. Mums tika dota stunda, lai to pabeigtu, bet man ar to nepietika. Līdz ar to domāju, ka šodien ar nebūs gana daudz laika. Pēdējās nedēļas laikā es, brīnumainā kārtā, patiešām mācījos un atkārtoju visu vielu kā normāls zubris. Draugiem jau bija līdz kaklam mana atruna: 'Sorry, i have to study'. Vakar nomācījos zaļa, un, kad KĀDS teica, ka esot neliela sanākšana, (t.i. ballīte), es nodomāju, ka tas ir tieši tas ko man vajag. Manas smadzenes bija jau apkaltušas. Hahaha. Bija tiešām jauki uz brīdi nedomāt par ekonomiku (elasticity of demand, supply, demand, taxes, subsidies, cieling price, positive economics, normative economics, marginal costs, deminishing law of returns.... UTT).
Aizgāju vēlu gulēt. No rīta mana dzīvokļa biedrene smagi rosījās, bija pieci no rīta. Trokšņu dēļ pamodos un nevarēju vairs aizmigt. Pavadīju pāris stundas gultā ausoties mūziku. Nu un, protams, ka sāpēja galva, kā jau tas pienākas. Pēc dušas jutos jau daudz labāk, un brokastu gurķmaizītei ar nebija ne vainas.
Devos uz semināru, tas sākās deviņos. Es cerēju, ka varēsim pavaicāt pēdējos neskaidros jautājumus (divas lietas man vēl bija biči neskaidras..).. Bet citiem bija debīli jautājumi. Man vispār aizdomas, ka liela daļa neko nesajēdza no tā kas bija kontroldarbā. Āāa, un skoti mani jau atkal pārsteidza ar savām izcilajām matemātikas zināšanām. Skolotājs uz tāfeles rēķināja piemēru. Tad parādījās 'ir apmēram vienāds ar' zīme (man telefonā nav šī zīme, bet nu zinat tak, vienādības zīme (=), bet augšējās svītras vietā vilnītis (~)). Un viena meitene paziņoja, ka šādu zīmi redz pirmo reizi mūžā!!! .... Mjāā... no comment.
Pēc semināra bija stunda brīva. Es nopirku lielo kafiju (bija tā vērts, tomēr nebiju daudz gulējusi, un ne jau katru dienu ir ekonomikas kontroldarbs) un pārlasīju šo to no pierakstiem.
Stunda paskrēja ļoti veikli, devos uz lekcijas zāli.
Blah, blah, blah..
Beidzot sākām kontroldarbu. Pirmo daļu izpildīju ļoti aši, jo zināju, ka nevar pārāk daudz laika pavadīt pie dažiem jautājumiem. Tas ķēros pie 'rēķināmās' daļas. Un tas viss. Es pabeidzu apmēram 35 minūšu laikā! Atbildēju uz visiem jautājumiem, un nekur nenācās prātot, vai ir pareizi vai nē. Darbu pārlasīju, pārbaudīju divas reizes, un iesniedzu pirms stunda bija galā. Man bija liels prieks, ka kontroldarbs no tiesas nebija sarežģīts. Bet varbūt, ka tas, ka mācījos atmaksājās? :)
Devos uz skolas interneta kafejnīcu, lai izprintētu šo to otrdienas kontroldarbam. Un no zila gaisa uzradās KĀDS. Tad mēs kopā devāmies atpakaļ uz kojām. ;))
Paēdu pusdienas, tagad rakstu šo te, varbūt izmazgāšu drēbes, tad pačučēšu, lai vakarā ir spēka ballēties.
Esmu dzīva, pagaidām.
Rīt atkal pārslēgšos uz mācīšanās režīmu, lai arī socioloģijas kontroldarbā labi sokas.
Atā, lai jums raibs piektdienas vakars.
Thursday, 24 March 2011
Party Test
-We're having a little gathering.
-What kind of 'gathering'?
-Like last thursday. [it was st. Patrics day, i.e. lots of beer]
-So there's going to be drinking?
Yes, of course i went to the get together! Majour test coming up in a few hours. Maaaan this was so worth it. Just hope i will not have a bad hangover tomorrow.
Good night (good night, good night, good night, good night, good night, good night, good night.....)
And, no, i do not have your slipper. (Don't worry, it's an inside joke, you're not supposed to get it (just like the 'good night' thing).)
Yes, sorry, i'll shut up now.
-What kind of 'gathering'?
-Like last thursday. [it was st. Patrics day, i.e. lots of beer]
-So there's going to be drinking?
Yes, of course i went to the get together! Majour test coming up in a few hours. Maaaan this was so worth it. Just hope i will not have a bad hangover tomorrow.
Good night (good night, good night, good night, good night, good night, good night, good night.....)
And, no, i do not have your slipper. (Don't worry, it's an inside joke, you're not supposed to get it (just like the 'good night' thing).)
Yes, sorry, i'll shut up now.
Wednesday, 23 March 2011
Will it be an 'A'?
I'm in a good mood today despite everything else. :D
Today was the first assesment at uni this trimester. It was a group presentation for 'Reflections on Social Science' module. It will determine 50% of the final mark for this class. So guess what, it was a damn important presentation.
I was in a group with four guys. And, of course, i was really happy to work with guys, because i think guys can do better... But i could be wrong... I simply feel that i work better with guys then with girls.
We had to explore and research to answer the question ''Does social class matter?'' (Of course it does!)
Anyway. Today we met up at 9am at our uni's library and worked on the presentation ALL day, until 4pm. It sure was a long day, and I hadn't slept much, and was really tired. And, needless to say, i didn't have much to eat for breakfast. I was really glad to know that everyone had done research for the examples, and social class theories. You know, group work really is where the statement ''You're as strong as the weakest link'' applies. Can't express the joy that everyone did something.
So we worked on this thing for a long, long time (and, unfortunatelly, we did not go to the lecture, instead we kept working on putting together the whole thing).
We were the third of four groups to present. It went fairly smooth, other than the fact that one guy went into too much detail about Marks and Weber, and Functionalism. We went a bit over time, but no one cared. The tutor had only two criticisms for the whole thing. And at the end of the workshop he came up to us and said that we'll probably get an A for the presentation. Needless to say, we were the best of the four groups.
So then we decided to go to the Union to celebrate the Scottish style, with a pint (or more) of beer. Yeah, it was not late, and i think it was the first time i had beer so early in the day (oh no it wasn't, my bad hahaha). Btw, call me cheap, but the guys payed for my beer. What ever. Guys are an awesome species sometimes. LOL
Now that we've done celebrating, i'm back to stress about Friday's and Tuesday's tests. But i think i'll take a break today and study all day tomorrow. I'm just exhausted.
Peace yo. :D
Today was the first assesment at uni this trimester. It was a group presentation for 'Reflections on Social Science' module. It will determine 50% of the final mark for this class. So guess what, it was a damn important presentation.
I was in a group with four guys. And, of course, i was really happy to work with guys, because i think guys can do better... But i could be wrong... I simply feel that i work better with guys then with girls.
We had to explore and research to answer the question ''Does social class matter?'' (Of course it does!)
Anyway. Today we met up at 9am at our uni's library and worked on the presentation ALL day, until 4pm. It sure was a long day, and I hadn't slept much, and was really tired. And, needless to say, i didn't have much to eat for breakfast. I was really glad to know that everyone had done research for the examples, and social class theories. You know, group work really is where the statement ''You're as strong as the weakest link'' applies. Can't express the joy that everyone did something.
So we worked on this thing for a long, long time (and, unfortunatelly, we did not go to the lecture, instead we kept working on putting together the whole thing).
We were the third of four groups to present. It went fairly smooth, other than the fact that one guy went into too much detail about Marks and Weber, and Functionalism. We went a bit over time, but no one cared. The tutor had only two criticisms for the whole thing. And at the end of the workshop he came up to us and said that we'll probably get an A for the presentation. Needless to say, we were the best of the four groups.
So then we decided to go to the Union to celebrate the Scottish style, with a pint (or more) of beer. Yeah, it was not late, and i think it was the first time i had beer so early in the day (oh no it wasn't, my bad hahaha). Btw, call me cheap, but the guys payed for my beer. What ever. Guys are an awesome species sometimes. LOL
Now that we've done celebrating, i'm back to stress about Friday's and Tuesday's tests. But i think i'll take a break today and study all day tomorrow. I'm just exhausted.
Peace yo. :D
new phone post,
student union,
Monday, 21 March 2011
Friday, 18 March 2011
Chuck Norris
"All jokes aside, Chuck Norris truly does have the following black belts: 1st degree in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, 8th Degree Grandmaster in Tae Kwon Do, 9th degree in Jeet Kune Do under Bruce Lee and Lee’s best student, Dan Inosanto, 10th degree in Shito Ryu Karate, 10th degree in Tang Soo Do, 11th degree in Chun Kuk Do."
fun fact,
new phone post
Thursday, 17 March 2011
Iemaldījies tomāts. Atkod mani. Atkod to ko vēlos pasacīt un uz pieres piespraudīšu Tev zelta zvaigzni.
Šodien, starpictu, svēta Patrika diena, bet es nekur neiešu... Nu varbūt aiziešu ciemos pie sava iedomu drauga pirms viņš uz Glāzgovu dosies. Tas vēl nav līdz galam izlemts.
Šodien, starpictu, svēta Patrika diena, bet es nekur neiešu... Nu varbūt aiziešu ciemos pie sava iedomu drauga pirms viņš uz Glāzgovu dosies. Tas vēl nav līdz galam izlemts.
I'll always remain as the girl that said "goodbye" before saying "hello". You should take a note of that.
new phone post
Monday, 14 March 2011
Poker Face
It's Monday today. Wait. Let me say that again. It's Monday today.
Hmmm..interesting, my brain seems to hafe died(?) Alright, one more time. Ready?
Today's Monday! Monday! Monday! Monday! It's Monday you fool.
This can't be good. My brain is not responding to this.
Neh, forget about Monday. What really matters is that yesterday was Sunday.
I was at the Latvian poker tourney thing yesterday. It went much better than last time. Don't know if I mentioned, but two weeks ago there were 12 players, and I, sadly, placed 8th. Of course it's grwat that I wasn't the first one to fall out, but that's not a really good place, if you ask me. Though there's aanother factor to it. Last time was theirst time I played poker with these people. My main goal then was to get to see what it looked like, how it, was, and what sort of people were playing. Yesterday I went to Glasgow with the last bit of cash I had. I didn't pay for the train (yeah, the first time ever, and i feel bad for it, i'll try my best for it to not happen again!). There was a 5 pound by-in for the tourney. For a person who has roughly around 8 pounds, that's more than half of what i have. I got one beer, just because we're at a pub and not getting anything didn't seem right. It was the cheapest thing there, and was 2 pounds. Now i've got around one pound in my pocket. This means that I don't even have enough to get home.
Remember when I said that I need to figure out my priorities, this was what I was talking about. I go to Glasgow so I can play poker while, and at the same time, I eat legit shit (excuse my language), and cancel dates with the guy that I really, really like. There must be something wrong with my head!
Well this time I figured that if I want to get home by bus (the trains don't go so late anymore), then I HAVE to, at least, get in the third place at this poker tourney. This time there were 10 people playing. 5 pounds from each person. The first three places divide the money, this time it was, £5 for 3rd place, £15 for 2nd, and £30 for the winner. If i'd at least get the third place, i'd get back the five that I had to pay in, and i'd be able to get home.
We begun by playing at two tables, 5 players at each one. Then the guy who got the first place last time was the first one to lose. It was ironic. To make it better, the second to lose all his chips was the one who was second last time around. Now that there was 8 people left, we all came in to play at one table. I had just lost a hand, so it was pretty sad, since now there were more people to compete against.
Fast forward. >>
Now there's five people left at the table. Some of the people who lost were still sticking around to chat, play poker amongst themselves, and to see how the game would end. The person who had won last time and lost this time was talking to me, and he asked me how will it go. To which I said that this week i'm here to win, and I said that i'll either be first or second. I could see that he was thinking that I just talk much. He asked me if I was sure and I told him that i came with this thought me in my head. He asked if i was thinking the same last time, and i said 'no, last time I came to see what this whole thing is like'. Right at that time i lost a fairly big pot. And he said 'Salielījies?' (showed off too much?). I explained to him that it was just one hand. It went bad for a few hands. I called someone's all in, and lost. Don't forget that now the blinds are getting bigger, and bigger, so it's a serious business. Haha.
Then the guy who was the chip leader started to play way too loose, and ended up losing. It was four of us now. Two guys, and two girls (there's only three girls playing by the way). One of the guys had way less chips. The other girl had most chips since she had called the all-in of the 5th place. While I was, chip cound wise, the third. We playes a lot of hands, and then finally the guy with least chips lost. Well guess what, this meant that i'll be able to get back to my student residence - joy! But the game doesn't end there. I still said that i'd get the second or first place. So here I was, i had the least chips. The only guy left kept going all in, though he had a lot of chips. Then the other girl finally called, and ended up losing most of her chips. And in not many hands she lost. Two plaers left. Chips were around equal count now, wellI had a bit more. Needless to say, the guy kept going all in, and I kept folding. Then I got a good hand, an ace and a queen, and called. He had a weaked hand, but he won the pot with two pairs. I had almost lost. I went all in three times in a row, and won. But the forth 'all-in' ended the game and thd guy won. :D
So now I had my money for the bus and I had my pride, for I had gotten in the second place. I think that's a win-win position.
Anywho. After the pub i texted my imaginary friend, the laserman. And, luckely he was still up. (Was close to midnight.) And he had remembered that I had a poker night, which for me was a big surprise. So we texted back and forth. Then i met a friend on the bus. I got back to my room, and texted laserman.. Soon enough I got my 'good night' message, and then I was off to sleep.
But it's Monday today. I'm off to eat something, and then i'll go to the library - research time.
Hmmm..interesting, my brain seems to hafe died(?) Alright, one more time. Ready?
Today's Monday! Monday! Monday! Monday! It's Monday you fool.
This can't be good. My brain is not responding to this.
Neh, forget about Monday. What really matters is that yesterday was Sunday.
I was at the Latvian poker tourney thing yesterday. It went much better than last time. Don't know if I mentioned, but two weeks ago there were 12 players, and I, sadly, placed 8th. Of course it's grwat that I wasn't the first one to fall out, but that's not a really good place, if you ask me. Though there's aanother factor to it. Last time was theirst time I played poker with these people. My main goal then was to get to see what it looked like, how it, was, and what sort of people were playing. Yesterday I went to Glasgow with the last bit of cash I had. I didn't pay for the train (yeah, the first time ever, and i feel bad for it, i'll try my best for it to not happen again!). There was a 5 pound by-in for the tourney. For a person who has roughly around 8 pounds, that's more than half of what i have. I got one beer, just because we're at a pub and not getting anything didn't seem right. It was the cheapest thing there, and was 2 pounds. Now i've got around one pound in my pocket. This means that I don't even have enough to get home.
Remember when I said that I need to figure out my priorities, this was what I was talking about. I go to Glasgow so I can play poker while, and at the same time, I eat legit shit (excuse my language), and cancel dates with the guy that I really, really like. There must be something wrong with my head!
Well this time I figured that if I want to get home by bus (the trains don't go so late anymore), then I HAVE to, at least, get in the third place at this poker tourney. This time there were 10 people playing. 5 pounds from each person. The first three places divide the money, this time it was, £5 for 3rd place, £15 for 2nd, and £30 for the winner. If i'd at least get the third place, i'd get back the five that I had to pay in, and i'd be able to get home.
We begun by playing at two tables, 5 players at each one. Then the guy who got the first place last time was the first one to lose. It was ironic. To make it better, the second to lose all his chips was the one who was second last time around. Now that there was 8 people left, we all came in to play at one table. I had just lost a hand, so it was pretty sad, since now there were more people to compete against.
Fast forward. >>
Now there's five people left at the table. Some of the people who lost were still sticking around to chat, play poker amongst themselves, and to see how the game would end. The person who had won last time and lost this time was talking to me, and he asked me how will it go. To which I said that this week i'm here to win, and I said that i'll either be first or second. I could see that he was thinking that I just talk much. He asked me if I was sure and I told him that i came with this thought me in my head. He asked if i was thinking the same last time, and i said 'no, last time I came to see what this whole thing is like'. Right at that time i lost a fairly big pot. And he said 'Salielījies?' (showed off too much?). I explained to him that it was just one hand. It went bad for a few hands. I called someone's all in, and lost. Don't forget that now the blinds are getting bigger, and bigger, so it's a serious business. Haha.
Then the guy who was the chip leader started to play way too loose, and ended up losing. It was four of us now. Two guys, and two girls (there's only three girls playing by the way). One of the guys had way less chips. The other girl had most chips since she had called the all-in of the 5th place. While I was, chip cound wise, the third. We playes a lot of hands, and then finally the guy with least chips lost. Well guess what, this meant that i'll be able to get back to my student residence - joy! But the game doesn't end there. I still said that i'd get the second or first place. So here I was, i had the least chips. The only guy left kept going all in, though he had a lot of chips. Then the other girl finally called, and ended up losing most of her chips. And in not many hands she lost. Two plaers left. Chips were around equal count now, wellI had a bit more. Needless to say, the guy kept going all in, and I kept folding. Then I got a good hand, an ace and a queen, and called. He had a weaked hand, but he won the pot with two pairs. I had almost lost. I went all in three times in a row, and won. But the forth 'all-in' ended the game and thd guy won. :D
So now I had my money for the bus and I had my pride, for I had gotten in the second place. I think that's a win-win position.
Anywho. After the pub i texted my imaginary friend, the laserman. And, luckely he was still up. (Was close to midnight.) And he had remembered that I had a poker night, which for me was a big surprise. So we texted back and forth. Then i met a friend on the bus. I got back to my room, and texted laserman.. Soon enough I got my 'good night' message, and then I was off to sleep.
But it's Monday today. I'm off to eat something, and then i'll go to the library - research time.
new phone post,
Sunday, 13 March 2011
Tell You Something
Thought about tweeting this, but I couldn't formulate it the right way. I'll try again, since here I have more characters to spare.
You've been on my mind almost all the time now. I think about you when I go to sleep after reading your good night message, and i think about you in the morning when i open my eyes and remember the dream where you played the protagonist. You come across my mind when my day's been a hell, because the thought of you makes me smile despite everything that goes wrong. Don't worry, I also think of you in the happy moments, like when I see the sun up hight, and the clouds parting. I alslo think of you when I see the stars during night.
And to be honest, right now all i want is to kiss you. And when ever I get to see you, I can't stop wondering when will be our next kiss. I always want to just grab you and kiss you, and for you to never let go.
And if you ever do not text me for a whole day (oh god, the Friday was a nightmare!) I feel like my day isn't complete.
But i'll keep back despite this all. You know i can't tell you how I feel. Or do you?? I'm loving the pase we're going at, I wouldn't change a thing.... If only you could sneak in a little more kisses.. That would be like heaven.
ALRIGHT, and now back to reality. I've got loads to do today. And i'll keep you in my mind, as always. Right now i just need to sort out my priorities, they're getting mixed up, sadly. Hang in there. I hope to see (a.k.a. KISS) You soon..
Oh, and the good old phrase "This is where I shut up!" comes in right here, and now the curtain falls. Bye, bye..
You've been on my mind almost all the time now. I think about you when I go to sleep after reading your good night message, and i think about you in the morning when i open my eyes and remember the dream where you played the protagonist. You come across my mind when my day's been a hell, because the thought of you makes me smile despite everything that goes wrong. Don't worry, I also think of you in the happy moments, like when I see the sun up hight, and the clouds parting. I alslo think of you when I see the stars during night.
And to be honest, right now all i want is to kiss you. And when ever I get to see you, I can't stop wondering when will be our next kiss. I always want to just grab you and kiss you, and for you to never let go.
And if you ever do not text me for a whole day (oh god, the Friday was a nightmare!) I feel like my day isn't complete.
But i'll keep back despite this all. You know i can't tell you how I feel. Or do you?? I'm loving the pase we're going at, I wouldn't change a thing.... If only you could sneak in a little more kisses.. That would be like heaven.
ALRIGHT, and now back to reality. I've got loads to do today. And i'll keep you in my mind, as always. Right now i just need to sort out my priorities, they're getting mixed up, sadly. Hang in there. I hope to see (a.k.a. KISS) You soon..
Oh, and the good old phrase "This is where I shut up!" comes in right here, and now the curtain falls. Bye, bye..
new phone post,
par daudz,
Friday, 11 March 2011
Pasakas beigas.
Nu pietiek.
Tagad zvaigznes slīgs manā akvārijā, un es neļaušu ne Tev, nedz ar kādam citam tās zagt. Manas zvaigznes, mans pusmēness, viss mans. Un velns ar visiem ārzemniekiem, lai iet, lai dzen, lai bēg. Man vienalga. Uzšauj naglai pa galvu. Jā, pēdējā lode palikusi, tāpēc notēmē labi, pirms tā tiek izsperta. Vai man skaitīt, lai zini, kad šaut? Man vienalga. Šauj kaut tagad, vai arī pagaidi vēl. Jā, man vienalga. Tā pat jau izpļāpājos par daudz. Arī man beidzot vajadzētu iemācīties klusēt, kad jātur mute ciet, bet runāt, kad ir kas jēdzīgs ko teikt.
Tikai retais spētu saprast. Es meloju, neviens nesaprastu. Un kā maz zināt, kad klusēt, kad nē? Kurš gan priekšā pasacīs?
Ārā vēss, vēl agrs pavasaris. Jāuztraucas par draugiem, kas otrā pasaules malā cīnās ar neuzvaramo. Gluži vienkārši jātur īkšķi neko vairāk jau nepadarīsi. Zinātu kā, varbūt palūgtu dievam, lai stāv klāt, bet tas jau sen kādā krogā nodzēries, tā pat nekas nelīdzēs.
Jāpārgriež vadi kamēr šķēres vēl assas. Par daudz mezglu savijušies. Iesaku iegādāties bezvadu telefonu, bezvadu internetu, un bezvadu dzīvi arī. Nav ko ķēpāties ar pelēkiem vadiem.
Visu nobloķējam, lai neviens netiek klāt, un drošības labad, izdzēšam košākās ziņas, noraujam vēl neizliktos plakātus. Kad viss nobeigts, jājam prom baltā zigra sedlos. Princi atstājam grāvmalā, lai iet ar citiem krupjiem draudzēties.
Gana. Es klusēju.
Tagad zvaigznes slīgs manā akvārijā, un es neļaušu ne Tev, nedz ar kādam citam tās zagt. Manas zvaigznes, mans pusmēness, viss mans. Un velns ar visiem ārzemniekiem, lai iet, lai dzen, lai bēg. Man vienalga. Uzšauj naglai pa galvu. Jā, pēdējā lode palikusi, tāpēc notēmē labi, pirms tā tiek izsperta. Vai man skaitīt, lai zini, kad šaut? Man vienalga. Šauj kaut tagad, vai arī pagaidi vēl. Jā, man vienalga. Tā pat jau izpļāpājos par daudz. Arī man beidzot vajadzētu iemācīties klusēt, kad jātur mute ciet, bet runāt, kad ir kas jēdzīgs ko teikt.
Tikai retais spētu saprast. Es meloju, neviens nesaprastu. Un kā maz zināt, kad klusēt, kad nē? Kurš gan priekšā pasacīs?
Ārā vēss, vēl agrs pavasaris. Jāuztraucas par draugiem, kas otrā pasaules malā cīnās ar neuzvaramo. Gluži vienkārši jātur īkšķi neko vairāk jau nepadarīsi. Zinātu kā, varbūt palūgtu dievam, lai stāv klāt, bet tas jau sen kādā krogā nodzēries, tā pat nekas nelīdzēs.
Jāpārgriež vadi kamēr šķēres vēl assas. Par daudz mezglu savijušies. Iesaku iegādāties bezvadu telefonu, bezvadu internetu, un bezvadu dzīvi arī. Nav ko ķēpāties ar pelēkiem vadiem.
Visu nobloķējam, lai neviens netiek klāt, un drošības labad, izdzēšam košākās ziņas, noraujam vēl neizliktos plakātus. Kad viss nobeigts, jājam prom baltā zigra sedlos. Princi atstājam grāvmalā, lai iet ar citiem krupjiem draudzēties.
Gana. Es klusēju.
Who's Got Your Eye?
Oh, so there's a guy who's seariously gotten my eye on him.
...just saying. :D
Anywho, it's my least favourite, AND the most favourite day of the week - Friday. And yes, I hope I'll be seeing him today.
Paka for now.
...just saying. :D
Anywho, it's my least favourite, AND the most favourite day of the week - Friday. And yes, I hope I'll be seeing him today.
Paka for now.
new phone post,
student union,
Monday, 7 March 2011
Where did it all change? How did the blue turn into purple? Why did the message tone morph into something else? Why did the city far, far away suddenly appear so close?
Can change be good?
The truth (yeah, what the heck, I can tell the truth sometimes) is that I don't know where it begun, or why it did. Frankly, I don't even know it it has begun. Either way it seems odd; odder than odd. And for some reason it's giving me the strength to keep going. I'll take it for that... and maybe more.
It's all for me, to comprehend what's going on.
So now I'll shut up before I say too much.
Can change be good?
The truth (yeah, what the heck, I can tell the truth sometimes) is that I don't know where it begun, or why it did. Frankly, I don't even know it it has begun. Either way it seems odd; odder than odd. And for some reason it's giving me the strength to keep going. I'll take it for that... and maybe more.
It's all for me, to comprehend what's going on.
So now I'll shut up before I say too much.
Sunday, 6 March 2011
Randiņu laikam nāksies atcelt. Man nav spēka šodien. Un iekšas vēl skalo pēdējo dienu alus un vīns. Domāju, ka jāizdara kaut kas saprātīgs pārmaiņas spēc. Piemēram, varētu sazināties ar kursa biedriem un kopā palasīt grāmatas par mikroekonomiku. Protams, ka tas tā pat nenotiks, bet gudras domas cilāt jau nav nekas kaitīgs veselībai.
Starp citu, dabūju dančus. Neba jau labos dančus, bet skotu tradicionālas dejas ir, šķiet, labākais iespējamais variants. Bija forši!
Tagad mēģināšu pagulēt. Kas zi, varbūt izdodas iemigt.
Starp citu, dabūju dančus. Neba jau labos dančus, bet skotu tradicionālas dejas ir, šķiet, labākais iespējamais variants. Bija forši!
Tagad mēģināšu pagulēt. Kas zi, varbūt izdodas iemigt.
Friday, 4 March 2011
Šodiena, piektdiena.
Vai pamanīji? Es nomainīju fona bildi. Apnika man tā krāsošana. Tā pat visu pasauli dzeltenu nenokrāsos neviens.
Beidzot pienākusi piektdiena. Man besī. Nedēļas nogalēs gribu nedēļas vidu, bet nedēļa vidū gribas nogales. Īsāk sakot negribas neko. Bet to jau es kaut kad teicu, Twīterī laikam.
Eju tēlot muļķi.
Un vispār džeku būšana ir reāls sviests. Man sāk apnikt tā tūļāšanās un tizlie randiņu likumi. Murgs gatavais.
Beidzot pienākusi piektdiena. Man besī. Nedēļas nogalēs gribu nedēļas vidu, bet nedēļa vidū gribas nogales. Īsāk sakot negribas neko. Bet to jau es kaut kad teicu, Twīterī laikam.
Un vispār džeku būšana ir reāls sviests. Man sāk apnikt tā tūļāšanās un tizlie randiņu likumi. Murgs gatavais.
Thursday, 3 March 2011
3. marts
Šodien ir trešais marts, Martam šodien vārda diena. Vai tu pazīsti kādu zēnu vārdā Marts? Es nē. Bet būtu forši kādu zināt. "Marta satika Martu," jeb arī "Marts satika Martu." Tev taisnība es te galīgi sviestā runāju. Atceros, ka daudzkārt cilvēki domājuši, ka man martā ir vārda diena. Es pati savu vārdu nekad neesmu asociējusi ar marta mēnisi. Es jau sāku putroties pa martām un martiem. Viss.
Vakar uznāca nostaļģija par visu kas bijis. Sarakstīju veciem draugiem vēstules. Šodien ar vēl pāris uzrakstīju. Kas zin, atbildēs vai nē, bet nu uzrakstīts ir. Ir grūti izdomāt ko rakstīt, kad sen neesmu sazinājusies ar konkrētiem cilvēkiem. Tā pat gibas, lai abild, nu vismaz vienu vēstulīti. Gan saproti mani (?).
Par nostaļģiju. Domāju par vecajām skolām, gaiteņiem, skolotājiem, klases telpām, klases biedriem.. Par pārtraukumiem, par mācīšanos, un nemācīšanos... Par ballītēm, nogurumu, eksāmeniem.. Pat par krītu un flomasteriem. Par teju visu iedomājos.
Tad prātā iečāpoja atmiņas par Straupi. Biči rauda uzmetās.. Bet tad armiņu jūra. Šūpoles, Džimis, siena kaudzes, zemenes, kazees, arbūzi.. Brasla, zivis, makšķerēšana, Dzirnavnieks, grāvis, ..BLĒŅAS! . naglas, dēļi, sarūsējuši darbarīki, Pelīte, veikals, pietura, bedre uz kaimiņu pusi, slota, metāla bļoda, virpa, mušu pletne, televīzors, sērkociņi, zole, cepumi, podziņas, vasara, ogu lasīšana, ĀBOLI, gliemeži, smilšu kaste, burkāni, kalna 'nometne', tēja, piparmētras, vērmeles, pulkstens, bēniņi, Miki pele, žurkas, pagrabs, bietes un kartupeļi, saldējums, vārda diena, Jāņi, Līgo vakars, lietus, dārzs, ... atmiņas.
Atcerējos Itāliju.. Marmora grīdas, skola, uniformas, pokemoni, reksis, eglīte, Kolizejs, vasara, Vatikāns, ūdens krāni, dators, papīra lidmašīnas, blēņas, zobi, asaras, Līgo pantiņi, lazaņa, tira mi su, miegs, sarkana gulta, kaila glezna, lielais galds, biļete, jūra, viļņi, saule, metro, tramvajs, nogurums, ah-kleita, tirdziņš, persiki, arbūzi, zaļumi, zivis, somas, lakati, Trevī, SALDĒJUMS, pica, šauras ielas, grāmatas, tūristi, Jaunais gads, policisti, priesteri, māsa, šampanietis, ciemiņi, vilšanās, mašīna, ceļojums, Kapri, šokolāde, kaktuss, konfektes, gada grāmatas, angļu valoda, WWF, tirdziņi, Angelo, mīkstās futbola bumbas, čells, dejas, brilles, dzimšanas dienas, dāvanas, zinātne, uzlīmes, gotiņas, spēles, burtnīcas, zīmuļi, lidmašīnas, autobus, Varšava, miegs, zvaigznes, nakts, kalendārs, vēstules, kartiņas, ROMA, ... ...
Atcerējos arī par daudz ko citu, bet man liekas, ka nav veselīgi pārāk daudz domāt par bijušo.
Tagad jāmācas, jādomā par tusiņiem un puišiem, un jādomā par mācībām, par darbu nobeigšanu, par ēst gatavošanu, un par daudz, daudz ko citu... Es tač jau pirms mēneša atvadījos no pagātnes tomēr. ;]
Es iešu kaut ko padarīt. Paka.
Vakar uznāca nostaļģija par visu kas bijis. Sarakstīju veciem draugiem vēstules. Šodien ar vēl pāris uzrakstīju. Kas zin, atbildēs vai nē, bet nu uzrakstīts ir. Ir grūti izdomāt ko rakstīt, kad sen neesmu sazinājusies ar konkrētiem cilvēkiem. Tā pat gibas, lai abild, nu vismaz vienu vēstulīti. Gan saproti mani (?).
Par nostaļģiju. Domāju par vecajām skolām, gaiteņiem, skolotājiem, klases telpām, klases biedriem.. Par pārtraukumiem, par mācīšanos, un nemācīšanos... Par ballītēm, nogurumu, eksāmeniem.. Pat par krītu un flomasteriem. Par teju visu iedomājos.
Tad prātā iečāpoja atmiņas par Straupi. Biči rauda uzmetās.. Bet tad armiņu jūra. Šūpoles, Džimis, siena kaudzes, zemenes, kazees, arbūzi.. Brasla, zivis, makšķerēšana, Dzirnavnieks, grāvis, ..BLĒŅAS! . naglas, dēļi, sarūsējuši darbarīki, Pelīte, veikals, pietura, bedre uz kaimiņu pusi, slota, metāla bļoda, virpa, mušu pletne, televīzors, sērkociņi, zole, cepumi, podziņas, vasara, ogu lasīšana, ĀBOLI, gliemeži, smilšu kaste, burkāni, kalna 'nometne', tēja, piparmētras, vērmeles, pulkstens, bēniņi, Miki pele, žurkas, pagrabs, bietes un kartupeļi, saldējums, vārda diena, Jāņi, Līgo vakars, lietus, dārzs, ... atmiņas.
Atcerējos Itāliju.. Marmora grīdas, skola, uniformas, pokemoni, reksis, eglīte, Kolizejs, vasara, Vatikāns, ūdens krāni, dators, papīra lidmašīnas, blēņas, zobi, asaras, Līgo pantiņi, lazaņa, tira mi su, miegs, sarkana gulta, kaila glezna, lielais galds, biļete, jūra, viļņi, saule, metro, tramvajs, nogurums, ah-kleita, tirdziņš, persiki, arbūzi, zaļumi, zivis, somas, lakati, Trevī, SALDĒJUMS, pica, šauras ielas, grāmatas, tūristi, Jaunais gads, policisti, priesteri, māsa, šampanietis, ciemiņi, vilšanās, mašīna, ceļojums, Kapri, šokolāde, kaktuss, konfektes, gada grāmatas, angļu valoda, WWF, tirdziņi, Angelo, mīkstās futbola bumbas, čells, dejas, brilles, dzimšanas dienas, dāvanas, zinātne, uzlīmes, gotiņas, spēles, burtnīcas, zīmuļi, lidmašīnas, autobus, Varšava, miegs, zvaigznes, nakts, kalendārs, vēstules, kartiņas, ROMA, ... ...
Atcerējos arī par daudz ko citu, bet man liekas, ka nav veselīgi pārāk daudz domāt par bijušo.
Tagad jāmācas, jādomā par tusiņiem un puišiem, un jādomā par mācībām, par darbu nobeigšanu, par ēst gatavošanu, un par daudz, daudz ko citu... Es tač jau pirms mēneša atvadījos no pagātnes tomēr. ;]
Es iešu kaut ko padarīt. Paka.
Wednesday, 2 March 2011
"Man lūdzu zāles pret ziņkārību, divas
devas Negribu neko vairs zināt, un vēlos
aizmirst to ko jau zinu."
Vot tā ir, ka vairs nemāku savākties un bāžu degunu visur kur nevajag.
Sēžu garlaicībā. Atcerējos, ka jāpāršķir visu trīs (!) kalendāru lapas. Un, protams, šodien tak Lailai vārda diena. Ak es aizmārša.
Mēğinu rast iemeslus kādēļ būtu vērts smaidīt. Daudz neko uzrakt nevaru.. un tomēr, varbūt ir vērts pasmaidīt. Kut spītības spēc.
Es tagad smaidu.
devas Negribu neko vairs zināt, un vēlos
aizmirst to ko jau zinu."
Vot tā ir, ka vairs nemāku savākties un bāžu degunu visur kur nevajag.
Sēžu garlaicībā. Atcerējos, ka jāpāršķir visu trīs (!) kalendāru lapas. Un, protams, šodien tak Lailai vārda diena. Ak es aizmārša.
Mēğinu rast iemeslus kādēļ būtu vērts smaidīt. Daudz neko uzrakt nevaru.. un tomēr, varbūt ir vērts pasmaidīt. Kut spītības spēc.
Es tagad smaidu.
new phone post,
Tuesday, 1 March 2011
Dzīve ir iegrozījusies tā ne pa jokām. Skaidrs ir tas, ka nekas nav skaidrs. Te notiek sliktas lietas, te labas. Te gribas gauzties un asaras liet, te gribās smaidīt no rīta līdz vēlai nakts stundai. Kad tas viss vienā katlā vārās, tad ir tā nedaudz par grūšu visu izstrebt. Gribas padoties, bet Tu jau zi, ka par spīti visam es turos.
Tuesday, 22 February 2011
"We don't need no education."
Today officially was the first time when I was struggling with terminology in one of my classes. We were talking about Emile Durkheim, and we were supposded to read an article. I didn't (no one did, as it turned out (dissapointment?)). So I was trying to read it during the group conversation but the workds weemed too complicated. Can you imagine? This is what it looked like:
Sociology term: Hey let me in!
My brain: Sorry, I don't know you.
Guess I'll have to look into one of those dictionaries that can be found at "any good bookstore".
Sociology term: Hey let me in!
My brain: Sorry, I don't know you.
Guess I'll have to look into one of those dictionaries that can be found at "any good bookstore".
Saturday, 19 February 2011
Fragment from wczoraj*
Him: Ok :-P but no kissing the boys, no nothing :-P
Me: Why not? :P
Him: Coz ill be jealous
Text messages kill!
*wczoraj means 'yesterday' in Polish
Me: Why not? :P
Him: Coz ill be jealous
Text messages kill!
*wczoraj means 'yesterday' in Polish
phone post,
Thursday, 17 February 2011
Šodien deguns sāp.
Devos uz veikalu pēc kečupa un tamlīdzīgiem brīnumiem (patiesībā gan nebija it nekā tamlīdzīga, bet vismaz varētu ieskaitīt to visu 'pārtikas' sadaļā (ja neskaita truku mazgājamo līdzekli, protams)). Nācās garām iet kādam kungam. Viņam mugurā bija bēšīgs plašķis, kājas bija tērptas netīrās tupelēs, un viņs oda pēc rauga. Es nejokoju. Viņš oda pēc rauga. Un nejau pēc tā rauga, kas smirdina visu Pulkveža Brieža ielas to galu, bet gan pēc ļoti nepatīkama rauga. Mans vesalais saprāts gan teca, ka tas nēsot raugs, bet kaut kas līdzīgs tam. Un, ja jābūt atklātai, tad es nemaz negribu zināt kas tas patiesībā bija.
Pāris dienas atpakaļ es devos mājās no kaut kurienes. Bija jau tumšs (jāteica, ka mani dikti priecē fakts, ka saule nu jau manāmi sāk rietēt vēlāk) un es, kā jau ziņkārīgā es, ielūrēju kāda dzīvokļa logā. Ķieģeļu ēka, tumši sarkana, ja pareizi atceros, dzīvolis bija trešajā, vai pat ceturtajā stāvā, aizskari bija plaši vaļā. Un uzmini ko es redzēju? Ziemassvētku lapmiņas. Es no tiesas pasmaidīju (labi, ka tuvumā (t.i. pretim) nebija kāds dīvains tipiņš, šis vēl nodomātu, ka viņam smaidu). Tas man likās savādi.
Šeit, ne kā Rīgā, ir palicis pavisam silts. Nu labi, ne pavisam, bet daudz, daudz siltāks. Nevaru pat iedomāties, kā letiņi mīcas pa Rīgas (un citu pilsētu) ielām. Žēl paliek. Šogad esmu palikusi mazliet salīga, un, kad vakars ir, tad izvēlos tomēr uzvilkt cimdus, bet plānos, protams.
Svētdien plānoju doties uz Glāzgovu, tur Kaupēnam (filmai) pirmizrāde Glāzgovā. Pirmo reizi satikšu citus vietējos letiņus (tas ir, ja neskaita tos, kas mācās manā universitātē un blakus koledžā). Ceru, ka būs forši. :D
Labi ļaudis, es tagad prom.
Pāris dienas atpakaļ es devos mājās no kaut kurienes. Bija jau tumšs (jāteica, ka mani dikti priecē fakts, ka saule nu jau manāmi sāk rietēt vēlāk) un es, kā jau ziņkārīgā es, ielūrēju kāda dzīvokļa logā. Ķieģeļu ēka, tumši sarkana, ja pareizi atceros, dzīvolis bija trešajā, vai pat ceturtajā stāvā, aizskari bija plaši vaļā. Un uzmini ko es redzēju? Ziemassvētku lapmiņas. Es no tiesas pasmaidīju (labi, ka tuvumā (t.i. pretim) nebija kāds dīvains tipiņš, šis vēl nodomātu, ka viņam smaidu). Tas man likās savādi.
Šeit, ne kā Rīgā, ir palicis pavisam silts. Nu labi, ne pavisam, bet daudz, daudz siltāks. Nevaru pat iedomāties, kā letiņi mīcas pa Rīgas (un citu pilsētu) ielām. Žēl paliek. Šogad esmu palikusi mazliet salīga, un, kad vakars ir, tad izvēlos tomēr uzvilkt cimdus, bet plānos, protams.
Svētdien plānoju doties uz Glāzgovu, tur Kaupēnam (filmai) pirmizrāde Glāzgovā. Pirmo reizi satikšu citus vietējos letiņus (tas ir, ja neskaita tos, kas mācās manā universitātē un blakus koledžā). Ceru, ka būs forši. :D
Labi ļaudis, es tagad prom.
Friday, 11 February 2011
Take That
Hell yeah, I've got a new blog, and there's no way you'll ever find it.
Just wanted to rub that in. Yeah, I'm that cruel.
Just wanted to rub that in. Yeah, I'm that cruel.
phone post
Tuesday, 8 February 2011 wait, what?
Today's not my day. It just smells like it's not my day. I couldn't sleep last night, ended up falling asleep at around 5am. My alarm was set so to make it timely to my lecture. However, I should have changed it since I had a seminar at ten. So my alarm went of at the time when i had to arrive at my seminar room. I got ready in about seven minutes, and ran to uni. Ok, I didn't run, but I walked fast. Was there at around fiveteen past, the tutour is really nice, so she didn't get all upset or anything. I joined in a group and it was all fine. I got back to my room after the seminar, to eat ans get ready properly to go to my afternoon lecture.
This time I had arrived at uni right on time. However the lecture hall, to my surprise, was empty. I figured maybe there was a room change. So I quickly went up to the interneta cafe to check my e-mail. And turns out the lecture had been cancelled. If only I'd ceck my student e-mail more often.
So now I'm busy answering messages on facebook, and other lame social networks, and e-mails, and all the other boring stuff. Yeah, count the blog update in as well.
Ok, i'm not in the mood of righting more bullsh!t, so bye now.
This time I had arrived at uni right on time. However the lecture hall, to my surprise, was empty. I figured maybe there was a room change. So I quickly went up to the interneta cafe to check my e-mail. And turns out the lecture had been cancelled. If only I'd ceck my student e-mail more often.
So now I'm busy answering messages on facebook, and other lame social networks, and e-mails, and all the other boring stuff. Yeah, count the blog update in as well.
Ok, i'm not in the mood of righting more bullsh!t, so bye now.
I Got it Fugured Out!
Remember when I said than "Men are made of dissapointment"?
.. couldn't figure what women were made of. Well, you'll be pleased to know, that I've got an answer. I could tell you several stories that lead me to this conclusion, but that would be going into far too much detail. No one wants that, right?
So, here it goes:
What do You think? Pretty cool, huh?
Remember when I said than "Men are made of dissapointment"?
.. couldn't figure what women were made of. Well, you'll be pleased to know, that I've got an answer. I could tell you several stories that lead me to this conclusion, but that would be going into far too much detail. No one wants that, right?
So, here it goes:
Women are made of wit.
What do You think? Pretty cool, huh?
Friday, 4 February 2011
Kāpēc ražot pildspalvas ir labs bizness?
Jauna rindkopa. Atkāpe. Svētbrīdis. Visiem tiek pavēlēts klusēt. Gluži kā piemiņas brīdī, tikai šoreiz par ik katru izdvesto skaņu būs sods. Sodi tiek mērīti pēc manas skalas. Jo skaļāks esi, jo dvēseliskāks sods. Es izklāstīšu kā tas notiek. Piemēram, ja neveiksmīgi sanāk nošķaudīties, tad tev blakus apstāsies meitene, kas šorīt starp krūtīm iepūtusi neciešamu smaržūdeni. Ja, nedod dies, tev sāks skanēt mobīlajā telefonā harmoniska melodija, jo, teiksim, tavs mīļais otrā pasaules malā vēlas tev novēlēt labu dienu, bet, lai tu šai/šim novēli saldu dusu, tad gan klāsies plāni. Šādās situācijās svētbrīdies tiek pagarināts par pusstundu, ne jau visiem, bet tikai tev. Tu tiksi iespiests starp vecām māmuļām, kas lūdz par Kristu, par tiem, kas sāp, par tiem, kas paši nemaz nemāk lūgt, un par daudz ko citu. Te tev būs jāstāv kā zaldātam, un jālūdz ar viņām. Nebaidies, mums ir detektori, kas spēj noteikt lūgšanu tilpumu. Ja tavējās neatbildīs augstajām prasībām, tad tiks piemērots trešās pakāpes sods. Apelācijas iespēja pastāv tikai tad, ja esi spējis savaldzināt māmuļas, kas līdz ar tevi lūgušas par pasaules mieru, un tamlīdzīgām pasakām. Tātad, tādas iespējas nepastāv. Punks. Nākamā rindkopa. Atkāpe. Trešās pakāpes sodu iztur tikai tie, kas zin, kas paši ir. Uzdevums ir ļoti sarežģīts (ja Einšteins būtu dzīvs, viņa atzinība noteikti tiktu piešķirta). Uz Apaļas formas lapiņas (tā, kā arī pildspalva, jums tiek iedota) ir jāuzraksta divi teikumi. Katrā drīgst būt ne vairāk kā piecpadsmit vārdi, un ne mazāk kā pieci. Kopā vārdu skaitam ir jābūt divdesmit, obligāts nosacījums. Šajos teikumos tev būs jāiekļauj atbilde uz sekojošu jautājumu: "Kas tu esi?" Kad tas ir izdarīts, apaļā lapiņa ir jāpārloka precīzi uz pusēm (jā, tas tiek parbaudīts), un tā jāievieto kabatā. Ja atbilde būs pareiza, tad dievnamu būsi spējīgs atstāt mierīgu prātu. Savkārt, ja uzrakstītā atbilde ir nepareiza, tevi dzenās pārmetumi visu mūžu. Punkts. Doma pabeigta. Nākamā rindkopa. Atkāpe. Mans ieteikums Tev? Neej uz dievnamu ar biksēm bez kabatām. Ziņas beigas.
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